Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

202, Minami and Queen Natasha

The glimpse with Natasha, the forest queen next to the world, took place between us and a giant glimpse.

Huge columns with elaborate decorations line up evenly on the left and right, preceded by a sparse line of elaborately costumed fairy clans in each.

In contrast to this wide view, the number of fairy clans in line is low, and the fairy clan is also small, making it a very cold sight, but it is a beautiful and stunning place.

It is not only the columns, but also the floors, walls and ceilings that are decorated, and the windows for light collection are also made by calculating the reflection of light in detail, which can be read from the collected data.

Most importantly, what is amazing is the number of magic items that are used during this sight.

Oh, my God, I can see that every single giant pillar is a magic prop, and although it is far inferior to the defensive magic Kuti uses all the time, it seals up quite a bit of magic.

Perhaps I can take your wife's attack a couple of times.

And it's also interesting that we are able to protect the whole thing while we look at it in synergy with all the pillars.

Overall, it is comparable to Kuti's defensive witchcraft.

Apart from the columns, magic props are arranged in each place with subtle dishes and decorations, making it abundantly clear that this place is special.

By the way, not a single one dressed as a soldier or a knight.

Instead, there are a couple of magicians dressed like magicians, and I guess they're in charge of security.

All the unified liturgies they have are also magic props.

I know because I have seen Elliot's work process several times, but it would take a lot of work to make one of these.

The technology of making magic tools in the woods next to the world is far beyond the Rizwalt continent because it can seal up quite a bit of magic in that little ritual.

... No, it's obvious because Kuti and Dr. Sunny were there.

If the two of them had cooperated in the production of magic props without their own weight, they would have done something terrific and deserved it.

Moreover, in the forest next to the world, they make demonic props with reference to drifting objects, and it's never surprising that there are demonic props like the crystals of science in the world in their lifetime.


Led by Kuti and Dr. Sunny, we move on between majestic glances.

Me and Kuti and Dr. Sunny are the only ones who come to see me.

Mira, Scarlett and Leki are unfortunately leaving messages.

But Scarlett and Leki can see the sight of the scene because we're sending all the data through information-gathering magic to Kutipad.

I'm also going to ask Mira to talk a lot about going to the woods next to the world this time and be on this side, but I don't even know Kutipad exists because I haven't talked about it yet.

Well, Scarlett will do well over there.

Scarlett wanted me to accompany her to see it, but then Mira and Leki will stay with you.

Leki, you wouldn't bully Mira, but you're not half intimidated because your body is big for nothing.

Mira knows you very well, too, so I'm sure she'll be fine, but I'm still worried about everything.

Or, Leki, if you do something, Mira can't stop you.

Leki, you are quite a grandfather with that. Now I'm giving Kutipad so I'm obsessed with the game so it won't be a problem, but sometimes I get bored abruptly so I can't be alarmed.

In that regard, Scarlett would be used to treating you like Leki.

I wish I could have taken them all to see it, but that's exactly what I meant, so this is the combination.

We also constantly collect data from the waiting room where the Scarlets are located, a little further away, so we can see their movements.

Scarlett and Leki, you have Kutipad, and Mira seems busy double-checking her luggage.

No problems there so far.

Then let's concentrate on this one.

Walk slowly between the wide glances and stop me as Kuti and the others stop.

The sight reflected in the visual membrane is a step higher about ten meters away, behind which is the throne.

And I can see Kuti sitting neatly on that throne and a fairy clan just like him.

Natasha, the forest queen next to the world.

I'm just saying Kuti's twin sister, and she really looks just like me.

But unlike Kuti, the look is full of seriousness and Rin.

"Welcome to the woods next to the world. Master Superior Mage. I'm Natasha. I am the queen in this land."

Kuti's beautiful voice sounded like a similar bell, marking the beginning of the sight.


As I had asked Dr. Sunny beforehand, this glimpse of Queen Natasha took place in a way that somehow imitated (...) the way of the Auvent kingdom.

