Nihonkoku Shoukan
Propagating fear
Central World Central Kingdom fore King Conference
A magical civilization in the central world, the Central Kingdom of the kingdom. Unlike civilizations based on the magical engineering of ancient magical empires, such as the Holy Military Empire, research and develop ancient magic and develop individual large He excels at ancient magic, which brings the mage's abilities to the limit.
Therefore, the quantity of mages was limited, and the World Union Fleet to punish the Gra Barcass empire only dispatched two large mageships.
In front of the king, the nation's executives ... the great mages gather and wait for information that will soon have a significant impact on the operation of the nation.
"... I hope we can see the consequences of the United Nations and the Gra-Barcas Imperial Navy soon ..."
Only two large mageships were sent in ... an elite unit that boasts an unparalleled size among wooden boats, but only two, but one of the country's top magicians .
The enemy, the Gra-Barcass, is reportedly assaulting the Sacred Military Empire's port town of Cultural Alps, destroying the empire's local troops and damaging the fleet of 11 advanced member states.
However, this is the result of a surprise attack, and there is no way to beat the fleet sent by the United Nations after it is ready.
In addition, this dispatch cannot be defeated, as the world's strongest nation, the Holy Military Empire, has sent three main fleets to the country.
"I wish my army was also successful ..."
One young mage mumbles anxiously.
"What are you saying? You sent the elite, are you determined to lose?"
An old mage who reacts quickly.
"No, it's natural to win. However, if only Japan has two vessels ... the other nation has destroyed the enemy first, and if Japan cannot be active at all, it may not be very good for diplomacy ... "
The young mage points out, the king starts talking.
"Are you worried about it? Indeed, this World Federation can be called the largest combined fleet in history, not just the Holy Military Empire, because even Mu is trying to send in its main force and disperse it ... … Well, it may not be possible to win the battle, but it will be wrong.
If the enemy is mighty, the ancient magical flash magic of Admiral Faltas, the country's best mage, may have fired the Ixion laser. ''
"That's terrible."
They were waiting for the magic communication now or now.
knock Knock……
"excuse me!!!"
The received mage enters the conference.
"Oh, came or not, and what was the result?"
"Ze ... Damage close to annihilation ..."
"After all, did you destroy the enemy ..."
"Well, of course."
"No, no. The United Nations Fleet was nearly destroyed and began retreating.
More than half of the Holy Mythical Empire Magic Fleet has been sunk. ''
[! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The meeting room freezes.
The report continues.
"The United Nations Fleet was destroyed, even in the mighty Mu, with no hands or feet in front of the strength of the Gura Barkas Empire, the Second Civil War Union Knights were destroyed, and the separate riot police, the Holy Military Empire Even the Mage Fleet was outnumbered, so the Empire launched an ancient magical empire ... a super-weapon from the Ravernal Empire, the air battleship Pal Chimaila. "
"Ooooooo !!!"
"I heard the old superweapon that appeared in that fairy tale, rumors, but did it exist ...?"
"The Holy Military Empire is forced to launch old superweapons ..."
The place is noisy. The mage, in the position of reporting the communication, continued unspeakably.
"The aerial battleship Pal Chimaila was tremendously powerful and had sunk many enemy ships ... although the accuracy of the information is uncertain, it has been reported that the guns of the enemy's super-large battleship have sunk."
The factory freezes.
The old superweapon fell, so it was impossible to imagine.
As the silence flows, the king asks.
"What is a super-large battleship?"
"Grade Atlas Star"
Shock ...
It was first confirmed in the Battle of the Kingdom of Paganda, destroying the fleet of the Kingdom of Irnetia as a single ship, and even the powers of Reyfol as a single ship.
In the battle for the port town of Cult Al Pass, we heard that many powerful ships were sunk, and even the ultra-high-performance warships of Japan, who had unleashed the powerful Emperor Papardia, were sunk.
Although this is a living legend, even old superweapons have been dropped.
Is there no longer a ship that can beat this ship in this world?
"Is the rumor that Rayleigh was destroyed by a single ship true?"
"Maybe the old superweapon will sink !!!! It seems that the Gra-Barcass Empire has such power!"
"And ... what happened to our Great Magic Fleet !?"
The correspondent replied uncomfortable.
"... There is no direct communication from the Mage Fleet, so it is information via a third country .... In the early days of the war, both were attacked by the bomb dropped by the Gra-Barcass Empire flying machine, and both ships were sunk ... … Contains unconfirmed information that it was a momentary event. "
"What the hell!"
"Is it possible that Admiral Faltas has been given no time to fight back !!"
The loss of the Great Mage is great, and the sway grows.
The impact of the defeat of the World Federation fleet is great, and the turmoil spreads across countries.
Second Civilization Power of Great Mu Japanese Embassy
An emergency meeting was being held at the Japanese Embassy.
