Chapter 76 – Wolf-kun’s Ordeal – Part 1

「Ahh…… Lily. You are cute today as well! Seriously, mou, mou! I love you!」



Theo who rushed over after his training ended was in high tension today as well.
Even though he should be dripping with sweat after training, he emits a nice soapy smell and the scent of freshness that is unique to him.
He indeed deserves to be called Oujisama in the school.
As soon as his training finishes, he has to go to the school at once.
But, he always washes away the smell of sweat without a fail when meeting me. Far from that, he doesn’t forget about the faint, refreshing fragrance.
It’s not like Theo’s odor is refreshing. This is naturally a perfume.
But, the fragrance is not too intense, he probably uses just only a bit.

To be ten years old and care about his own smell, as expected of Oujisama.


「Ahh…… I want to be with Lily for longer, but I have to go…… But you see! But you see! It will be winter holidays soon, so we can be together very soon!」


He embraces me and rub, rub, rub, rub, rubs his cheek against mine.
Theo reports on the winter holidays just as Kuti’s jealousy meter reached half way.


That’s right. It will be the winter holidays soon?
I’m currently studying with Reki-kun, I don’t want to cut off a lot of time, though.
I’m sorry for Theo, but I won’t be minding you much during this year’s winter holidays!


「Well then…… I’m off. While I’m not here, let Reki-kun comfort you if you feel lonely, okay? But, I will return soon, okay! Wait for me!」


Oniisama gave me a slightly longer kiss on the cheek and regrettably separated.

But, my thoughts were interrupted for a bit by his next action.
Believe it or not, he stroked ‘that’ Reki-kun’s head.


What’s going on!?
Reki-kun! Reki-kun!? You let Theo touch you, but I can’t!?
What’s going on!?
My thoughts of slowly and carefully getting your vigilant, round and cute eyes accustomed have been completely disregarded!?
You’re fine with Theo, but not me!? This is cruel! Too cruel!
But, Reki-kun is not at fault! Reki-kun is a victim in a sense!
The one at fault is…… the one at fault is!


My jealousy meter exploded before Kuti’s jealousy meter could.


「Nii~ni, kiai!」
   (Kirai/Hate, dislike)

「Eh!? W, why Lily! D, did I do something bad!? I, I’m sorry…… forgive me! Please!」


The cries of the betrayer Oniisama are of no concern to me.
I did my best in various ways to touch him, yet he can touch Reki-kun so easily!
I can’t believe this!
…… After all…… after all! Reki-kun too, Reki-kun…… not fair!


「Rieki-kun mo jurui!」
   (Reki-kun mo zurui! Reki-kun too, unfair!)

「Eeeh…… Reki-kun too? Q, quick, Reki-kun apologize too」


Betrayer Oniisama touches Reki-kun’s head to make him forcibly lower his head.


Reki-kun dislikes that!
What a brute you are, Oniisama! Your act was truly demonic!


「Nii~ni, kiai!」
   (Kirai/Hate, dislike)

「U, uwaa~n! Lily, please~ forgive me~!」


The rare quarrel between siblings in which Reki-kun got rolled up lasted until the nonchalant Obaasama forcibly interrupted it when the time for school approached.

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