Nine Astra Skies

Chapter 789: Main print, fried! (2700 monthly ticket!!)

"Master, I am wrong!" Bloody pleading with pain, "From now on, I will listen to the teachings of the master, no longer killing!"

The old man hesitated for a moment, feeling that Ye Chen was about to direct the dead light tower to launch a second round of attack, swallowing the old man's body shape, blocking in front of the **** enemy.

"Ye Chen, still forget it, lost the way to know, not too late!" The old man sighed with enthusiasm, although **** hatred is very uncomfortable, but in his mind, blood hatred is still his disciple '" blood hatred, Be sure to be a good person in the future!"

Will **** people regret this? That is absolutely impossible! Just as the old man spoke, the **** venge behind him suddenly moved.

"Swallow the predecessors, be careful!" Ye Chen screamed.

"Master, be careful!" Xiaoyi is also an anxious color.

The **** enemies swallowed the old man and did not pay attention. The "嘭" sound broke the magic chain, and the only blood left in the blood pool immediately surged up to the swallowing old man. It was too late to swallow the old man.

"噗", the blood pool will swallow the old man swallowed in.

"Old is not dead, I am a demon! Not a human! Why do you want to be a good person? It is ridiculous! Waiting for me to swallow you, repair must be sharply increased, and then slowly clean up these little miscellaneous!" Blood hate haha ​​laughed.

The blood pool spread, and the swallowing old man formed a cocoon shape in the blood pool, struggling hard.

"Hey animals, I believe you so much, you are not as good as pigs and dogs!" The old man screamed angrily.

"Whatever you feel, you can be swallowed by me, it is your blessing, you have lived this old waste for so long, and you should take a break!" Bloody look is authentic.

"Damn!" Xiaoyi saw that the old man was swallowed by the blood pool. At the end of the day, he clenched his fist and his face was flushed and full of anger.

I didn't wait for Ye Chen to block. A pair of magic wings grew on the back of the winglet. The sound of "噌" flew into the air, and the magic of the body condensed out countless giant snakes, and rushed toward the blood.

"You are the younger apprentice of the old waste!" Bloody scornfully glanced at the little wing. "I didn't expect him to be quite kind to you, and actually taught you the secrets of the twelve magical scriptures!" It’s a pity that your cultivation is still too weak. Since you are so close to the real world, you will die together today!"

Blood hatred and laughed, and the claws were caught by the little wings.

Ye Chen saw this scene, and his heart was anxious. At this moment, he could no longer push the second tower of the dead light tower. Once it was motivated, it would probably hurt the swallowing people in the middle of the blood pool! And the winglet may also be hurt!

Positive confrontation is not an opponent of **** hatching. Xiaoyi is too impulsive.

Although Wings has cultivated a powerful magical power, it is only a god-servant after all. It is not an opponent of **** hatred. The **** enemy is likely to swallow the winglet too!

Ye Chen’s mind was turned, and his eyes fell on the ancient monuments floating in the distant sky. The cold flashes in his eyes and quickly rushed toward the ancient monuments.

Blood hateed Ye Chen, and sneered with disdain. Ye Chen thought that he could control him if he controlled the ancient monument. That is impossible! The ancient monument of the sky is the most solid and tough existence in the world. Nothing can destroy it, and it will not easily recognize the Lord. Unless someone can collect the seven monuments of the whole department!

The soul of **** sorrows in this ancient monument of the sky, you can use part of the power of the ancient monuments, Ye Chen control the ancient monuments are useless!

"When I devour this old and immortal, and this little thing, come back to you!" Bloody cold snorted, and took a photo of the sun, grabbing the wing with his wings on his neck.

Ye Chen fights every second, turns into a streamer, plunders the ancient monuments of the sky, and slams the ancient monuments in the hands.

The blood of the enemy is still dealing with the winglets and the swallowing of the old man. A magical force has flowed from the winglets and the swallowing spirits.

"Haha! I feel the power of infinity! If you don't want to give me the twelve magical scriptures, then I will take it for myself!" Bloody reveals a brutal bloodthirsty smile. "I want you one." All become part of my body!"

"That depends on whether you have this ability!" Ye Chen looked cold and looked at the ancient monument in his hand. Since this ancient monument is a scourge, it will ruin it!

Ye Chen's right hand moved, condensing a mysterious flying knife, Xuanqi flying knife crystal clear, the light flowed, rushing toward the ancient monument.

Hey! ! !

A muffled sound came, and Ye Chen was surprised to find that after Xuanqi flying knife was stunned on the ancient monument of Cangwu, there was no such thing as the ancient monument!

This is the first time that Ye Chen has encountered something that Xuanqi Feidao can't open. What is this ancient monument?

After all, Xuanqi Feidao is a kind of thought of the flying knife in Ye Chen’s mind. It is not the body of the flying knife. Therefore, it is impossible to open the super treasures between heaven and earth.

