

Even though I have a new room, there were basically no other changes.
The only things I can see is the newly installed clock, an air conditioning like magic tool for environment controlling spitting out a delicate magical power and the illumination at most. Of course, since they are magic tools, they all have operating formulas, and the magical power released from the air conditioner is always fluctuating, so it’s a bit difficult to analyze it properly.

Even though I have walked around the original room and grasped its interior to a certain degree, I was just fumbling in the end, so it can’t be helped that I don’t understand it well.
Replacing it with a new room is nearly the same as losing memories.
I have grasped it a little bit after walking around with Ena and Mira, but it only looks about three times larger to me.
As expected, by not being able to see the wallpaper or the furnishing, the room looks basically same to me.

Because of that, I have quickly lost interest and moved to Obaasama’s lap for the reading time.
But, only about 20% of my mind was directed to Obaasama’s cheerful, almost singing-like voice as the rest was was directed towards the deployment of the concealment sorcery.
Listening to the reading of books is a kind of a cover for me.

Obaasama’s reading continued until Ellie has returned, Ellie then started reading to me until Theo who entered the middle school returned, and then they started taking turns in reading to me when Theo returned.

The 2nd Month in this world is also the beginning of the school year.
In my previous country, the school’s started in April, so it feels slightly uncomfortable, but I also feel like agreeing since it’s already warm outside like in the spring.

There are four seasons in Ovent, but the winter period is very short.
The spring time is close to a half a year, it’s a very easy to spend time in country.
Summer is two months long, and fall is slightly longer at three months long. Winter is the shortest at about two months long.
These are all in rough periods, but that’s only natural because we can’t go against nature.

Now that I can go outside, this country where spring is so long is very welcomed.

Because there’s no meaning to exploring the mansion, I would like to explore the garden this time while it’s the warm spring.
While thinking of various things, I simultaneously think about the plan to persuade Ena.
The target of persuasion is a difficult target, but it’s also fun.

I fall asleep on the soft and fluffy bed together with Obaasama while recalling riding on Reki-kun’s back and feeling the comfortable air on a nice day.




A couple of days passed since I moved to the new room, and even though not much has changed, I noticed little differences after calmly spending my time there…… and I quickly got used to them.

Kuti and Sani sensei haven’t returned yet.
The days I lazily spend with Reki-kun are pretty boring.
It will still take some time to persuade Ena, Is inside the mansion no good? That’s the only line she returns.
Ena is a bigger obstacle than I thought.


Well, she quite hesitated to let me on the mansion exploration too, though……


Nevertheless, I’m using all this free time to get around Ena by all means…… I see no results, though.


I was thinking of Ena persuasion plan while being embraced by Obaasama today as well, then before I noticed, I was there.


A familiar scenery.
I also recognize my body. The appearances I got used to during the thirty years of my life.


「It has been a while……」


Countless floors are floating in a pure white space.
A nostalgic group of character group written in many native languages when I look up.


「Have I come here again?」


My muttering voice didn’t reverberate nor echo, it wasn’t sucked into a vast space nor it flowed normally…… it just disappeared.

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