Nihonkoku Shoukan
Strong Day 4
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silant Imperial Castle
(4) Emergency meeting ... Only the top executives of the country participated, and an emergency meeting, in which decisions on the imperial nation were made, was about to begin.
The agenda of the meeting is Japan's measures.
Members of the conference, led by Emperor Ludias,
Royal Remir
Army Commander Arde
First Foreign Affairs Bureau Elt
Second Foreign Affairs Bureau Rius
Chief of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau Chios
President of Parliament
Director of Economy Muri
In addition, executives of each station will be assisted.
Prior to the meeting, materials about Japan that have been identified so far will be distributed.
Each executive reads the material prepared by the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau.
The materials described in chronological order are summarized as follows.
Central history: In January 1639, Principality of Quatine on Rodenius continent made its first contact with Japan. Until the contact, there was no national recognition of Japan.
After the contact, Japan demands that the Principality of Quatine purchase a large amount of food.
○ In April of the same year, the kingdom of Louria, which was the largest in the continent, invaded the Principality of Quatine, and the two nations entered a state of war.
In the war, Japan participated in the war with Principality of Quatine.
During the Battle of Rodenius, the Royal Navy of Loria was sunk by over 1,500 ships, and Wyvern units were hit hard.
○ In the battle on the west side of the fortified city of Kwatoine, Ejay, the Royal Army of Louria will be destroyed.
Although the method is unknown, King Lauria was later secured in Japan.
○ The Imperial Kingdom of Papaldia and the Imperial Audit Force Oriental Fleet, who fled to punish the Kingdom of Fen, were shot down on Wyvern Road and their battleships were sent back to the Japanese.
This is the first military clash between the Empire and Japan.
The Imperial Army, who dropped the kingdom of Altaras, turned to control the kingdom of Fen, fell Nishinomiyako in the kingdom of Fen, caught 200 Japanese people there, and killed them under the name of Imperial Remir.
The Imperial Navy during the invasion of the Kingdom of Fen will be annihilated by the attack of the Japanese army, which is furious at this act.
(4) The Empire lost one-third of its total navy due to the annihilation of the Imperial Army.
His Majesty Emperor ○ ordered an extermination war against Japan, while Japan informed the individual of the right of self-defense in response to the act.
Here, the Emperor Papardia and Japan became a state of full-scale war.
○ The Japanese attacked and destroyed the Emperor Altaras stationed in Altaras, and the territory Altaras became independent.
○ The Japanese army will also attack the Imperial Guard's army base, north of the Imperial City of Est-Silant, using flying machines, and the defenders will be destroyed.
○ On the other hand, the Imperial Navy's main navy is virtually annihilated by the Japanese attack from the sea, and the Navy HQ Government Building and the harbor facilities near the site are completely destroyed.
○ Japan claims to be a nation that has transferred itself from a different world or another planet in this world, and has achieved results that are incredible as civilized foreigners.
Considering the current situation where Japan has not recognized such a nation in history, it is certain that it has suddenly appeared.
Each member finishes reading the handouts.
The face is uniformly dark.
"First, let's start with the military situation."
Army chief commander Alde begins to explain.
"With regard to the situation of the Navy, the main force is almost destroyed, and the remaining strength is $ 50 first-class ships, including 12 Luna fleets, 22 oriental fleets, which are second-class ships of the audit army, and 13 western fleets. , With a total of 85 vessels, less than one-tenth the force before the battle with the Japanese army, and the scale has been significantly reduced. "
Alde's forehead dries.
Even if only the surviving ship is stronger than the Navy in the countries around the third civilization, its strength is too high when considering the Japanese army that has buried its main force easily. Looks small.
"Next, let me explain the situation of the Army.
One of the three major bases of the Imperial Army, the Imperial Guard, has been wiped out.
As an attack from the sky, the amount of bombs projected was too large and had never been anticipated.
