Two Knights who were standing on alert ahead made a gesture of opening doors.
I can see the fully equipped Knights standing in a formation just like on the day of ceremony behind the doors.
As I thought, I didn’t enter in the middle of practice. It’s only a given because of the prior preparations, though.

When I arrive in front of the Knights, everyone brings their right fist to their left chest.
The simultaneous action and the perfectly overlapping sounds were extremely cool.


「Well then, Vice Commander! To the front!」



Answering Lacria’s dignified voice, one Knight immediately steps forward with a well-projected voice.
He stopped about 3 meters in front of us and carried out the Knight greeting again. Despite being clad in armor, he almost soundlessly fell on his knee and bowed his head in wait.
Those movements could be only described as splendid. I know well that Knights don’t strongly prostrate before others. Our Oniisama who aims to be someone like that will have a difficult time.
But, it’s cool, so I will support him.


「Ojousama, would you mind calling out in a loud voice?」



The Knights are standing in a line, and the representative is waiting to serve.
In such case, it’s established practice to give words of appreciation.
I have some knowledge about this from chatting with Sani sensei between the lessons.
It’s not Sani sensei’s specialized field, but she possessed knowledge which is close to the level of the specialized field.
Her extensive knowledge is really profound.
Our conversations which should be casual chatting often nearly turned into lessons.

Because of this reason, I also now the phrases which should be used in cases like this.
But, because I currently wouldn’t be able to convey long sentences at all, I plan to finish this in a rather short sentence.


「Hii no shurien wo mishie yo」
   (Hibi no shuren wo misete yo/Show me your daily practice)

「Ha! We, Knights of the White Crystals, will show you our everything!」


A clear, stereotypical phrase comes out from the Knight with lowered head.
A well-projected voice appears to be indispensable for a Vice Commander. Something about conveying order clearly.
Well, a person who stutters basically wouldn’t be fit for such position.
In that respect, the Vice Commander’s well-projected voice is truly easy to listen to. Because the master he serves is still a child, his voice wasn’t strict, but soft and almost gentle instead.


「Well then」

「Ah, mattie」
   (Ah, matte/Ah, wait)

「Yes, Ojousama」


Just as Lacria was about to say to start the practice, I interrupt her.
Finally, a Knight who is not a guard――clad in cool armor with a luxurious sword is here. I want to look a little bit more.

All of the four guard Knights were empty-handed.
They also weren’t wearing armor because they were indoors, I’m sure they were carrying some weapons, but they were hidden from me. Or perhaps they were hand to hand fighters or sorcerers.
Therefore, the chance to observe such figure from every boy’s dream comes only rarely.
When the practice starts, I wouldn’t be able to see it up close, and it will immediately get dirty.
Therefore, if I want to look, now’s the only chance.


A clattering full body armor. The sword hanging on his waist is the longsword kind in a beautiful, delicately ornamented scabbard. It’s cool like the decorative swords I have seen in museums in my previous life.
Are weapons categorized as part of the attire? Then, what happens when you draw it?
It’s on my mind……




I don’t usually call out to Reki-kun when giving him instructions, but there are people around, so I decided to do that.
Reki-kun who heard my command immediately moves forward.

Lacria who heard my voice got a little bit panicked, but this much shouldn’t be a problem.
It’s not like I’m going anywhere, after all.


When I get in front of the Knight, the tension of the Knight with lowered head transmits to me. Of course, he keeps his head down.




Reki-kun has become quite big, so I’m now about the same height as the kneeling knight.
Like this, I still quite can’t reach. But, “Down” is just right for me to get off Reki-kun’s back.


   (Kakkoii ne~/Cool, isn’t it~)

「…… Ojousama. That’s not good」


When I gently caress the armor of the Knight to feign and quickly crouch to touch the sword at his waist, Nija who came who knows when stopped me.


Tsk, even though I was so close……
As I thought, it’s too hard.


I thought that I was moving quite fast, but as expected of a person recommended by Obaasama.


「Ni~nya no kechii」
   (Nija no kechi/Nija stingy)

「…… One can’t be careless around Ojousama」

「Buu~ buu~」


When I pout and complain, Nija pretends not to see me. Her expressions are originally scarce, but this maid with half-closed eyes doesn’t yield.
Well, I understand that it’s dangerous, but it’s in the scabbard, and I won’t be able to take it out with my own strength, so I wonder if I really can’t. No, is it no good?
Is this in the non-permitted range of the personal maids, I wonder?
…… I think it would go slightly differently if Obaasama was here.


「…… Ojousama, interested in the sword?」

「Ai. Kie~dayo」
   (Hai. Kirei dayo/Yes. It’s pretty)

「…… I see」


Nija who seemed to be convinced of something looked at the sword on the Knight’s waist.
It’s pretty scary to be stared at by her half-closed eyes, but the Knight who keeps on hanging his head down doesn’t seem to think so.


「…… Ojousama, there are many more pretty swords around」

   (Kore ga ii/I like this one)

「…… I understand. You, your sword」

「Y, yes!」


My heart trembles in excitement when looking at the panicking Knight removing the sword from his waist.
Knight-kun respectfully presents the sword in his both hands after unfastening it.


「…… This sword is the proof of the Knights of the White Crystals member. Besides, it’s dangerous and heavy. I will hold it, so Ojousama should just look」


「…… Not permitted」



I realize by looking at the bear maid-san with half-closed eyes that further persuasion would be futile…… but, the sword disappeared as soon as Nija took into her hands.
Even though I could clearly see it when it was on the Knight’s waist, I can’t see it at all now.


I can’t see it unless the Knight is holding on it……?
Are weapons categorized as clothes then? The boundary line is now unclear.


Anyhow, I can’t see it anymore now, so there’s no meaning.


「Ni~nya mo~ii」
   (Nija mo ii/Nija that’s enough)

「…… ? Ojousama hasn’t looked at all though, is that fine?」


「…… Weird Ojousama」

「Ni~nya niwa maeu」
   (Nija ni wa makeru/I lose out to Nija)

「…… Fufu」



After our mysterious conversation, I could see the sword again after several seconds when it was returned to the Knight.


There’s a slight time lag for clothes to be visible after being worn. Is it the same with weapons……?
Although I’m pretty interested in witnessing the phenomenon of magical power, I will have to take various troublesome steps to investigate.
While considering how to solve it, I began observing the starting practice.

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