Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

207, misery and accompanying the investigation team

Right now I have you and Mira sitting in the ground, who are going to fall completely down in front of me.

The miserable rooms were cleaned up immediately by the servants' fairy clans using magic props.

However, when it comes to furniture, it will take a little while to get it in.

Fortunately, Leki, the furniture you swept up with your tail was safe with the luggage you were bringing in on the couch, low table, etc. Although it was unfortunate that the conditioning that was involved when it blew up.

The starting point was that Leki played the game that Mira had made and reflected her requests one after the other, causing Leki to explode your tension.

Mira also enjoyed responding to requests that flew in early, so she concentrated on Kutipad and didn't notice at all.

No, let's notice there, Mira......

Was I the idiot who thought that if I gave him a kutipad, he would leave me quietly?

But, Leki, who can expect your tension to rise to this point?

Sure, Leki, you love the game.

That's like the kids in the world in my lifetime...... no, I loved the game too so it's just the kids.

All Leki ever played was a game I made.

Leki, I hear your request, but it's up to me to incorporate it.

I wonder if it's okay to include all the opinions of the user's gaze.

Still, Leki plays every time. [M]

However, it seems that the game that still incorporates plenty of my requirements was exactly close to your ideal game, Leki.

Instead, it was getting closer and closer, which made me so tense that it broke my dictum.

Leki, you are a giant without telling me.

Dog, if you swing your tail in the mood, it's only the murder weapon anymore.

Instead of me, even adults will be plunged if they take your tail properly.

Instead, it would be better if you just got plucked.

If you haven't worked out, if you don't play defense with magic, you will get hurt, and if you have a bad beating, you are likely to die.

It's dangerous that it's that big.

So I taught Leki well. [M]

Even though he was happy, he didn't let his emotions wield his tail so he could take full control of his body.

Otherwise, like this one, it will cause unnecessary damage.

I think Leki is making you feel cramped, but this is an impossible thing to do.

However, this time there is room for discretion.

First of all, that you should have known in Mira that you couldn't contain Leki completely, but you left them alone to leave a message.

Even though the mansion you're staying in is big there, it's small from you, Leki.

That if you stay in that place all the time, you can't help but get stressed out.

I knew Mira was into making games.

Trying to satisfy a request from player Leki would be natural as a game producer.

It will be up to each of those people to meet their demands, but Mira hasn't been long since she started making games yet.

If it's an opinion from a player who plays all kinds of games, Leki, try it out and incorporate it into your study.

It's a possible situation if you think about it.

So I can't even say very strongly when I see one and one that I honestly reflect on.

But this is where we owe it, and above all, our identity as we are being invited to Natasha, the queen of the woods next to the world.

It's not good to expose yourself to shame.

That's the same thing as a companion. Rather, it may be judged by the standing and dance of the companion.

Even though the fairies know they don't care about that, they should still be careful.

Because I am the Christopher's son.

So the sermon to one and one went on a little longer.


"Even if Leki can't help it, I don't think Mira's going to get that far."

"It's really unexpected... But I know how you feel."

"There are so many interesting things you make. Apps for making games, etc. A group of commands created specifically for versatility. Multiple flags can be managed in bulk and expanded individually. However, the intuitive operation is also simple enough. And even..."

Finishing your sermon, I have a Kutipad restraining order for one and one person who is depressed.

Just give me a kutipad right away and it won't be a reflection.

Dr. Sunny lets go and praises the game production app.

But Leki, I made it to save you the hassle of making a lot of games, and sometimes it's just a little embarrassing to imitate the game production software that was in your lifetime world.

Having done so, Mira hates being a little too hazy.

If I had been born into the world of my life, I would be scared to be as haunted as I am not by the current comparison.

But if we go back to Auvent Kingdom, she'll be fine because she has a maid's job waiting for her, and Kutipad is only going to give it when she's with us, so it'll only be when it's exclusive.

"Ma'am, I have plans for tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah. I'm asking Natasha to accompany me in the investigation of drifts, not the fairy city tour."

"I'm afraid so."

"Yeah. I'm curious, too, because our original purpose is that way in the first place."

"But Lily shouldn't go! Because there are quite a few things dangerous about drifting!

Tomorrow we were talking about sightseeing in the fairy city, but I asked him to accompany me to investigate the drift.

Like Kuti says, I can't accompany you, but I have no problem getting you to Scarlett there.

Ask her to use a number of magic props and send me real-time information-gathering data.

From there, we're transcribing information to Kutipad and the visual membrane to get an idea of the status of the investigation.

I'll be organizing magic for that now, but I'm thankful I don't have to worry too much about the distance because the drifting stuff I plan to investigate isn't that far away.

If you go using a plane or something like the one you used to inspect the darkness, you are too far away to be within the effective range of magic.

It's hard because we have to make improvements to extend the distance accordingly.

Incidentally, Natasha and the drift investigation experts are also supposed to participate in understanding the status of this investigation.

Until now, we have taken steps such as conducting an investigation and returning with a detailed report.

I had no choice because it was difficult to grasp the situation in real time.

Even though the magic prop making technique is exceptionally superior to the Auriol, they still had technical problems with those aspects.

But there appeared a man who could be said to be a specialist in intelligence-gathering magic.

In any case, peripheral information gathering is mandatory for the visual membrane. Then I'll specialize.

The magic I make this time to capture the status of the investigation in real time has been decided to offer to the fairies.

Under these conditions, Scarlett was able to accompany the investigation team.

The drift had several dangerous substitutes and a number of investigative teams that did not return.

Reports will be made after you return, so naturally, little information will be available if you don't come back.

That drifting object is dangerous, only information to the extent.

But this time with the magic I make, you'll soon know what's at stake under what circumstances.

Regardless, I'm not going to drive Scarlett to a dead place, so the defensive magic also behaves in large measure.

Even if he gets a direct hit from one of the most powerful tactical warheads in his lifetime, he's going to stick to the gutter bee to the point where there's not one injury.

Well, if something like that actually explodes, it might even be dangerous here at a distance.


If you add some extensions to the information-gathering magic you've been using, and have a kutipad for the Natasha's, you're ready for tomorrow.

The magic equipment Scarlett can hold is already ready, and defensive magic can be used before departure.

I have asked Dr. Sunny to prepare a magic item using my technique as well.

There are better magicians than Elliot, so I decided to have them made anyway.

Even Elliot can't make magic artifacts here in a relatively short time.

You'd be lying if you didn't take advantage of this opportunity.

The demonic props that you have made can be made as a souvenir to Elliot or brought to Scarlett.

I prefer not to use magic props to increase my chances of survival, but I have to ask them to use them without hesitation.

So we have to set aside a souvenir for Elliot.

No, although Scarlett seems to use it without hesitation, even if it was a magic item that left a souvenir for Elliot.

By the way, I'm not here to see you, so I don't need to take home a souvenir.

My family wants me to come home safer than a souvenir.

They're the ones who drown about me, so it means what they say.

Instead, come right back! Though the meaning is stronger.

That's why tomorrow is a memorial drifting matter survey.

Scarlett needs to gather plenty of information.

It is certain that something from the world of life is flowing through. Maybe even a way to get to the world over there......

No, I'm reincarnated, and going to that world doesn't mean I can go back to it.

Still, how did I die? What happened to my family?

That's about all I want to know.

Whether you're coming to the woods next to the world or not, you're coming to the interdimensional moving magic created by a real genius named Kuti.

Yeah, I don't think it's that easy to get there.

But I wouldn't mind having a little hope.

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