

It’s Theo’s and Ellie’s Winter Holidays.
After their practice is over, it’s time to play with the two and Reki-kun.
Because Reki-kun is not a dog, he won’t give paw. Additionally, he won’t also do other traditional commands.

So then, how do we play?
First, we pat him.
Theo is extremely careful during the patting time, and he keeps on glancing at me repeatedly because of my previous hate statement.
Ellie is not aware of that event, so she gave Theo who was acting suspiciously a poke thanks to which he returned to normal.
I normally pat him as well.
Because I’m patting him normally without any magical power, he’s not receiving any pleasant feeling in particular.
Because Reki-kun seems to finally understand that, he no longer is frightened when I approach him.

Well, even if I approach with compressed magical power, he doesn’t escape even though he feels scared.

Apart from patting him, I also squish his paw pads and mofumofu his tail. I basically enjoy the quality of overwhelming smoothness and fluffiness to its fullest.

I have prohibited myself from using compressed magical power when my siblings are around. Reki-kun gets completely exhausted.


「Lily. I have brought something good today! Here, take this」



Saying such, Ellie handed me over some kind of soft spherical object.
It doesn’t have magical power, so I can’t see it, but from holding it in my hands, I can understand that it’s some kind of a ball, almost like a furball.
I wonder if I perhaps throw this and tell Reki-kun to fetch it?


「This you see, you throw it and have Reki-kun bring it back! It was listed in the book called “How to train your dog ~Staring today, you are a breeder too~”」

「Ah~ That book you read yesterday late at night?」

「Un, this is perfect way to play with Reki!」


Ellie apparently found this in a book about training dogs.


But, Reki-kun is a wolf, you see?
Moreover, the pride of the endangered species called Salvarua is extremely high…… well, it was smashed by now, though.


Ellie looks at me with sparkling eyes brimming over with confidence. Theo is the same.

I will have to do this.
Well, but I’m a little girl. I won’t be able to throw the soft, light furball-like ball far anyway.


【Reki-kun. I will throw this, could you fetch it for me?】


Just in case, I request Reki-kun in order not to destroy his completely pulverized pride even more.
Reki-kun understands too. He immediately put forward his right leg and prepared for the battle.

Well, he and I have currently a master-servant relationship of an extremely high mountain and tremendously deep valley.
He became so obedient that he will fetch with his best abilities when I tell him to fetch and starve to death waiting when I tell him to wait.
I might have overdone it, is what I think when I look at him, but well, it’s too late now. I must not mind it.




The furball thrown with the tornado pitching method with raising one leg and twisting waist1 flew, just kidding, with my crumbling, foamy form and the powerless little girl’s power, it probably immediately fell down.
The ball has no magical power so I naturally couldn’t see, but Reki-kun instantly shot out and returned at incredible speed with the ball in his mouth.
I understand his extreme speed as he returned faster than I recovered from losing the balance of my just kidding form.


「Wow…… Reki, that was ama~zing」

「Incredible…… Reki……」

「Yoku rekimachita~」
   (Yoku dekimashita~/Well done~)


I stroke the bowing head of Reki-kun who placed the furball in his mouth on the ground in front of me.
I use a little bit of magical power, just enough to make him feel comfortable, and Reki-kun utters a comfortable noise as well.


「Will he also fetch when I throw it?」

「I wonder…… Reki is Lily’s wolf, after all」

「Nee~ne. Naete aete」
   (Nee~ne. Nagete agete/Nee~ne. Throw it)

「Is that alright?」



I have already give Reki-kun instructions to fetch it. Because he promptly put out his right leg in affirmative, there won’t be a problem.




Reki-kun runs off with Ellie’s adorable shout.
He returns with terrific speed again, but he didn’t leave the furball in front of Ellie, but in front of me instead.


「Reki, great!」

「Lily, could I try it next?」


When I fumble around for the furball because I can’t see it, Reki-kun pushes it with his nose towards me.
After receiving it, I stroke Reki-kun’s head again and hand the furball to Theo.



「Thank you, Lily! Then, here I go!」


Like this, the way to play with Reki-kun increased by one.
He sufficiently moves during his training, but Reki-kun seemed surprisingly happy fetching the furball over and over again.

That day, Reki-kun was fetching the furball at ultra-high speeds in the wide Reki-kun room until my siblings got exhausted.



Reference to Hideo Nomo‘s wind-up – Wiki | Tornado (vid) 

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