When building a base in the future, it was necessary to take care not to concentrate too much force, but this battle is unlikely to be in time. "
The explanation continues.
"With a huge hole in the defense of the Imperial City, we will withdraw the Dependent Governing Army and take over the role of defense of the Imperial City.
This is the most important issue, such as defense of the Imperial City, and it was urgently required, and we have already issued a withdrawal instruction based on the authority of the Supreme Command of the Army.
Even if you withdraw all of the Dependents, you cannot recover the strength of the Imperial Guard before the attack. "
"Cho ... wait a minute, Alde!"
The Parliament of Parliament breaks into Alde's story.
"Withdrawing the Dependent Command !? Doing so could cause a rebellion! Can't we pull from the other two continental bases?"
"I can't. Other bases are also important bases.
For your information, the Army's greatest strength is the advantage of the earth, assuming that he has pulled troops from this large base to the imperial capital, and thought that he would use the territorial rule in the open hole, but that would reduce the overall strength Too much. "
The story continues.
"Does the governing body exist to prevent a rebellion?
Well, the territories have already been pulled out of their fangs, and there is no horizontal connection between them. Don't worry about that.
Even if there is a rebellion and you lose your territory, considering the importance of defense of the Imperial City, it's unlikely that you will have to weigh it. "
"So ... that's ..."
"And, as I said, we've already endorsed. Each governing army is already preparing to head to the Imperial City."
Parus is silent.
Alde continues.
"We have already contacted the Emperor and the Chief of Economic Affairs in advance and have given their approval, but we will direct the mass production of weapons and ammunition to the weapon factory in the industrial city Duro so that there is no hole in supply. . "
After Alde finishes speaking, Chios, Chief of Foreign Affairs, raises his hand and begins speaking.
"From the current military situation, I think everyone has a common perception that Japan is an indisputable entity and a threat.
Here's the problem ... "
Chaos puts a breath.
"How to end this war, what to drop."
The shock runs all together.
Chaos begins to speak in front of His Majesty the word that everyone feels, but which is the hardest to say.
"Ask the High Commander Alde."
"Is it possible to land in Japan with the remaining strength and destroy the Japanese as instructed by the Emperor?"
"I will work with my whole body to achieve His will."
"I haven't heard anything about spirit.
I'm asking if it is possible with current military strength. "
"... It is impossible with the current strength.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to have more troops and build more ships.
I need time. "
"Japan can't wait.
Then, Elt, the 1st Foreign Affairs Director who opened this battle front. "
"How are you going to converge this war?"
Elt glances at the face of Emperor Ludias.
His forehead sweats tightly and his eyes swim.
"Now, as a nation, which has already declared the destruction of Japan, if the Empire changes its will, it cannot be shown to other nations or dependent states.
Even if we consider national interests, we have to proceed as it is. "
"Does Elt think it is possible?"
"Arde, the highest commander of the army, says it is possible if we take the time.
I am not in a position to talk about strategic matters in the military. "
"Then, I would like to ask the Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, which is responsible for what Japan wants from Japan."
"Japan ... In the Kingdom of Fen, an official apology for the slaughter of Japanese people, compensation, and handover of mastermind and witness in Japan.
He also seeks an apology for the Kingdom of Fen, compensation, security of goods, and compensation for personnel. "
Remir's face is cloudy.
"So, Remir, what do you think about this request in Japan?"
Temporary silence.
"Wow ... I am ..."
"It's alright !!"
An angry voice that breaks into Remir's remarks, and everyone instantly understands who uttered the voice, and then silences.
Emperor Ludias heads to Chaos, the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau.
"What do you want to say, Chaos! Do you want a humiliating complete defeat, such as sending this mighty Emperor Papardia, its emperor and his remir to Japan!"
"Yes ... No, never.
I'm just looking for what the Japan wants and what we can do as a nation in search of all the possibilities for the people of the Imperial Kingdom, without having to close our eyes. "
In a situation where the clan's head flies in a word if they make a mistake, Chaos chooses words.