Yes, somehow.

I'm not exactly doing the auvent kingdom's view exactly the way it is, why don't we just do this? It's a pretty out-of-the-box nori to that extent.

That should be it, too. Fairies don't look at the queen first.

Or even if she's not the queen, she won't look at it.

There are very few things like meeting without making an appointment, but I still don't waste my time or effort looking at it.

This time, he matched the title of Count Auvent House.

Well, for my part, I don't think I have to do it if I don't normally look at it, but there is a need to show my grandparents everything around here, so I have no choice.

That's why the glimpse ended as soon as it broke.

I had an auvent kingdom-like look. - All you have to do is the fact that, even if it ends in a short time, it's fine.

Rather, I want to end it in a short time and devote my time to the original purpose that takes place after that.

It is sad because even during that vain and majestic glance, it was actually the first time in thousands of years that I had used it.

The fairy clans that were gathered were not nobles or ministers or any of those high-ranking officials, but so-called colleagues who assisted the queen.

No, is that a high-ranking official?

Well, even the queen is a bit of a powerful clerical post if she screws it up.

That's why I moved the place from the moment I saw it to Natasha's office.

This clerk's office was big enough for me to get in, not the fairy size, and the couch and the like had everything for race.

But that's the fairy clerk's office.

Everything is miniature except the sofa for race.

Small chair on a small desk. The bookcase is small, as are the beautifully fitted books.

There are a lot of paperwork on the desk, but I'm sure all the paperwork has been cleaned up and I feel Natasha's personality is seeping out.

I am supposed to ask the original purpose of this invitation in the office where this serious character of hers appears.

... but...

"Already! Didn't I tell you to report properly!

"Uh, I think it was done right."

"It was nothing like Sunny's report! Why is your sister always so appropriate -!

"It's okay, it's okay. 'Cause you just have to look at it. Annella and the others will be satisfied with that. Even if it's somewhat different from the Auvent one."


The queenly Rin Natasha, whom I showed during my glance, is nowhere to be found now.

I'm in this room right now with a cute guy who gets along and has a sister fight.

He looks just like Kuti, so that's especially what I feel.

Well, it's not so much a fight because Kuti has a slight crush on his puffy angry sister.

"Natasha, keep it around. You know it's useless to tell this guy."

"That's it - that's it -"

"Don't reflect!

I know it's bad for Natasha breathing on her shoulders, but I'm glad to see Kuti's different Doya face.

You look like this to my family......

I'm just a little jealous of my face I won't show you.

"Ha...... That's enough. Sorry, I disturbed you...... I'm sorry to have to say one of my novels about my sister's appropriateness..."

"No, I'm satisfied because I could see Kuti's usually invisible face"

"Hey... I can light it up, eheh?"

"Sister……. Dear Lilianne, don't spoil my sister too much...... really"


Soothes to disappointingly iterative Natasha.

You must have grown Kuti into a teacher on the other hand, he's kind of very cute with a serious personality.

Swinging by a rampant kuti, it is well known that it has had a happy day.

Just imagining those days is going to leak magic.

Oh......... I can't believe Kuti swings me around and I have fun every day...... Natasha, I envy you......

"Oh, um... Dear Lillianne, I'm getting some disturbing magic leaks..."

"Lily, calm down. Natasha, it's okay. Nothing. Lily's not being hostile to you. So don't be scared."

"Nice one - Lily, do it!

"Don't you stir it up!

I shouldn't.

His opponent is Kuti's sister. I've been with you for a long time now, so I can't let this happen.

"I apologize for showing you such an ugly place."

"Ah, no...... that, ah, what would you like about my sister?

"Huh? All of it..."


If I stopped the leaked magic immediately, Natasha would ask me what I deserved.

I can't believe what's good about Kuti, even though it's decided.

"Hih! Lily! I love them all too!



"Sunny............. Are the two variants just weird............?

"I don't think I have enough samples. I wish there were more."

"Oh, no. This guy was weird, too."

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