Nihonkoku Shoukan
Chaos' decision
POW camp, Yamaguchi, Japan
The Emperor Papardia, the Imperial Auditing Force, and the Special Class A Dragon Knight Remire were able to read Japanese to some extent by reading Japanese newspapers.
The irregularly handed POW newspaper, the newspaper of the day, features articles from Japan and the Emperor Papardia, including the latest government announcements, which he reads.
In the battle off the Kingdom of Fen, the number of prisoners had already reached 2,000, including aboard a 120-class battleship Pearl off the coast of Fen, taking command and engaging with Japanese warships. It also includes Sius, the imperial general who was thrown into the sea.
Lekmir reads the newspaper, and General Sius sits beside it.
It is a strange sight.
Leckire reads the newspaper.
His face becomes increasingly rugged, wrinkles between his eyebrows, sweating, and his fingertips begin to tremble. As before, this time, the face is even pale.
"What's going on, Remire, tell me what's on?"
General Sius, who has experienced combat directly with Japan and experienced the strength of the Japanese army, predicts that it will be bad news.
"Foo, foo, General Sius, listen with your heart."
"Japan first attacked Altaras, annihilating the imperial army, and the kingdom of Altarass came out of control."
"After all, that's what I expected."
"Japan, which dropped the kingdom of Altaras, upgraded Mu's base in Altaras and used it to attack the mainland.
"How !! How about the mainland? And how did the Empire respond? The defense of the mainland is not like any other."
"Yes. The Emperor Papardia, with its main fleet, was the Japanese escort fleet, and for the Japanese aviation force, the Wyvern Overload, which was being tested, was put into practical use and deployed in combat to the Japanese army."
"What's the result?"
"... The main fleet of Emperor Papardia has been destroyed, and a large army base north of the imperial capital Estesilant has been wiped out by a Japanese air raid."
General Sius spells out too much damage than expected.
"... In addition, Japan attacked and destroyed the weapons factory in the technical city of Duro and its large army base."
"Well ..."
Sweat on Sius's forehead.
"The Empire has raised its Dependent Forces to the Imperial City in order to increase the available forces in defense of the Imperial City.
At the same time, Queen Lumiers of the Kingdom of Altaras slammed a rebellion, and the territories that took advantage of it revolted continuously, losing all territories. "
"That's what it is! It's not a business that can be done in a foreign country in the first place. Japan is too strong! What's going on !!"
"Furthermore, the Dependents united, declared war on the Empire, and the local city of Aruni fell."
"It's weird! It's such an idiot. It's not an empire like a Dependent!"
General Sius leans halfway and raises his voice with a nervous look.
"Yes, it states that the realm of the civilized nation, Reem Kingdom, has announced that it will participate in this battle."
Lekmeia speaks calmly.
"If you do this ... it will end!"
General Sius and the Dragoon Leckmere just despaired.
Capital of Japan Tokyo
An important meeting to determine the fate of the third civilized power, the powerful Emperor Papardia, was held at the residence of the prime minister, home to the administrative center of the 13.35 million wriggling town of Tokyo, the economic and political center of Japan. I was
(4) The meeting will include the Prime Minister and each Minister, the executives of each ministry and agency, and the core of the field.
"Now, we will start a conference on the war."
Moderator starts talking.
Each person looks through the thick material placed on the desk.
"First, as stated in the material, I will propose the direction of the war as a Foreign Ministry.
As you all know, the war has begun and Japan is already in a situation that cannot be closed. "
Everyone nods.
"The handover of the mastermind that Japan presented to the Emperor Papardia, which is not a concession, but Ambassador Asada reported that the execution of the execution of the Japanese slaughter was done by the Imperial Remir.
Therefore, capturing this remir is an absolute requirement. "
The explanation continues.
"Originally, the involvement of the emperor is suspected, but if you seize the emperor, foreign relations will also be affected, so I would like to go in a direction not to secure the emperor."
The place is noisy.
"But isn't that the only anti-Japanese nation that will survive? It will not be a culmination to strengthen its power and turn its sights on Japan."
(4) The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology raises questions regarding the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Yes, so we will build friendly relations with the Anti-Imperial Alliance, hostile to the Empire, restrict trade, not survive and kill to the extent that we will not die, and not build our national strength."
"How is it? And isn't that a fundamental solution?"