"Japan is strong. I really feel a sense of crisis.
I am worried that the Empire may fall down as it is. "
"Well ... the Japanese are indeed strong, destroying the navy and crushing one of the large army bases.
However, two large-scale bases are still alive, and the industrial city Duro, which supports Japan's weapons, is still alive.
Weapons never run out.
And they can't land the army. "
"Why do you think so?"
"The landing of the army ... To take control of the continents of powers that take advantage of the earth's advantage, an enormous amount of input is required.
However, Japan has a small number of troops, as does the number of navy.
The vast land area cannot be compensated by quality. "
Everyone nods.
There is no way to go against the emperor's words.
However, although Chios's concerns about the collapse of the Empire are not there, he dismisses the current opinion as he may be knocked out.
The Japan Countermeasures Conference continues.
Papardia Empire Dependent kudu
Haki was recruiting for his independence because he could not withstand the Kas-like reign of the powerful Parpaldia Empire.
There are many who are dissatisfied with the rule of the imperial empire, and Haki himself is completely incredible, but there were 2,500 collaborators.
Rebel organization name, "Kudos Reconstruction Army"
Although the actual strength is about 1500, it can be said to be a great strength.
The organization has more than a dozen people connected like a network, and 2500 people meet and talk
And its activities have not been revealed, and are not miraculously recognized by the Governing Body.
Haki was eating breakfast that morning.
The door at home is knocked.
Opening the door, one man gasps and stands in front of the entrance.
(What happened?)
Haki puts him at home.
Ikia, the right arm of Haki, the right arm of Hakushi, a rebel against the Emperor Papardia, stands out in front of him.
"What happened so early in the morning ... what happened?"
Ikia holds his breath and starts talking.
"The Dependents have withdrawn two days ago !!
Nearly all Dependents will leave Kudus this morning! ! "
"Is it true? Isn't the existence of the organization barred and false information of the beginning?"
"No, what I'm going to say is the most accurate information the soldiers were talking about ..."
"It appears that the Imperial Guards of the Empire of Papaldia have been wiped out. The withdrawal is to be part of that make-up."
"Such ... stupid! Really? Is the partner in Japan?"
"Yes, many large flying machines in Japan seemed to have invaded and attacked the Empire from the sky.
So, the base has been wiped out ... and there's one more piece of information. "
"As the Japanese Navy fought the Imperial Navy of Papardia, the Imperial Kingdom lost 550 battleships and a fleet of fleets, and its port facilities south of Estesilant were wiped out.
It seems that none of the 20 Japanese ships sank. "
A perfect word ...
Haki doesn't immediately speak out of his unusual results.
"Ah ... no, wait, why aren't the news yet?
Isn't it strange that it has become news of other civilizations? "
"Maybe it's an incredible result of the war.
If this information is true, Japan is far beyond the power of power.
Don't lose credit by saying the right thing, and neither country nor the other has officially announced.
Although information may not have just come. "
The Kudu kingdom, which lost its battle with the third civilian power, the Parpaldia Empire, and continued its fecal rule, they called our land Dependent Kudu, and called our people the Kudu Kudu. Was.
They wanted to regain their own nation, but the mighty army was too strong, and even if the kingdom of Kudus had its heyday, it would have been easily defeated by the imperial ruler.
Even better, even if he rebelled without much equipment, he could easily be destroyed.
The army and our army were overwhelming ... no, hopelessly.
But ... a country called Japan appears and the situation changes.
They saved Altaras, a territory of the Empire, and taught that power was not the strongest.
And Japan did considerable damage to the Empire.
Damage that draws the Dependent Army to the Imperial City ... Haki's heart burns.
"Ikia !!"
Haki starts speaking loudly to Ikia.
"What ... what?"
"The time has come !!"
"This is the first formation of the Kudus Kingdom Reconstruction Army! It's going to happen at 3:00 pm today! We will break down the building of the Governance and regain Kudus Kingdom !!"
