Chapter 82 – Wolf-kun and Small Adventure – Part 1

Okay, let’s depart for the adventure! …… It’s not at this stage yet.
Because the discussion of two people in front of me has not finished yet.


「I’m telling you that the role of Lily’s wet nurse is mine, so it’s only natural that I go with her!」

「I think it would be better for Elliana-san to let soon. I’m also holding back and not going, you should do the same」

「However, what will we do if something happens!」

「Because of that, all four personal maids are going, and two knights are going to tag along as well」


「I understand your worries, but it’s not like she’s going outside, you know? It’s in the mansion this time, and if something happens, Nija and Lacria are there as the battle force」
「That’s…… right, but……」

「I understand. Let’s have Scarlet go as well then」

「…… I understand. I will have her keep in a close touch with us」

「Yes, of course. I will naturally do the same」


It appears their discussion finished at last.
Ena has vigorously flared up a while ago because she wasn’t allowed to accompany me.
Obaasama finally prevailed, and Ena gave in.
The reason Ena gave in is that on top of two adding another two knights and my four personal maids, even Ena’s personal maid – Scarlet will accompany me. The number of people keeps increasing.

I thought that Reki-kun and Lacria would be enough at best, but we have become quite a large family.
Moreover, they also declared to keep in a close touch.
I feel uneasy what’s going to happen in the future as all this just for adventuring inside the mansion.


「Lily, you must not do anything dangerous, okay? You must not walk alone, okay? Have someone from your maids or Scarlet by your side at all times, okay? You must not take off your coat, okay? You must not run, okay? Also, also……」

「Elliana-san. If you keep on doing that, Lily won’t be able to go」

「I, is that so…… Lily…… wouldn’t you rather stop, after all?」


「Uu…… Lily……」

「Yes, yes, leave her be. Now then, go before it’s too late. Lacria. I leave it to you」

「Yes. Acknowledged」


I was held back by the nearly crying Ena’s constant checking and confirming, but I was finally able to depart after she got held by Obaasama.
Although I say that, I’m still in the mansion.

Reki-kun and I, Lacria who’s holding Reki-kun’s chains, and surrounded in all directions by the personal team of Nija, Jenny, and Mira.
A total of four Knights of the White Crystals in the back.
Furthermore, the Knights of the White Crystals are checking the rooms in advance.
There are also two knights behind Scarlet-san.

Although I labeled it as an adventure, a designated route has been already decided.
It’s my first adventure without trying to escape, but Obaasama and Ena not accompanying me is the first.
But, even that alone feels slightly fresh.


「Well then, let’s depart, Ojousama」


「Lily, if you become lonely, come back right away!」

「Lily-chan, have fun~」

   (Itekimasu~/I’m off~)


We left towards the Reki-kun room with Lacria’s command.
Because the mansion is just too large, the heating which is equipped in all rooms may not be working at all times.
When it’s like that, it would indeed prove troublesome.
Therefore, we are using the heated corridor that’s connected to my room. Still, even if the temperature can be controlled to a certain degree, I’m wearing a coat, so I’m going to feel comfortable no matter if the heating is on or off. Well, it’s the usual.


「Ojousama, we will go to the entrance hall first」

「Entoranshu hooriyu」

「Yes, entrance hall. Dannasama and Okusama, Theodore Bocchama, Ellistina Ojousama and other guests use this entrance when entering the mansion」


I know the place from meeting Obaasama and Ojiisama there, so I don’t need an explanation, but I’m just a two years old child, so it can’t be helped.
Lacria also has good intentions, so I let her explaining without bothering her.


「This entrance hall is boasting of the largest size in the Ovent. The size of entrance hall measures the social status of the aristocrats. In other words, the Christophe House is amazing!」

「Hee~…… sho~」
   (Hee~…… sou~/I see~)

「…… Ojousama. Ojousama is an amazing Ojousama of an amazing House」

「Nyu…… Ni~nya mo Rauria mo, shugoi meiroshan ra ne」
   (Nija mo Lacria mo, sugoi meido-san da ne/Nija and Lacria are amazing maids too, aren’t you?)

「Ojousama…… I’m so happy!」

「…… As expected of Ojousama. Dangerous」


A little bit of magical power fires off from the two maids who are solidifying at the front. They appear to be happy.
But, I feel slightly suspicious magical from behind.

I know this magical power. …… It’s jealousy.

It’s the magical power I know very well thanks to Tiny-sama who’s currently not here.
Can’t be helped, I turn around and sweetly smile while thinking such.

The effect seems to be outstanding. The suspicious flow of magical power turned into magical power that doesn’t lose out to the front.

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