"Yes, it is not a fundamental solution if the Imperial Republic is educated against Japan."
"... What about information control?"
"Rather than Japan having information control, it creates a situation in which the Empire has to adopt voluntary pro-Japanese policies to live."
"Details of the measures are diverse, so I'd like to give more details later, but in general, I'm telling you that Chios, Chief of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau, will soon launch a coup.
At present, the Empire is attacked by the Allied Forces, and the civilized nation, the Reems Kingdom, has also joined the Allied side, and its self-defense force has greatly reduced its strength, and it seems that even its own defenses will not remain.
Chios imprisoned the emperor with a coup and delivered Remir to Japan, after which he hoped for peace with Japan.
You also want Japan to stop the Allied invasion.
If the coop of Chios succeeds, he will be a piece that moves according to the wishes of Japan.
There are no tricks to educate you on pro-Japanese education. "
The story ends
"We have Chios become the new leader, and we're going to have a policy that doesn't involve politics for the emperor.
Also, anti-Japan ... I will nail myself not to carry out malicious education against Japan.
We will also provide guidance to prevent government-led anti-Japan education even if the government changes.
Regarding the emperor, I will remove all practical powers and conduct hearings on the Japanese slaughter, but as I mentioned earlier, I will not restrain my body by Japan. "
"... I want to ask a little."
The Minister of Finance raises his hand.
"What is your right as a winning country?"
"It is a premise that the coup of Chaos was successful and everything went well, but we are thinking about the resources mining rights of the Imperial Kingdom, but we do not yet know where the resources are, so we will negotiate after the war It depends. "
"Is it better to decide in advance?"
"Practically too little information on the Empire is impossible.
If you are worried that the Empire will not listen to Japan after the war, I will flicker the silence of the Japanese slaughter and shut it down. "
(4) The discussion on post-war processing of the Imperial Japan continues.
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silant Chaos House
"Okay ... ready."
Chaos's house, where the morning sun shines, curtains shake by the wind, and Chios looks out.
The blue sky with no clouds, the little birds sing, the refreshing morning, the animals will finish their daily routine without incident on this day.
However, it will be a historic day for the leaders and people of the country of the Emperor Papardia.
If successful, remain in the Empire as an executive of the country; if unsuccessful, the entire clan will be killed.
No, if it fails, the Emperor Papardia will die anyway.
There are dozens of people who took their breath in the Guard.
The emperor's restraint will work.
Hundreds of troops in the army will be able to enter the parliamentary and administrative conferences to be held today, and will be able to bind them.
However, the strength is overwhelmingly short, and it is over when the army seriously regains it.
(4) Immediately after the members are bound, it is necessary to communicate with Japan and produce results that are visible to the military and the people.
Interaction with Japan has already been talked about, so this should work.
Also, 500 secretives from the Jimi kingdom outside the civilized sphere, which are good at stealth activities, are already under my command.
Let's use it if there is something.
The chios skips the command with a communication magic tool.
He decided and left the room.
Emperor Papardia Emperor Est Estlanto Convention Hall
"What the army is doing! Rather than allowing the rebellion of the 72 dependent nations, it is true that it will fall to the northern city of Aruni !!"
(4) The Executive Council, where executives gathered to discuss practical measures for the operation of the country, was in dispute before the unprecedented crisis since the beginning of the Empire.
The Imperial Navy is no longer there, only a poor fleet remains for Japan, and two Continental bases have already disappeared.
The Great Rebellion of the Dependents, which forced the land of the Empire of Papaldia to shrink significantly, and even the Depot's granary territory had fallen out of control.
The loss of the large granary zone is expected to drastically reduce the country's food self-sufficiency rate, and even worse, famines can even hurt their heads.
The Army's chief commander, Arde, takes a series of abuses and gives explanations while hurt his stomach.
"The military is currently rebuilding, and as soon as it is ready ..."
"When is it! When will it be !!!!"
Intercept Alde's remark, and the director of the Agriculture Bureau speaks.
"I want you to regain it immediately or in the granary alone!
That's the way it is ... 6 months, maybe just 6 months, the food will probably bottom out.
If you control, you will have a little more, but in any case it will only be about 8 months! ! ! "
The story continues.
"Is there any way to temporarily suspend the war with Japan and suppress the rebellion in the granary?"