"Are you serious? Our weapons are like swords and shields. They will be annihilated when the governing army returns!"
"The governing army will not return, because it cannot afford to make a hole in the defense of the Imperial City.
And if you attack with 1500 people, such as the Goverment of the People's Governance, it will fall easily ... Kudus is our country! ! ! "
Haki decides to rebel.
His head is full of defeats of the Empire, and he has no idea what to do afterwards.
The vengeful revenge keeps his heart burning.
Papardia Empire Dependent kudu
"Haki doesn't know anything !!"
Ikia was dissatisfied with Haki's short-term decision, which made an impulsive rebellion.
The rebellion is a battle between people, and it is not play.
He has a family, of course, and he needs convincing reasons to save his life.Even if he can temporarily rule after the rebellion, he will regain his power unless the Empire loses war It is evident that they will be overrun again by the Empire.
Ikia was in front of a building to persuade one organization to try before persuading the code of rebellion with magic.
The door opens and enters the building.
"So, from 3:00 pm today, we will have a simultaneous call to rebuild the Kudus kingdom to regain the country.
For the preparation, the crypt magic will be played at 0:00 pm 3 hours ago. "
"I think there is a temporary win, but are you thinking about the rest?
When the Imperial Army returns, you will be crushed easily. "
Human of an organization showing the same concerns as Ikia, too, has too little material to bet on human life.
…… Silence.
Pyrolinepyrroline ... Pyrolinepyrroline
The broken video receiver installed in his house starts to glow.
The human and Ikia of the organization turn to the receiver that was picking up the magical beast of the first civilization.
“… I am in the middle of a program, but we will inform you of extraordinary news.
The former princess of the Kingdom of Altaras, the current queen, Lumies will hold an emergency press conference for the whole world
It is a thing. "
Lumies goes up to the stage for a while.
"Good morning everyone."
Lumiès slowly bows down.
The appearance is beautiful and you can feel its character.
"The announcements that we will make now have the consent of Japan, the country concerned."
The story continues.
"The other day, there was a naval battle between Japan and the Emperor Papaldia, in the waters north of Estal Silto, the Emperor of Papaldia, north of the Kingdom of Altaras."
The first important announcement from a public organization, reporters embark on the body and listen, and Ikia in front of the video receiver also embark on the body because it is important information related to themselves.
"In this naval battle, Japan introduced approximately 20 Maritime Self-Defense Force escort fleets, while the Emperor Papardia introduced approximately 600 main battleships and other ships."
The event that was flowing in the rumors will be made as a formal announcement from the government agency.
The media are desperately keeping records.
"As a result of this battle, there was no damage to Japan and no single ship was killed.
On the other hand, about 550 ships were sunk in the Emperor Papardia, and the remaining 50 ships broke out. With this battle, the main navy of the Emperor Papaldia was almost completely destroyed. "
The venue is noisy.
"In addition, Japan has attacked the Imperial Guards, an army base on the mainland of Papaldia, from the air and annihilated them.
In addition, our base is used for this attack. "
The story continues.
"Information has been given that troops are being raised from each territory to make up for this imperial defense."
Lumiez's voice is strong.
"People suffering from the rule of the Emperor Papardia! It's time to move !!!
Now, if everyone moves together, the Empire has no power to stop it! ! !
Now is the time to work together and build our own country! ! Let's regain our country of peace, happiness and, above all, pride! ! ! "
"It is clear that the Japanese army is stronger than the Emperor Papardia, even if you watch this battle, than you see the fire !!
The empire is at war with Japan! And they can't beat Japan! ! "
"We will fight together! Let's defeat Papaldia, a demonic country !!!!
The act of regaining your own country will have a major impact on this battle.
Fight! ! Now ... I can win the battle now! ! !
I can win now. And they will fall out of power.
It is time to move! ! ! "
Reporters start asking questions.
The emergency broadcast has ended.