However, after the mysterious flying knife was bombarded on the ancient monument of Cangwu, the ancient monument of Cangwu opened a crack.

This ancient monument is still worse than the flying knife in Ye Chen’s mind!

The ancient monuments trembled fiercely. It existed for a very long time, with certain spirituality, and found that it was possible to be destroyed, and the energy quickly converges with fear. !

The **** horror found that the power in his body was flowing uncontrollably back to the ancient monuments of the sky, and the blood in the blood pool was getting less and less and thinner.

The **** enemy looked at Ye Chen incredulously. He tried to use countless kinds of methods and countless kinds of treasures. He could not break open the ancient monument. In his opinion, the ancient monument of the sky is impossible to break, which is why he died. After the cultivation of the secret law, the reason for parasitic on the ancient monuments of the sky!

Once merged with the ancient monuments of the sky, he will have an incomparable and powerful body that will never die!

Blood Qiu has been patiently waiting in the ancient monuments of the sky, want to find a strong enough body, and then go to win!

But now, in his opinion, the strong ancient monument of Cangwu was actually smashed by Ye Chen’s mysterious flying knife. He felt the fear of the ancient monument. If he did not quickly kill Ye Chen, the ancient monument would Will be directly smashed!

Once the ancient monuments of the sky have been shattered, the soul of the **** soul has lost the parasitic place, and it is impossible to call the power of the ancient monuments, and will be slaughtered!

"Damn, want to destroy my ancient monument, I want you to die!" Bloody screamed, refused to swallow the old man and the little wing, left them, with a surging blood pool, fell to Ye Chen.

The ancient monument of Cangwu has the ability to protect itself. It is still difficult for Xuanqi Feidao to destroy it at a time, and the blood pool of horror has already arrived rapidly.

Blood hatred and fell to Ye Chen.

A strong **** breath rushed to the surface, like a stormy wave, to engulf Ye Chen, the speed of blood hatred is too fast, Ye Chen has no time to escape.

The raging blood, once contaminated, will completely melt the body of Ye Chen!

"Ye Chen brother is careful!" Xiaoyi screamed.

"Sucking the animals, it’s crazy!" The old man shouted, turned into a troll, and rushed over to the blood, but his magical power was swallowed up by the majority, and he was in weakness, and it was too late.

The blood pool is raging, and the blood of the sky shrouds.

Ye Chen is only a nine-handed god, not a rival to the blood star of the main star.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s mind flashed countless thoughts. At this moment, although he only has the venerable service, he has the sacred body. It is one of the most powerful flesh in the world. If you don’t use some special secrets, It is impossible to annihilate the sacred body, but it will make the sacred body more and more powerful!

I don't know if the blood pool will melt the sacred body...···

Looking at the raging blood pool, Ye Chen’s heart broke, and spelled!

Ye Chen’s right hand moved, and the star prints the main seal.

The main seal is unremarkable, like a seal carved from ordinary stone.

Ye Chen fiercely threw the blood of the main seal toward the blood, and the main seal was swallowed up by the blood pool, and then Ye Chen was swallowed up by the blood pool.

As soon as he entered the blood pool, Ye Chen felt the tears in the flesh, but he had the sacred body, and he could bear it for a while. His soul was locked in the position of the main seal. In a bundle, the ban on the main printing is smashed down!

This time, the soul of Ye Chen’s ban on the main seal was hundreds of times stronger than the previous ones.

"Explosion!" Ye Chen roared.

“嗡——”, a harsh voice spread quickly, but for a moment, the world seemed to be quiet.

Ye Chen, **** hatred, swallowing the old man, little wing, and the gods who are anxious to watch the battle in the distance, all the ears are gone.

Time seems to be still at this moment. They can't hear anyone's speech. It seems to be separated by a thin layer.

After a moment of silence.


A loud bang came from the center of the star print, and a horrible impact swept out.

It all came too fast, Ye Chen was in the blood pool, there was no way to escape, only a violent overbearing force, suddenly bombarded in his chest.

Ye Chen "wow", spurting blood, the whole person was flung up, like a human-shaped cannonball, usually flew out, out of the blood pool, full of flesh and blood, full of horrible wounds.

The winglet and the old man were a little far away, and they were turned over by a strong impact. Although they suffered some injuries, it was not a big problem.

The most miserable thing is blood enmity. The main seal of the Stars is erupting in the blood pool. The tyrannical forces are all bombarded in the blood pool. The blood pool suddenly collapses, and the blood of the red is completely melted in the air.

The soul of blood hatred is like a piece of shredded paper, which is smashed out by the force, and suffered a fatal wound. Even the shadow of the soul is dimmed, and it becomes ruined. If it looms, it seems to disappear at any time.

"Ah! Ah!" Bloody screams in horror and pain, although the soul is bleak, but because of the parasitic in the ancient monuments of the sturdy and solid, I did not die.

~~ The addition of the first month ticket!

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