I can't do it.
In the first place, Japan will not see it as a domestic problem.
Are there any fools who can stand out when the enemy is weak?
Alde responds with anger at the Director General of Agriculture's ignorance.
"I talked to the First Foreign Affairs Director, but it is impossible."
"Then you can regain the granary! You know the barbarians' strength! Why not do it!"
The dad flies.
"We will do our best to recover the granary.
But ... When the northern city of Aruni fell, not only the 73 Unions but also the army of the Leam Kingdom were mixed.
When fighting against civilized nations, it is necessary to prepare some strength. "
"Sure, it was in the material created by your station. Reem participation and that small country !!!! Turn over soon !!!!"
The conference gets heated and confused.
The door of the large conference room was suddenly opened, and 70 armed soldiers rushed in.
The soldiers push into the conference room, holding a musket officially deployed to the Imperial Papaldia infantry.
"What the hell! What the hell !!!!"
Alde roars.
"I want everyone to stay still !!
This administrative conference hall has just been seized! !
There is no guarantee of your life if you act without permission! ! ! "
Leader-level soldiers speak out.
"Do you intend to pretend to be revolutionary ahead of the unprecedented crisis of this nation !!!! The nation without leaders will not move at all !! Do you want to destroy the Emperor Papardia !?"
The place is quieted by Alde's words.
"You have created this unprecedented crisis.
We came here to save our beloved Papaldia Empire from the catastrophe! ! "
"The stupid person! Just holding down the administrative structure will not solve anything !!!!
There is an opponent! Opponent! ! !
Show me a specific or alternative plan! ! !
If you can't do that, you're a real idiot! ! ! "
The soldier laughs and watches Alde, the highest commander of the army.
"If there is a specific plan ... there is!
Chios has already talked to Japan.
If we clean up the inside of the Empire ... the Empire will be saved. "
The place is noisy.
"Bokeh! It's hard to do anything just to control Japan !!"
Rebels ... There is no future for us to keep control of the 73 Allied Forces and civilized nations.
Even if it succeeds, Japan has declared an extermination war against Japan.
I can't imagine them protecting the Empire! ! "
"You seem less aware of Japan than I am.
The information is simplified as you go up, and it can be twisted for your convenience.
Well good.
I don't want to ask any more questions.
Let's not move. "
"... I regret it."
The Administration Conference Hall was bloodlessly suppressed by the Chief of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau's army.
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silant Imperial Castle
"... Chaos, what are you going to do?"
Emperor Ludias glare at Chaos.
Next to Ludias, five strong soldiers stand around the emperor.
! ?
"Her Majesty ... I want you to stay still for the Empire."
Chaos looks at Ludias' eyes.
"Hmm ... a revolution or a tantrum.
Even if you do this, the people will not follow you, right? Immediately your arm will be knocked by the army. "
Emperor Ludias speaks to Chios while remaining dignified.
"I will stop the war with Japan and save the Empire from the rebels.
I can't leave it to you anymore. "
"What are you going to do with me?"
"The Emperor will not be allowed to talk to politics in the future.
As a royal family of the United States, you will participate in ceremonial events and will not talk about politics forever. No, I will not be able to put it out. "
"Hun! The royal family has pushed a civilized country to power!"
It is unlikely that the Papaldia Empire will be established without the involvement of the royal family in the operation of the country! ! "
"If you leave it as it is, the Imperial Kingdom will disappear from this world in the near future by the Allies of Japan, 73 countries and the Reems.
If I take control of the country, I promise to peace with Japan and other countries and to survive the country.
After the peace, the royal family also needs a strong voice.
Your Majesty, thank you. "
"... What happens to Remir?"
"Remir is thought to be the mastermind of the Japanese slaughter this time ... from Japan.
In front of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the government has declared executions on Japanese citizens. I can't save anything.
It is no exaggeration to say that the delivery of Remir to Japan is an absolute condition for peace with Japan. "
While Emperor Ludias and Chaos are talking, gasping and armed soldiers jump into the room.
The soldier salutes Chios 3 Chief of Foreign Affairs while holding his breath.
"What happened?"
When Chios senses an abnormality from the military situation, he asks the soldier quickly.
"I missed Lemir ... I arrived at Lemir's mansion, but he had already left."
The blood of the chios is depressed, and the whole body is losing blood.
