Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

196, Observation and Interdimensional Movement Magic

Because we naturally need a comparison object, we will first make observations on this side.

Surprisingly many conditions are required for a human to be viable. For example, even if one air composition is taken, appropriate concentrations are needed across multiple parts, and if it contains ingredients that are harmful to the human body, survival becomes difficult.

The human body of the world before us is quite similar to the human body of this world to the conditions necessary for survival.

I'm not so familiar with it, but I appreciate previous knowledge being available.

First, we examine the environmental conditions that the human body needs to survive, and we try to isolate and actually simulate the space with magic.

It's just difficult to do human experiments, so it's only about comparing data.

By the way, this experiment, in addition to small-scale terraforming witchcraft, also helped create spacesuit-like witchcraft.

Although it's a last resort because it's a polar theory that if the environment isn't right, we can just force them together.

I knew it, but a species called the Fairy Clan can be considered the ultimate life form.

There is no life expectancy at all and no need to eat or sleep. And apparently we don't even need air.

It is also a testament to the fact that having spiritual power, which can also be considered a superior compatibility of magic power, is also a superior being.

Because even if you try one of the existing magic tricks, the output is so overwhelming that it makes a difference.

Because of this, it is impossible to activate magic at low output, but it has been eliminated by Kuti's magic.

Whatever it was, the investigation of viability conditions could be successfully completed.

I'm not sure because it's just a comparative study of the data, but I decided to compromise by using the magic of the space suit from the beginning.

As it turns out later, when you use this costume magic, your whole body is coated with magic, in which the optimal environmental conditions for the human body are in place.

And they don't get all the harmful interference from the outside.

Inter-dimensional mobility magic can also be targeted, and anyone who uses space suit magic can get through it.

Well, since it was now, I didn't want to tell you this story.

No matter how much interference you don't get with that, there are still limits, and if you satisfy the conditions from the start, you won't be judged to be harmful interference, so there will be less load on the magic of the space suit.

I couldn't do it because I didn't have much time this time, but it's certain to incorporate spacesuit magic into future improvements to interdimensional travel magic.


In addition to interdimensional travel magic, there is also interdimensional communication magic as a means of communication to the forest next to the world.

This could have been made relatively easy because life forms do not move either. We just have to do something about magic interference, so we just have to defend ourselves against the gatch bees. Because communication information to protect is also much more robust than life forms.

Kuti and the others no longer had to go to the woods next to the world to report regularly. Instead, I have been contacting you frequently.

I tend to forget, but Dr. Sunny is the director of the Sorcery Institute in the Woods next to the world. He's an important person and quite busy.

Well, for that, he'll be here all the time.

Looks like that's why I've been accumulating a lot of work. Though I was quick to finish it.

That's Dr. Sunny. Half the time.

Inter-dimensional communication magic has finished packing the dates for visits to the woods next to the world.

Well, if this isn't over, it's hard to get ready.

You can also shorten the travel time by choosing where the interdimensional movement magic opens. But I always decided to open it to where Kuti was using it, so I went for half a day to get around.

Four days for a stay in the fairy city, including the first day of travel.

I'm supposed to use interdimensional travel magic in the same place on my way home, so I'm supposed to travel for half a day.

It is scheduled to be about four nights and five days.

... but the prepared baggage was in an unbelievable amount.

It's odd that I should have told you in advance that you can't use carriages and other means of moving supplies.

Scarlett and Mira are the ones who accompany you and can hold your bags… Ah, Leki, do you want me to hold them for you?

Sure, Leki, you would be big enough to carry a lot of stuff.

I hear Leki had me prepare a saddle bag for you for that. Besides, it seems that at some point Leki himself was being trained to carry luggage.

I didn't notice because I'm not with you all four or six times, too, Leki.

By the way, the breakdown of luggage is one quarter for food and two quarters for clothing and accessories. Various other magic props are a quarter.

Let's be convinced that half of the clothes and accessories are still noble children in the bend.

The food, the fairies don't eat, and there's no harm in having it prepared here, even if you think about the unforeseen.

The total amount of luggage is high, so even if the three of us eat it, we are likely to have two tours (two weeks). Especially since I'm a snack.

It is because the magic props are so small and so thin that they are exhausted. Some of them may be Omar, who used them as babies, or tents, beds, chairs, tables, etc.

