「Are you ready?」

「OK, it’s fine to put the water in~」

【Then, here I go!】


Kuti creates a sorcery that catches overflowing water inside the concealment sorcery and immediately sets it up.
Simultaneously with the signal, I complete an existing sorcery created just with imagination――the chantless substitution sorcery for an activation tool.
It takes no more than a second before the existing sorcery, and its settings are pulled from the World Archive.
Even though it’s a very simple sorcery falling under the Tenth Grade, it takes at least two seconds to draw it out from the World Archive and cast the usual way.
This sorcery that eliminates the almost non-existent two seconds deserves a word of admiration, but I already got used to it.


「Yosh, there’s no problem」

「Then, I’m erasing it, okay~」


The water was drawn out by a sorcery into a something similar to a magical container which Kuti instantly erased.
It was too fast, so I wasn’t able to analyze it. I have no idea what kind of sorcery she used to do that.


【You’re amazing, Kuti…… I have completely no idea what kind of sorcery you just used】

「This is, you see~ It makes the container jump to a selected place~ I have teleported it to a rather far away place, so it’s all right~」

「Incidentally, material teleporting doesn’t exist in the existing sorcery. It’s currently possible only thanks to the sorcery this fellow made」

【Haa~…… As I thought, Kuti is incredible, isn’t she? But, with such teleport sorcery, wouldn’t you be able to go where you please?】

「It’s not like that~ If teleporting living beings, they become guchagucha, you see~」

「When we teleported a monster before, its skin got turned upside down」

【T, that’s……】

「But, at that time, it lived even though its skin got turned over, didn’t it~ Nothing happened aside from its skin being turning upside down, well, it soon died, though」

「Yeah, that’s why it’s dangerous to use on living beings. By the way, what we use to get in and out of the Forest next to the world is not a sorcery, so there’s no problem」

【Haa, is that so? Teleporting is dangerous, huh】

「Yosh, go store it into the archive」

「Save it quickly~」



After learning the sorcery, Kuti and Sani sensei give me permission to store it in the archive. It’s being taken out of the World Archive, but I’m storing it because I don’t know if or when I will use it to create a new sorcery.
By the way, I have decided not to store without permission from either of the two.
Of course, I repeat the sorcery until I have mastered it and received permission from both.
Kuti won’t compromise only at a time like this.
That demonic teacher setting of hers is sweet as it shows her unusual strictness.

Because each sorcery has its own settings, I’m learning it with the settings Kuti and Sani sensei thought up beforehand.
Because I will fail if I’m just slightly off with the settings, their judgment is considerably strict.
Nevertheless, there’s no problem because it’s mostly a one-shot success. But, as expected, even though I have the special grounds of being a Variation Two, even though I can use Kuti’s sorcery, even though I have an abnormal Magic Eyes, humans will inevitably make mistakes.

But, mistakes while using Kuti’s sorcery aren’t permitted.
There has been no damage yet because I’m learning simple Tenth Grade sorcery, but it would be a different story when talking about an advanced level sorcery with a tremendous amount of settings, or Kuti’s brutal sorcery.
The advantage of chanting is that you can select the settings with words and thus avoid making mistakes, but Kuti’s substitute sorcery for activation tool has a disadvantage of not being able to do that.

That’s why Kuti hardened her heart to guide me strictly.
Of course, every time after we finish, she would start apologizing to me with teary-eyed magical power.


【Kuti, it’s okay. I understand that Kuti is doing this for my sake, so please don’t apologize……】

「Butbut, shouting at Lily…… ahh…… Please forgive me, God! Please forgive me for shouting at the adorable angel, rather at the cuteness which has reached divinity that is Lily! Rather, God is no match for Lily, so you think I need your forgiveness, oy~!」

「I think you will receive a Divine punishment one of these days……」

【I think that Kuti’s vigor would beat even a god, though~】

「Being capable of anything is really frightening, isn’t it……」

「With a flicker of a finger, I’ll knock a god do-2」

「Any more than that is bad」

【Someone from JA○RAC3 would come】

「You occasionally use some strange vocabulary. How do you read that?」


【Yes, Kuti you can’t~ more than this is not good, okay~】



When I wrapped my fingers around Kuti’s cheeks and closed her mouth, she slightly violently thrashed her arms, but she soon became calm.
Well, after that, we shifted to fooling around, though.


「Seriously…… this bacouple……」


I think I heard Sensei’s exhausted voice from somewhere, but I was wrapped over and over again in Kuti’s soft, small feeling of inseparable happiness.



Referring to Chapter 59 – Fairies and Resolution Lyrics from Hokuto no Ken – Ai wo Torimodose Jasrac – Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers 

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