"Now! What is it ?! Absolutely find it and be sure to catch it !!"
Before the possibility of harmony with Japan is far away, the head of Chios will make a full turn.
(... First of all, let's talk about peace with Japan ... I have to report to Japan that all the conditions that Japan has shown are achievable and look for Remir while holding down the rebels.
Pussy! That woman! !
I'll make you work forever! ! ! )
"Hahaha ... Chios, reality doesn't go as calculated.
You can see how you run the Imperial Kingdom. "
On this day, the real power of the administration of the Emperor Papaldia was separated from Emperor Ludias.
Chios reported to Japan that all the revolutions were well underway and came to the stake of the country.
Third civilized sphere Powerhouse Emperor Papardia Imperial capital Est Silant Somewhere
"Hah, huh, huh ..."
The sun had already fallen, and a woman was running in the back alley under the moonlight.
The woman's body gets wet with sweat, and her rubbed legs show that she has fallen several times.
After the woman hides in the back alley, soldiers run around on the main street.
They are
"Find it! Find out anything and anything !!"
Everyone in the Imperial City is looking for themselves. I even feel like that.
"Wow !! Why is this me ...?
The figure was too bad for her.
However, if caught, probably ... death.
That fear pushes her beyond her limit.
When you were at home, a good maid noticed the danger and gave you easy-to-move clothes, cash, and a knife to get you away.
If she was n’t there, you would have already been caught.
"Hey, daughter, what are you doing here?
The night road is dangerous for my daughter. "
Suddenly a voice is heard from behind, and tension runs across the body.
Remir looks back slowly in the direction of the voice.
There is no lighting other than the moonlight, and the man's face is difficult to see.
"... A cleaner?"
A man in dingy clothes stands in front of Remir.
The man continues.
"If you continue down the alley, you will pass in front of a land bird hut.
The land birds here are so temperament that they can be spit. "
I heard good things.
First kill this man who witnessed me, then steal a land bird and escape.
It will be possible to move faster than people, and the possibility of exile to neighboring countries will increase.
First you have to defeat the man in front of you ...
As a royal family, I have a lot of fighting training.
You should be able to beat by surprise.
Remir approaches the man silently. She turns her right hand back and slowly removes the knife, out of sight of the man.
A little more….
Enter time.
She depresses her left foot strongly and shakes the knife with the fastest movement to cut the man's throat with a single blow.
... I don't feel like cutting something in my hand.
Her blow cuts the sky.
"Oh ... hey! What's going on !!!"
The man shouts and threatens Remir.
"That !!"
Remir steps further on his right foot and tries to slash the man.
Remir's knife cuts even more.
The man wraps around Lemir's left hand in an instant, and the man's blow digs into her side.
The man's fist pressure is strong, Remir is blown off and rolls on the ground.
……! ! ! can not stand! ! !
"What happened! What happened !!"
Some soldiers who hear the loud shouting and struggling sounds approach and run.
"That !!"
Remir desperately tries to move his body, but cannot stand.
The man heads for the military and starts talking.
"I'm Silgaia, a temporary worker cleaning at the port.
This woman suddenly came to me.
I was dead unless I was a martial arts expert. "
The soldiers look at the woman seriously.
Compared to the paper in your hand many times, the face gradually turned into astonishment.
"R ... Remir! Capture the woman right away! Remir !!!!"
The soldiers move quickly and restrain her.
The commander, who gave the order to capture Remir, slowly looks back to Silgaia.
"I did it well! Well, my name is ..."
"I'm Silgaia."
"Well, Silgaia! This woman was being arranged as a deadly sinner who created the crisis of state survival.
We're sure that the class will go up, too.
The first you find will be rewarded directly by the transitional government head of state, Chios. "
"Eh! From the head of state?"
"Um !!!!"
On this day, Imperial Remir fell into the hands of Chios.
Fortunately, Sirgaia, who caught Remir, was later elected to an honorary position as a senior military officer, and, to a lesser degree than his friend in school, Baruss General of the Imperial Navy, assumed the role of Silgaia in a satisfactory manner.
He wrote several books later in his life, and his book, Life is Luck, became a bestseller.
Emperor Papardia Imperial City Est Silante
Chios, who seized the emperor, was working in the administrative conference room.