On the seat are Misono, a diplomat, and Asada, who was in charge of the Gra Barcas empire without himself wishing.
"I don't know the whole story of the recent Battle of the Allied Fleet and the Battle of the Gra Barcass Empire, but the outline of what is currently known is as per the handouts."
Everyone looks down on the handouts.
1. World Union Estimated Damage
Approximately 700 knights of the Second Civilization Dragon Knights
World Union Fleet Sinking two-thirds (including Mu)
Holy Myriad Empire Fleet Half Sink South Africa Ancient Weapons 1 Aerial Battleship Sunk Unknown Air Force Loss (Unlisted)
2 Estimated damage to the Gura Barkas Empire
Fleet Half destroyed or sunk
Air Force Shoot over 300 aircraft
Estimated breakage ……
"Th-This is……"
Misono is a phrase.
"Yes, both sides are doing great damage.
If you look at the numbers, it looks like a painful battle for naval battles, but from a political perspective, it's the defeat of the Holy Military Empire. ''
The world's leader, the world's strongest country, fought with its main force.
However, he did not achieve his goal of displacing the Gura Barkas Empire from the Second Civilization Area, at least not the naval force.
"If the operation is unsuccessful, each country will be upset."
"This is ... what is an aerial battleship?"
A question is asked by one of the staff.
The facilitator's staff responded.
"Literally, it's like a flying battleship. The Holy Military Empire launched two ancient weapons and caused heavy damage to the Gra Barcass Empire, but apparently retreated as soon as one was sunk. "
Misono sighs and looks at Asada.
"I'm sure it's just going to be ridiculously busy."
"I agree……"
Neither Asada nor Misono has been resting recently.
I am convinced by my heart that there is no choice but to be a nation, but I still wanted a break.
"Now, my basic policy in the future is to request information from the country of Mu during this naval battle ..."
Bang! ! !
Open the door and embassy officials jump in.
"I'm sorry during the meeting. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of M s is urgently calling to see his ambassador.
I would like to meet as soon as possible .... The section manager visited me directly and offered to wait until the ambassador's schedule was available.
It is unheard of. ''
Misono grinned.
"... I came right away."
The diplomat Misono, including information gathering, will hold a meeting with Odigus, Chief of the MoU Foreign Affairs Department.
Same day meeting room
In the meeting room, Mr. Odigus, the Chief of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of M , sits nervously.
They are full of energy, and the Misono sitting in front is also nervous.
"Thank you for setting up a meeting place despite your sudden visit."
After a brief greeting, Odigus started talking.
"This time, we have a request from Japan.
There is a town on the plateau northwest of Mu, called Alu, with a population of 134,000.
The city is located 20 km from the former Reyfoll territory border, and is a border town. "
Misono has a bad feeling.
He continues.
"There is also a small town on the old Reyfoll territory.
According to the high-precision information recently obtained by Japan, it seems that the Imperial Army of Gra-Barcas is gathering.
There is no mistake"
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Diplomat including Misono is shocked.
With the declaration of war and the invasion of the sea, the possibility of land invasion was naturally predictable.
However, if you find it as a fact, the impact is still great.
"... land ... invasion ..."
"The city has already issued evacuation orders and my army is heading. But ..."
A moment of silence.
"But in the Battle of Baltista and the Battle of Cult Alpas, our troops had no hands or feet in the Gra Barcas.
I have been unilaterally eliminated.
In addition ... even the Holy Myriad Empire has been driven inferiorly, and finally the super-weapons of the old magical empire, even air battleships, have been sunk. "
He continues.
"Before fighting in our country, only a few engineers and others claimed the true threat of the Gura Barcas.
Many soldiers, diplomats, and politicians didn't even think so much ... they were too strong! ! !
I can fight to some extent.
If even the Holy Military Empire participates, it will be possible to get rid of the second civilization. I thought so. "
"Now the possibility of a land invasion is increasing and the people of Aru are now at risk of life.
If the empire and Mu collide and a city war occurs, how much damage will it take?
Their invasion is not limited to this city, and the fire will spread throughout Mu.
And we don't have the power to stop them. ''
Contains a sip of water.
"Technologists who have claimed the threat of the Gura Barkas Empire all say this.
"I can win in Japan. You should seek help from Japan. "
Our only wish is military support.
I want effective military support that can launch the Gura Barcas empire from the second civilization! ! !
Your country may have various circumstances, but I would like to ask for help as soon as possible! !
If Japan dispatches an army as soon as possible, hundreds, or even thousands, of lives will be saved.
We will give you a formal letter for this request later. ''
The enthusiasm of Odigus, Misono is overwhelming.
Mizono chose the language and started talking.
"The country of Mu is one of the most important friendship nations of Japan. I will send my request to my home country as soon as possible.
