About six months after my first trip to the woods next to the world.

I am still without fulfilling my second trip to the woods next to the world.

Waiting for me to return from the woods next to the world was my brother with a little cheek or my sister who was building a neighborhood under her eyes, headed by Ena, who was becoming emotionally unstable.

The meal didn't go through her throat very well, and she was a slightly skinny old lady, or a grandfather who was sleeping where she left off after tearing down important documents.

This is it in just five days of travel.

Your father or mother hadn't joined because you were busy at work, but if the job hadn't been a little busier, it would have been added.

So much so that on the night of their return, both of them rushed off to a huge return party.

Well, of course, it's just inside me.

Seeing a family in that state, I couldn't possibly have said anything about going to the woods next to the next world.

"Bye! I told you! He said he could already drive a car! Then the ghost instructor said this! Not while we're stopping on the ramp! I don't think it's terrible!?

"I wonder if that's right, Mr. Ghost Instructor."

"Yep! I thought Lily would be on your side!

"Even if you say so. Why the manual in the first place? There was a complete auto car, wasn't there?

'Cause the manual is cool!


However, we have established communication with the forest next door to the world for a long time, so we have been in contact with each other quite often.

The opponents vary from time to time, but lately they've gotten along a lot with the fairy clan, and they're all in correspondence with Me Lyle Oril, who's totally familiar with their lives over there.

Is it also due to the fact that there are no similarly sized or aged children, even if they get along with the fairy clan?

... Though it may be the first thing that caused me to miss it.

"Ah, yabba! The ghost instructor's coming over! I'll be in touch!

"Yes, yes, again."

She has one dedicated officer.

There is only a child of the Dragon Clan's elite chief, and she is keen to crack.

However, I don't flaunt impotence because I have eyes that look around me properly and some heads just think and act on it.

Still, the power of the Dragon Nation cannot be insulted to say children.

That's why the officer in charge has the restraint formula I provided, and he's constantly being monitored.

Happily, however, six months have elapsed since the restraint ceremony was activated.

Sometimes it's not as if he's running away from the officer in charge or getting angry now.

Well, there's actually no escape from the eyes of surveillance.

Me Lyle Oril seems to enjoy herself every day because of her curiosity and a lot of strange things that the fairy city has never seen.

Even correspondence tells me something fun or strange that I found.

Like this one, they seem to be practicing driving cars.

However, although it seems to only be done in vehicles that are particularly attentive to safety aspects because they are dangerous.

Or is it okay to drive a car or something, even though she's as good as I am?

Obviously, it's a child...

"Lily, are we done with the comms?

"Yeah, it looks like Meera's still alive today."

"That's superimposed. So what's the latest data verification sent last night?"

"Copy that."

A bad race handed over to the Natasha's, but in the first month the language related issues were cleared.

When Me Lyle Oril was there, it was Dr. Sunny who was able to analyze it at that rate.

Others seem to have been using multiple words mixed up like harassment, and even if they had a teacher, it would have taken some time.

If the language-related issues were cleared, the next thing I know, I was plagued by the veracity of my remarks as informed by Me Lyle Oril.

To some extent I was able to solve it with information from her, but Me Lyle Oril is a child, albeit the daughter of a sheik. I don't know everything.

Of course, there is a chance that she has the wrong answer, such as that she is correct, so she retains it only to the extent that she gathers information as data.

In the first place, evil species and Me Lyle Oril are from a different world than the woods and orioles next to the world.

There is no need to hurry, as interdimensional mobility magic does not allow for free movement.

As a result, the investigation of the evil species has a higher proportion to the elucidation of their abilities.

In a world of great sorcery, disabling sorcery is too dangerous.

Even though there is a single response, the investigation will be mandatory.

There is also the advice of Dr. Sunny, who has a deeper understanding of the area, and the fairy clan has also certified the bad species as the most dangerous creatures.

It is now well understood that I have certified my enemies even though I have not been fully harmed.

Well, there are times when the movement was gathering information.

As such, a variety of data obtained from the bad species from the forest next to the world is sent on a regular basis.

