Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies: Post-sentence testimony

Written in the early hours of the morning, Jiuxing is finally finished.

The snail first wrote a novel of more than three million words, the first novel that has been over a thousand chapters.

How to say it, a lot of feelings, thank you for following the snail all the way, giving the snail great support and encouragement.

From the game to the fantasy, success is not easy, the snail is very serious in writing nine stars, although the nine stars have some flaws, such as fighting is not exciting enough. There are some controversies at the end, some readers say it is good, and some readers have snails sprayed out of nothing. In any case, the snail has already written what he wants to write.

Every chapter after the time countercurrent, every time node, is a snail deliberately, as for good or bad, let's comment. As for what the snail wants to express, interested readers will savor it, and readers who are not interested will laugh.

Some readers said that the first half of the year was very good, and the latter was not well written. The snail thought about it. It can be said that the former mid-term snail pays more attention to commercialization and pays attention to the style of wireless reading. After entering the late stage, it is what the snail wants to write, write a starry universe, write a **** ship, write a universe god. Country, then the end of this jump. As far as the whole plot structure is concerned, the snail has no regrets. The pits filled in are basically filled out. At most, there are only a few limited ones, or they are irrelevant, or they don’t want to fill them. Some places are described briefly. But at least it was written.

This end is really designed by the snail. After two thousand years, I want to give you some space for delusion. Everyone is mixed, but after all, it is the end that no one else has ever written. In fact, the snail does not have to be controversial at all, writing a very cliché ending, but the snail decided not to take the usual path. It’s pretty cool to try it, even if it’s got a bit of a headache for some readers.

The next book should be very commercial, and everyone can read a book that is cool. The thoughts of those who have been messed up have already been written, and there is nothing to regret. The next book will focus on creating a novel and complete world view, writing a real cool text, writing in detail, and not writing the starry universe, the understanding of life.

Some readers say that the snail is a bit messy, but the imagination is very empty. This may be determined by the writing characteristics of the snail. When the snail is writing, he always likes to substitute himself into the protagonist. I imagine that the protagonist goes through various adventures, encounters various people, and the snail likes such a journey. When encountering a person, even the snail is completely unsure whether he is a good person or a bad person. When encountering a female character, the snail does not know whether she is a female or not, constantly discovering and constantly exploring.

Some readers like it, and some readers don't like it. They can't make everyone like snails. Snails can only do it themselves. The next book should be written as rigorously as possible, but the snail will not give up its own style.

It is estimated that some readers will ask, in the end, why not write a few heroines. Regarding the female host, everyone imagines it. If you like it, you will be dragged into your bed when you dream at night.

Sometimes, why write so detailed, so complete, written too detailed, but there is no room for imagination.

After writing the nine-star snail, it is estimated that I will take a break. The reader who likes the snail patiently waits for the new book of the snail. I hope that the book will still make you like it.

The above nonsense, written on 2014.4.25

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