…… Silence.
It was true that the Empire was badly beaten.
The country of Japan seems to be a terrible country.
"... Okay, let's do it."
People at the organization listen to the broadcast and show their understanding of Haki and Ikia's policies.
Deputy Territory Kuz has rebelled against the Empire today and has decided to regain its control.
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silant Imperial Castle
The emergency meeting was still ongoing, with a short break, in the evening.
As for the major flow of the conference, talks are proceeding in a direction to thoroughly fight Japan.
The Chief of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau, Chios, is impatient with the proceedings of the meeting.
After all, the Empire will be destroyed as it is.
In this world that boasts so much national power and there are many nations, the emperor Papardia, who has entered five fingers, will be destroyed.
Chaos decided at this conference that he had put his life at risk.
"... and the country is in crisis, with massive spending by the Bureau of Economic Affairs, thorough mass production of weapons in the industrial city of Duro, and re-arming with recruitment from dependent territories. Creates three times the size of the Imperial main army so far, and sends a large fleet offshore the Japanese capital at night with "volume", turning their capital into a sea of fire.
I would like to go in this direction. Is it okay, His Majesty the Emperor? "
Arde, the highest commander of the army, has issued a rebuilding plan.
Chaos is hurt by the perfect desk theory that assumes that Japan will not do anything.
At the meeting, everyone looks as if they have regained their confidence, but the chios turn their eyes away from reality and only see the fools lined up with goosenecks.
Suddenly, an executive hears Alde, the highest commander of the army.
The executive's face is full of impatience, sweat is flowing from his forehead, and his face is blue.
The emperor has a question and asks Alde.
"What happened Alde, what happened?"
Sweat fell from Alde's forehead and his hands were shaking.
Alde struggles with the answer.
"What happened? Tell me soon."
"This ... Duro, a large industrial area of the Imperial Kingdom, was destroyed by a raid by the Japanese army.
The private house was hardly damaged, but the factory was completely destroyed. "
"What ... what ?!"
"So ... that's it !!"
"In addition, a large army base in the industrial city of Duro was also destroyed by a Japanese air raid."
"Well ..."
A shocking, silent meeting room, making a sound in a quiet place, another executive changes his blood and jumps into the meeting room.
"What the hell are you !!!! You don't have to listen to Alde anymore, you are here!"
The emperor yells at the military executive.
"Hah ... huh !!"
The military executives lie down to the emperor and begin reporting.
"Deputy territory Kudu, Malta and Ark have rebelled.
The three governing bodies have already been destroyed and fallen into the hands of rebels. "
Shock ...... Executives continue.
"The three territories I have just mentioned are those that have already fallen.
Currently, 15 other territories have revolted and the governing system is inferior. "
The story continues.
"Queen Lumies of the Kingdom of Altaras is calling on rebels to rebel against the territory of the Empire!
It seems that this rebellion was in response to that call.
If the territory falls further in the future, it is expected that other territories will revolt in an accelerated manner! ! ! "
Speechless executives ...
The Papaldia Empire has been under the control of other nations by "fear" and has ruled over it, and has continued to suck up wealth.
However, the "power" to give that fear has been broken by Japan.
Vulnerability of fear control is the worst form and returns to them.
You can let go of the defense of the Imperial City and return the Dependent Army, but this will leave the Imperial City naked.
I can't do that.
"Oh ... oh no !!!!"
The meeting lasted until midnight, when the emperor could only exhale anger.
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silant Chaos House
At the meeting, nothing was decided after all, and the theory continued.
Since the future of the Empire was hopeless, Chief of Third Foreign Affairs Chios was determined to do something.
In this state, the empire will be destroyed.
If this action fails, not only Chios, but perhaps even the clan's life may be lost.
But if successful, at least the country will remain.
He reaches for a communication device that was set up in a corner of the residence and passed to Japan.
"……There is no choice but to do."
Chios pushed the communication button hard.
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