Not much investigation is under way yet, but experimental instruments are also being developed to examine the ability to physically deactivate them.

It would be time to make full use of the knowledge we have lived in a world of scientific prosperity.

Scarlett is more familiar with these things than I am, so experimental instruments have been developed at her initiative.

And unexpectedly, there is someone who put his talent into this experimental instrument development.

It was Mira again.

When I made an app to Kutipad for the development of my experimental instruments, this made me feel agitated again.

It's a simulator app that produces, registers, and combines basic parts and operating patterns to make them move around in a variety of situations, but they liked the production of parts and operations.

The same thing was done in the game production app around here, so maybe it's no surprise.

Instead, I stopped making a lot of games, and it was interesting that Leki seemed to miss you a little.

Yeah, well, Mira's had a big birth in the last six months.

I was originally a maid of honor on a rotation basis as my exclusive, but it became completely exclusive and I feel closer to Scarlett's position than a maid of honor as a secretary or assistant.

Scarlett is also exclusive to Ena, but as a Christopher, he treats her as a guest.

I'm pretty free to do things, but I'm just in a position to be allowed to do it.

However, we are just confused by this great birth.

That, too, should make the Christopher family maid just one of the highest in the world of servants.

Among other things, the exclusivity of the main clan is the elite among the elite, and the secretary is located on top of it.

But I consider it reasonable.

Because Mira doesn't have the talent.

Scarlett's work is no longer indispensable because Mira is making it a lot easier.

Well, it's more like Scarlett's assistant than my secretary role, though.


"By the way, Lily. What about long-distance exploration magic?

"So far, you're at a stage where you're taking the time to counteract information loss with the expansion of the effective range. Again, it seems more certain to place the physical relay point"

"Hmm. So we're putting out the White Crystal Knights?

"You're one of my handkerchiefs. It would be best if I had them go more than I could get myself out. I can make you have a lot of things."

"Right. 3A target value for HUL."

During the course of six months, the White Crystal Knights have been experimentally deployed with various magic props through Scarlet and Mira.

There is something painful about me worrying about my family any more.

But I have no choice but to get someone to move more than I can.

If you put Scarlett in the command tower, you can basically leave it to me.

The rest is how to strengthen the White Crystal Knights.

At the very least, it must be countered to the extent that it can survive confrontation with the dragons and evil species.

Anyway, they're headed to the place where dragon escapists will come to Aurior.

Me Lyle, Oril's intel suggests there's a respite for a few more decades, but that doesn't necessarily make it right.

Even a child's Me Lyle Oril can exert tremendous power thanks to its crystallizing magic.

There will be something hard on the brush tongue to figure out how awesome a grown dragon clan user will demonstrate their combat abilities.

Kuti showed me, a painting of the magic that blew up the mountain. That could happen in real life.

Various preparations will be needed to be able to survive confronting such an awesome opponent.

With regard to the bad species, we can never say that they do not show up in the Auriol any more than they did in the woods next to the world.

We haven't been able to combat magic nullification yet, but it's not like we can do anything at all.

The investigation will continue, and I would like to take complete action on all of them.

A number of preparations, surveys and sorcery creation have been carried out in parallel, but of course we have also begun to improve the interdimensional moving sorcery that Natasha had asked us to do.

Or by incorporating the magic of space suits into interdimensional mobile magic, it is certain that they will be able to pass safely.

Different problems still remain, such as the fact that the magic of space clothes can only be used as much as me even using a compression formula, and the enormity of the magic power consumed, but this one is much better than counteracting dragons and bad species.

It's been six months since I returned from the woods next to the world, but I'm busy every day.

As a six-year-old, I also feel like I work too much, but I am able to change my mood thanks to my brother and sister's hobbies.

It's just, well, I've been a little concerned lately.

Hi, my eyes are a little strange.

Yes, my eyes with cloudy eyes.

Cloudy eyes completely lose their eyesight and will not be visible for the rest of their lives.

And it's an incurable disease characterized by changing eyes like white and cloudy.

… but…

"Hey Lily...... in the last six months, the color of your eyes, hasn't changed anything?

Part Two End

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