Apparently, he's ready to stay comfortable even if he does survive. What do you mean?

"Lily, on your first trip. And you can barely accompany your offering, so it's only natural to be thoughtfully prepared? Instead, it's still a lot less."

"Yes, Lily. There's only Scarlett and Mira left in Leki, so even though we can't help it, it's pretty little, right? I should have prepared for this ten times better."

My grandmother and Ena would tell me this if I were to look at the baggage I had prepared and lean my neck.

After that, the whole family will tell you all kinds of precautions, and no matter how worried you are. Instead, it became a hustle and bustle that should be stopped even now.

Well, I'm not going to call it off now because I've already had discussions with the forest side next to the world.


Regardless of Scarlett, Mira seems to have received some special training from her grandmother-centric family.

I don't know the details, but it must have been quite harsh to see Mira.

It had been done over almost all the time in preparation, but the ladies were still blurry when they lacked time, or at the end of a special training in the name of ready, Mira was heartily pleased with her liberation from hell.

… what kind of special training were you really doing?

It's only a few months after Cumming Out that I'm finally all set after all that has happened.

Well, I didn't expect to be able to leave right away, but it took a long time.

Although the children of the Count's family, and the six-year-old travels with only two offerings, may still have been a short prep period.

Or is it unlikely that such travel is normally permitted per se?

But as a matter of reality, I'm leaving for the woods next to the world today.

A large number of servants have dropped off a painting of the wide Christoph family.

We have all our families, no matter, and it's hard to chaos to ask your wife to throw round and deal with each and every one of them begging you to hold off on your departure.

In the meantime, Kuti launches the Inter-Dimensional Movement Magic.

She's my pace, and she's been moving in defiance of family oddities that she was already accustomed to.

I appreciate the mandatory progression, though, because it was a family behavior that even my wife couldn't sink into.

I can't leave for long like that.

Once you start interdimensional mobility magic, you can see that everyone in the family who was noisy about the majesty that sets them apart from existing magic is breathtaking.

Inter-dimensional movement magic creates a very mysterious sight when a compressed technique forms a geometric pattern without the use of cover-up magic.

Witchcraft woven by an enormous amount of surgical ceremonies can be clearly seen through fairy family recognition glasses worn by the whole family, but even without it, enormous magic forces interfere with events to make them feel oppressed.

Then the surgical formula that passes through a certain point begins to interfere with the dimension.

At this time, magic can be recognized by the naked eye without having to pass through fairy family recognition glasses.

The art of forming beautiful geometric patterns shapes a single gate, becoming a bridge connecting the world with the world.

The overwhelming presence of the gates that appeared there was the remnants of the enormous amount of magic used to activate the magic, and was a true representation of how the power to connect the world with the world required tremendous power.

The gates are opened while no one can even speak out for a tremendous sorcery that is incomparable with existing sorcery.

The other side of the open gate is invisible, filled with enormous surgical ceremonies.

Even though we connect the world to the world, we can't see beyond it.

Because that group of procedures is meant to pass through a wall that separates the world from the world.

Confirming that interdimensional moving magic has been activated entirely, he turns to his flashing family.

Everyone just stopped trying to hold off on their departure if we got this far.

All you have to do is say goodbye a lot more.

Although, it's only been five days.

Don't forget to ask me, Scarlett and Mira to do some space suit magic just in case.

When I use witchcraft because my family wears fairy family recognition glasses, it basically makes me wonder who used witchcraft in fairy family recognition glasses that recognize magic.

So this will be Kuti's turn, the most powerful sorcerer and escort.

They already know that they are overwhelming by the use of interdimensional mobile magic, and even more so now to the extent of space suit magic.

Still super-high magic not found in existing sorcery. Mother, a second-degree magician, tried to eat in.

Even if I can see the surgical ceremony through my fairy family recognition glasses, I can't use it as long as I'm using an activator that can only connect to the archives of the world.

When I get a chance, I don't want my mother to connect me to Kutipad and see the magic we made.

But the opportunity will be ahead for the time being. It's still a secret that I can use magic.


Finish breaking up with your family and dive the Gate of Inter-Dimensional Mobile Magic.

Whatever dives first are Kuti and Dr. Sunny. Next, Scarlett, Mira and Leki. It's me at the end.

Thus the five of us and one of us could safely cross the world and finally come to the forest next to the world.

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