Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

77, Wolf, your failure.

From the day after your vain victory, Leki became frightened when she discovered herself.

However, I have no longer hesitated to touch him because I have already been in contact with him once, so I have decided to let him indulge me.

There was just a problem.

Leki, the length of your chain is so long to reduce stress.

It is something that equally means his radius of action… it doesn't get caught in a jam.

His motor skills are extraordinary.

That's so much so that I can't get caught asking LaClear to catch me.

In the end, he has gained nothing with the force moves of pulling the chain and holding it where it was packed with distance and becoming powerless and indulgent.

[But I think they'll hate me one of these days if it's this way.]

"Leki's making me feel better too, so I don't think so, do I?

[I don't know... I'm pretty forced, and I wouldn't like it if I were you]

"It's okay! You can't hate Lily! If you don't like it, I'll beat you up!

Leki is such a little bit, Mmm-hmm!

Kuti has a doya face that seems to rise slightly with a lot of sniffles, but only this time, Leki, your fright won't go away, so it's a problem.

You're Leki, who shows fierce resistance until he catches you, but he'll grow up after he catches you. No, I have to grow up.

It didn't work for Kuti. Even with a stroke of compressive magic, Mira. Likewise, Leki, it has shown just how effective it is for you.

I can see it being thrown into the whirlpool of comfort, both from the zero ringing after the hug and from the flow of magic.

But does it mean that he is afraid that he is confused by the feeling of the unknown and is forced to give it to him?

But when I indulge and leave, I don't run away that day anymore.

They may be completely deprived of strength to stroke and unable to move, but the aftermath seems to be submissive.

It feels like I've become deluded from exercising my strengths.

Leki, you were just a tundra. [M]

[So, Leki? When I get away with it, I want to chase him.

But my athletic ability won't let me catch you, so I'm going to have to exercise my strength, right?

So I'm going to make a suggestion. Ready?]


It's never intimidation - a mixed roar of fright and emotions like wanting to get away from this place right now.

Guru, I'm not too scared because it's not that kind of roar.

Leki, you never bite or use your nails to attack. I know it has a collar effect, but if you want to do it, you have pain, but nothing you can't attack. But I won't.

"O lady... this child's power is so much stronger than yesterday's -!

"Hey, too."

I'm trying to escape, Leki. I'm having your chains squeezed down by force. I'll have Lacrya make a pitiful noise but try harder.

Normally, if the distance shrinks somewhat, it will storm, so I will not have it suppressed for this long.

If you are powerless, your ability to think will also fall, so Leki can't teach you well.

Thanks to you, Leki, I haven't even made progress in your studies in the past few days. Trouble.

Well, I'm a fuzzy Leki. I can take Dr. Sunny's class on the couch, so I'm not in trouble.

[Leki, if you don't run, you don't even have to stroke and powerless, do you?

But if I'm powerless, Leki, your studies won't go any further, and even for me, it's a problem, right?

So, right? We're gonna walk over to each other here, and I'm gonna make sure I don't stroke you, too, Leki, so don't you run away, either? What do you say?





Leki, when you accumulate for a moment, it turns out that the magic power of all four of his legs is unusually activated.

Okay, but there was nothing I could do. My motor skills are my toddler's sole.

If the chain breaks a thousand like this, it will depend on where it breaks a thousand, but it will fly towards me in position. It's impossible to avoid it or prevent it on your own.

In the next moment of thought, the connected chains will be pulled a thousand times from the part where Lacrya holds them and about the middle of you, Leki.

I was pulled a thousand times by so much force that the chain came at me in recoil as if I were alive. It's too funny as expected. No, it's never funny.

If I get a direct hit from a chain of great momentum, I haven't had a single body that's still growing.

Lacrya was also fighting like a force comparison, so she's completely out of balance.

But I have Kuti.

So this is not the problem.

... was supposed to be, but what prevented it was LaClear's leg and Grandma's hand, which should have been out of balance.

Cover-up and defensive witchcraft deployed faster than the two of us could have prevented them from even slowing down the speed of the chain.

"Ma'am! Are you all right!?

"LaClear! Well done!

"Wow... Lily! It's okay!? It would have been amazing if I had found out!? I'm sorry, I'm sorry... You scared me..."

"That was dangerous. It would have been dangerous without those two because they were too small and not strong enough... Is there still a prefabrication to use, including instantaneous concealment………………"

[Thank you, Doctor, that was helpful.

Kuti, it's okay. Everyone stopped me... and...]

Apparently, Kuti was making some mistakes.

What a bad time. Had it not been for my wife, Dr. Sunny and LaClear, it would have been a big deal...... oh my god, there is actually no such thing.

As Dr. Sunny said, if you have a pre-order, you can prevent it without any problems.

