「And then, and then! What do you think Natasha said!? Please come back earlier! I mean! Isn’t she stupid~!」

「No, no she isn’t stupid. It’s a sound argument」

「She doesn’t understand what it means to separate from Lily, it doesn’t make sense to return earlier!」

「You are not making sense. Do your work」

「Being by Lily side making sure Lily is happy is my work ssu!」

「You…… are……」


Grinning from ear to ear, greatly excited Smugface-sama and completely exhausted Sani sensei.
We have been separated for just about a month, but as I thought, it’s a great difference with Kuti and Sani here.
Just watching the beautiful Smugface-sama makes my cheeks 300% more relaxed.

The “Reki-kun’s full power howling distraction and stealthy emotional reunion tactics” worked splendidly and no one witnessed the scene of my reunion with Kuti.
Well, Sani sensei who arrived later was shocked, though.

Since then, my cheeks have been loose all the time.
While my usually expressionless cheeks were loose, Obaasama, Jenny, and the nearby Knights have filled the Reki-kun room with magical power to the full capacity.
Of course, it was warm, gentle magical power.

Because I have ended up releasing my magical power as well, it had blended in the Reki-kun room and created something incredible.
Incidentally, the majority of that appears to be my magical power.


「And then, and then!」

「Kuti, calm down first. Lily won’t escape. First, talk about your work」

「Eh~ no way, no way~ Because Lily is mine, I will first talk about myself, you know~ Before recovering the time which was lost, we can’t advance forward! My road is Lily’s! Lily is next to me, and I next to her! We are two intimate friends, you know! It’s love, you know! Love!」

「Yes, yes, I know, I know. Here sweetie, go play over there with Reki, alright~」

「Nuaaaa. Not fair~! Don’t use force field~! Coward~! Also, that baby talk doesn’t suit you~! Gross~!」

「Fuu…… with this, it finally calmed down…… why are you also going over there!?」


Sani sensei forcefully moved Kuti towards Reki-kun with sorcery, so I chase after her.
I’m sorry to Sani sensei, but I want to talk with Kuti and don’t want to be separated from her.


「Wait, wait, wait! Hear me out first!」

【Sensei…… can’t we do that later?】

「D, don’t make such reluctant face…… we will finish immediately!」

【Muu…… then, please make it short. With Kuti by my side】

「Haa…… okay, okay. There, come back, you worthless fairy」

「Hiyafu~ …… were you lonely, Lily」

【Un…… how about Kuti?】

「Of course, I was~! Aaan! Lily!」



I hide in Reki-kun’s belly who returned with Kuti and embrace her.
My magical power is releasing on full throttle, but this won’t give Reki-kun any pleasant sensation. Rather, it gives him warm and fluffy feelings as he happily closes his eyes.


「Haa…… seriously, this bacouple……」


Sani sensei’s voice that was aimed at the sky was completely exhausted, but that’s a trivial thing.
For a while, I have been rubbing cheeks against cheeks with Kuti and rolled around Reki-kun’s belly.

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