The urgent task is to deal with the anti-Papardia Imperial Allied forces approaching the holy city of Parneus, a local city north of the imperial city of Est.
"Can you turn away the enemy army?"
The former commander-in-chief, Arde, who has been put under house arrest by the Chios army, speaks out in a tone looking down on Chaos.
"I have a hand."
Chaos laughed intimidatingly.
The 73 Allied Forces, which dropped the northern local city of Aruni, were marching to drop a new city toward the holy city of Parneus, located south of Aruni.
Karma, a messenger of the Kingdom of the Reems, was talking to Migo, the General of the 73 Allied Forces, talking.
"Is it true that dropping the next city is too damaging?"
The former Deputy Deputy Curse general Mego, who unites the 73 Allied forces, begins to talk to Karma with apprehension.
"What to say! The Empire is weak now. Is there such a chance?"
"But we can't make a surprise attack this time. The Empire should be on the alert because one local city has fallen, and its armaments have been strengthened.
Even if the Ream Kingdom has introduced 150 Wyverns, it may be difficult. "
Vertical wrinkles between karma's eyebrows.
"... Sure, their dragons were stronger than expected, but our ability to continually recruit personnel is now higher.
Even at great cost, you should weaken by hitting the Emperor Papardia one shot. "
"What are you so impatient with?"
"You don't know anything.
You only need to regain your country. That's about it. "
The story continues.
"We are looking beyond war.
The world will change dramatically with this war! !
The influence of Japan is not limited to the third civilization.
If a civilized foreigner touches Japanese technology, that country will also threaten the power of the civilized sphere.
A country that is more technically powerful than the Holy Military Empire appears near the Third Civilization, and books that enable it to dramatically improve technology are readily available at bookstores.
Regarding how to get into Japan and improve technology, even weakening the potential Papardia Empire as much as possible will greatly determine the future of the Reem Kingdom! ! ! "
In the middle of understanding, Curse's general, Migo, succumbs.
The magic communicator of the Dream Kingdom is emitting red light.
Karma grabs the communicator with a suspicious face.
"... Eh! Such !!!! Pearlneus is just around the corner!"
I'm surprised.
"But then ... yes, I understand.
Even so, I think the response is too fast ... Yes, please investigate. "
He puts down the communicator and looks back at the Allied General.
His face is full of regrets.
"The march is ... canceled!"
"!? Why did you want to advance so much?"
"In the Emperor Papardia, a coup took place and the emperor lost power.
In addition, the provisional government of the Imperial Government of Papaldia applied for peace with Japan, and Japan accepted it.
Japan has also called for a ceasefire on the 73-member coalition.
Now, I can't afford to spoil the image of Japan.
Our kingdom of reams has stopped marching, and decided to abandon and withdraw from the local city Aruni. "
"How ..."
On the same day, at the request of the Government of Japan, the 73 Union and the Leam Kingdom stopped marching on the Emperor Papardia, withdrew in front of the holy city of Parneus, and withdrew from the regional city of Aruni.
Emperor Papardia Est Silant
How many months have you set foot on this land ...?
For the first time in months, men in suits stepping on the land of the Imperial City, Japan has dispatched a mission to peace with the Empire.
Among them is Ambassador Asada, who once worked hard to establish diplomatic relations with the Empire.
The mission for this peace will be responsible for transporting Remir, the most important person among the suspects who slaughtered the Japanese in Fen Kingdom, to Japan, not to mention the peace of peace.
Ambassador Asada, who had a direct meeting with him, was to confirm that he could not take the place of Remir.
Ambassador Asada, along with several police officers accompanying him, will be guided to a special prison in the Imperial Kingdom.
A special prison yard with small grasses and birds singing, this seemingly idyllic landscape, but the interior of the building is not sufficiently lighted and dim.
Asada descends the damp stairs.
Shoe sounds echo eerie in a quiet hallway.
Eventually you reach the prison.
The prison is made of solid iron, has cobblestone floors, and has no beds or other sleeping equipment.
The stones get cold, and spending one night in this place would not be tolerated by Japanese people.
A woman with an iron collar and weight glances at Ambassador Asada.
Asada looks at the woman and tells the police.
"There is no doubt about this woman."
Asada, who has an overwhelming dominance, and Remir, who reveals an unusual appearance, have begun conversations for the first time in several months.
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