Kuti also apparently did it in confidence with the teacher. There are witchcraft hidden by more elaborate witchcraft than the cover-up witchcraft used by teachers.

Even if it is more highly covered up, it will look like it to me. And with deeper knowledge, we also know that it is defensive magic activated in autos.

So even if Kuti finds out, he won't be able to keep things from getting too low.

Of course, if you prevent it, you will find out that defensive magic has unfolded, so who the hell used it?

My wife hasn't let anyone else know about Kuti. Things like activating should not be the kind of situation where you suffer a major injury, but it is too much of a problem to make such a powerful presence known.

But your wife is still amazing. I should have kept a little distance and watched, but it covers me well.

Lacrya was also out of balance but extended her legs to protect her from the chains that flew in.

But there is something wrong with the flow of magic where it was chained. It's spilling like it's spilling out.

He must have been injured because it was a direct hit from that chain of momentum.

Even though it's a Christopher's maid, if you can't do it from out of balance, you'll get hurt.

Is this spilling magic bleeding?

I am new to injuries and bleeding.

They feel like magic is spilling out when blood runs out.

The hypothesis that magic is like blood is a phenomenon that comes true.

She is bleeding from the leg of Lacrya, who was hit directly, but not from the hand of the old lady in the cover.

I think it was just as damaging, but is it still a different way of working out?

"Rauri, daijibu? Later, huh?

"Oh, my lady...... it's a waste of time. Don't worry, it's my job too."

"Mmm. Oh, Raura."


LaClear to correct his posture without even having a broken leg in his worried voice and words of gratitude.

I know that it also includes protecting myself in my exclusive role. But if you get help, you should thank me properly.

She thanked me, but I wonder if my legs hurt......

He lays his hands together in front of his chest and looks lukewarm. I honestly have trouble reacting when you're so happy with me.

But he was injured, so he has to be treated.

"Bye. I dare you to restore the raulia."

"I know, Lily. I've already called an ambulance. It's okay."

"Mm-hmm. Bye. Later. Dashiyuki!"

"Hehe... I love you too, Lily... I'm glad you're safe."

Several of them approach Lacrya as she is gently embraced by her mother.

I floated between two paramedics - probably put on a stretcher - and when I drop LaClear off in my grandmother's arms, Jenny takes over with LaClear.

"Bye. Say hello, Rikki. Say hello."

"Right. That girl already belongs to Lily, so hold on, okay?


Leki staring at this one in the corner of the vast space is trembling in small pieces.

You seem to know what you've done. A little far, but I see fright and regret in the magic that dwells in my eyes.

I seem to be reflecting.

However, the failure to fully understand the upward and downward relationship was the cause of this incident.

He was still spoiling it.

So let's go hard.

Slowly approaching, he releases his magic in full.

The old lady has given me permission. So you don't have to hide it or shy away.

Leki spreads it to cover where you are so that you lose your place to escape.

There is no physical effect on the released magic.

But Leki, you can see the magic. It would look exactly like a wall that would never break in its eyes. Besides, Leki made you inactive in an instant with a state anomaly.

That's why this is a wall enough for him.

I shrink my distance from him more and more with my toddler's small steps.

He also seems to have noticed and is shrinking and completely flat. The magic of the eyes is also a crossroads with no foresight, fright and reflection.

[Leki... you can't, can you? Are you reflecting properly?

The moment I see the magic letters, Leki, I'll put my right foot forward quickly.

I can see it reflecting properly with its speed and trembling feet, but this shouldn't be the end of it.

[You can't run anymore, can you? Next time you run away......]

"Wow, wow………………."

Leki, your tremors get louder.

[Here's the thing, so?

I manipulate the magic that was completely covering my surroundings to encircle you in an instant.

I didn't hear him squeal.

The speed of enveloping is the speed that won't let him take one physical movement without rattling and trembling.

It was you, Leki, who trembled heavily the moment he was wrapped up, but then he stopped moving at all.

The magic that I was releasing is not always the same compression rate as the compression magic that used to make you look normal.

Enveloped at a much higher compression rate than usual, he seems to have been drank and fainted by a vortex of more comfort than ever before.

"Awww... I think it's leaking... Lily, I think it's a little too much..."

[Well... did you leak it... but no. Because I need to make sure I understand.]

"…… Bull. Ri, I'm scared of Lily..."

"You've been doing a lot of work, so take a look at it."

"Hino...! Mm, I can't! Because I can't! If I take that, I shouldn't be your wife!

... Ah, you just have to hold Lily responsible!

Okay………………. I knew I couldn't!

"Oh, I ran away."

[You ran away]

Mist the magic that was enveloping you as you smiled at Kuti, who escapes like a shepherd.

Now I think we have a clear understanding of the relationship between the top and bottom.

I look forward to waking up.

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