Chapter 99 – Bouquet – Part 1


In fact, there’s Obaasama’s birthday before the day of the magic tools workshop visit.
Theo and Ellie told me, keeping it secret from Obaasama.


「And you see. We are thinking of giving flower decoration to Obaasama as present」

「But, we think the problem is that normal flowers wither after a few days」

「Fufu…… but we have already resolved that. There’s a magic tool that can preserve the state of flowers for over a half year」

「That’s why we asked Okaasama to request the royal sorcerer Wariselond-sama who specializes in that. But still, he said it works only for flower arrangements the size of a hand’s hold」

「But that’s enough for us, you see. They will wither after a half year, but with this, we will be able to give Obaasama lovely flowers that she could enjoy for a half of a year!」

「Wawa, Ellie calm down. Your voice is too loud」

「Ah, sorry. That’s the case, will you help us out, Lily?」


「Thank you, Lily. We would like to ask Lily to take on the duty of presenting the flowers to Obaasama」

「Could you do that?」

「Ai. But, will help with making flower」

「Really? Then, let’s make it together」

「We will help you make it, so feel relieved」

「Ai, pleash take care of me」


I’m going to participate in the two’s handmade present plan, and it has been decided that I will also help by handing over the present.
Recently, my teeth have been rapidly growing. Even though my lines remarkably improved, I’m not used to it yet, so I end up biting myself when talking fast. It appears I’m still not concentrating enough.

My siblings apparently asked Ena for cooperation in advance, and it seems she will take out Obaasama somewhere.
In the meantime, Ellie carefully selected flowers from her flower bed, and Theo processed the still young Asherah tree into a mic-like shape.

What we are making is apparently something like a wedding bouquet.
But this world doesn’t do something like bouquet toss at the wedding ceremonies.
It appears the reason my siblings wanted me to hand over the present from the beginning is because of the nature of the magic tool and its current shape.

I wouldn’t be able to hold a bouquet as big as the one Alek gave Claire for her birthday, and a small bouquet would be too dull.
So it seems they studied using the school’s library to find a good shape beforehand.
What they found is this wedding bouquet shape.

First of all, the handle part and the latticed shape of the tip of the bouquet stand in the shape of a microphone are made with Asherah tree, so I’m able to see it.
A refreshing and cool magical power smoothly flows through it.
It’s a straightforward flow that is suitable as a material for magic tools. If it’s like this, everything will flow steadily without stagnating.
Even if you use magic fragment which has been processed into a magic crystal, there would be more or less of a loss.
That’s why you also improve the nature of the magic tool by processing materials suitable for it to eliminate that loss.
Asherah tree is a suitable material for magic tools because it’s far from causing a loss, it has rather a positive effect.

The Asherah tree bouquet stand is inserted into the magic tool prepared by a royal court sorcerer.
Since it’s enveloped by the Asherah tree, it provides the permanence effect.
Asherah tree itself can bring a wide variety of positive effects, but they all depend on the processing method.
The processing method used this time was a compression process for permanence effect.
Because Asherah tree itself is soft, the method is to forcefully stretch it and consolidate the permanence effect of the magic tool.
Actually, there are a few more complicated processes involved, but because Sensei’s talk was prolonged, it was left for another time.
Of course, that was not in the lesson, but during a chat.

A bouquet stand made of Asherah tree made by Theo and flowers prepared by Ellie.
All that’s left is to arrange and decorate the flowers and activate the magic tool.
But as I thought, the problem is the decoration.

It appears the book that described the wedding bouquet was described in the text, not pictures.
Even though Ellie has talked with florists she’s acquaintanced with, the servants, and the gardeners helping Theo with raising of the trees, the didn’t know of wedding bouquets, so they are having quite a hard time.

But still, Theo and Ellie not being called Oujisama and Ohimesama in the school for nothing have quite the sense around here.
They use top quality products every day. It seems their sensibility is nourished more than ordinary people.
I don’t quite understand it myself.

Asherah tree has magical power so I can see it, but I naturally don’t see the flowers.
Naturally, I don’t know the colors as well, I just arrange the flowers as Ellie says.

At first, we attached stalks with leaves to spread out from the oasis――the microphone’s head sponge-like thing――at a slight angle and installed the slightly larger, main flowers.
From there, we arranged the sub-flowers diagonally, so it would seem round from side and tied it.

Why I know that is because of our Tiny-sama.
She has precisely reproduced the arranged flowers in the oasis with a thin magical power.
As expected, I couldn’t understand the colors, but thanks to that, I was able to understand the flowers, stalks, and leaves and the shape of their arrangement.
This would be actually really difficult if I weren’t able to see it. I wouldn’t be able to do the same thing just by myself.
However, this seems to be extremely tiring, even our Tiny-sama can do it only for a short amount of time.
The wedding bouquet is extremely small because it’s in the size of my hold.
This can’t be compared with the simplicity of the room’s furnishing or the room itself.

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