However, in my personal opinion, there are various legal restrictions in Japan, and difficult parts will come out. ''
I understand that there are various circumstances in Japan and that there are various legal restrictions.
But now, our homeland is in danger of extinction.
You must definitely pull Japan into your homeland defense! ! !
Odigus did not simply give up the destiny of the Mu country.
"We are ready to provide maximum assistance when the Japanese military comes.
Again, thousands of lives can be saved simply by making decisions faster each day.
Please ... decision and support as soon as possible .... Humbly.
Odigs bowed deeply to the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
A sight that you can't imagine if you see other civilized nations ...
In order to save his homeland, Pride was finally thrown away.
"... Please raise your head.
We will collect this request as soon as possible and send it to our home country immediately. ''
The meeting was over, and Misono immediately began preparing to gather information.
Reifor Sub-branch
Information bureaus also had senior members of the military, and executives were holding meetings.
"As you know, the empire made the first massive loss after the transition in this naval battle."
It is said that the Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Fleet, Caesar, is attending, and there is tension in the intelligence bureau staff.
"The World Federation fleet was only prehistoric and not an enemy.
The only enemy is the Holy Military Empire, and about their strength ... The intelligence agency's analysis of enemy strength was roughly correct. Evidence of excellence ... but ...
The enemy introduced a monster called a battleship floating in the air into the main battle.
The number ... Only two are known, but powerful enough to account for a large portion of my fleet loss.
Although he was saved by the skill that can be said to be a grade atlas star gunner's skill, he can not rely on the skill for his future policy.
What the military wants is that there are no other irregularities, and how many more aerial battleships of the Holy Military Empire, the biggest threat, are there, I want to know more detailed specifications. "
At the request of the Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Fleet, Hamidal, an executive from the Information Technology Department, Reyfol Branch Office, became immobile and started responding.
As an intelligence agency, it was a hurt that we could not detect the existence of an aerial battleship, and sweat squirted out of Hamidal's forehead.
"The operating base and development capabilities of the ship are currently being fully investigated by the collection department of the Holy Military Empire.
We will also do our best to research the Engineering Department based on the information that the collection department can bring back. ''
"Politicians and other government agencies do not seem to have come to the forefront, but the military is weighing on the outcome of this naval battle.
However, if only the Holy Military Empire can be captured, there will be no enemies enough to respond to our country in this world, so capturing the Holy Military Empire is the most important task.
The Holy Military Empire ... I hope you don't have any other irregular weapons ... "
In a word of the commander-in-chief, Hamidal remembered a report from his subordinate, Naguano.
The existence of Japan.
Says fighters and bombers fly at more than twice the speed of sound.
According to , it possesses a bomb called a guided bomb, and once it is aimed, it cannot be evaded even by an aircraft, and its range for anti-ships exceeds 100 km.
According to, all ships owned by Japan will be shot down by Imperial-class aircraft, even if they attack one ship simultaneously from multiple directions.
If you really possess weapons with such a sci-fi performance that is so prominent performance, Japan will dominate the world by now.
Based on the fact that this is not the case and the consequences of the Battle of Cult Alpas, this information is very likely fraudulent.
His instinct is his best, claiming that we should now speak about Japan, but reason has overturned it.
"By the way, as for Japan, which seems to be the same transitory state, has the intelligence agency not grasped anything?"
"Yes, Japan seems to have been confused immediately after the transition, but it has escaped the predicament due to trade with the Third Civilization and other nations, and now the national power ... is.
This is not only in Japan, but also in Mu, due to trade, the economic strength is increasing. ''
"... First, it is necessary to drop the mu called the second civilization power.
I think it would be better to carry out a trade destruction operation and lower the national power even a little.
Japan is the same transposition state, but given the weakness of cruisers in the Battle of Cult Alpas, a little more power would not be a significant threat. ''
In response to the Army's inquiry, Hamidal continued to report without interruption that the Intelligence Service deemed certain.
Every one of Naguano's face flickers, but if you give such an unrealistic report, if you make a mistake, you may be asked for your information scrutiny ability.
At the meeting, in order to weaken Mu's national power, trade with other nations, operations for destruction of trade, and preparations for an attack on Mu by the Army will be held in parallel.
"Thank you very much !!"
Subordinates rush in.
Hamidal, who returned to his office from a meeting involving military command and diplomats, was exhausted.
"Naguano, come a little"
"I'm sorry, can you do more about Japan?
Rather than a magazine full of fraudulent information as we saw earlier, there may be a way to determine the technology from products distributed in Mu.
Anyway, I want diversified information about Japan. "
"I understand ... what happened?"
The last time he was summoned with information about Japan, he asked strangely.
"... No, just in case"
Naguano has decided to devote himself to investigating Japan.
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