Nine Astra Skies

Chapter 797: I beg you

The voice of Takeda fell, the whole cloud hidden stars and the winds surged, the waves were soaring, and the mysterious power of a stock gathered from all directions to the cloud hidden star. The atmosphere of the cloud hidden star became stronger and stronger, turning into a hot ball of light. It shines in the sky.

"What is going on?" Zichunxing quickly hurriedly blocked the glaring light with his hands, and some were flustered.

"Star Soul Secret Method, the technique of moving flowers and picking up wood! The spirit of the star is transferring some of the power of the star nucleus to the cloud hidden body!" The Ili star master suddenly became shocked.

Ye Chen stood in the magical spirit ship, looking far away, the breath of the cloud hidden star is rapidly rising, surrounded by the rich essence of the whole body, the whole person seems to be burning.

"Star Soul Secret Method, the technique of moving flowers and picking up wood? It seems to be very powerful." Ye Chen looked deep into the distant cloud star master. "Since you want to gain strength, I would send you some better!"

The towers of the ten dead light towers on the magical spirit ship are all shining, the complicated runes are rapidly deriving, and the horrible energy escapes, and the black light **** are condensed at the tip of the tower.

Boom! ! !

Ten black beams were simultaneously shot, and they merged into a bundle of incomparably thick black light in the air, and rushed to the position where the cloud ghost star was.

The sound of "Boom" sounded like a thunderous thunder, and the whole cloud hidden star trembled. The sky was rolling in the sky, and the surface of the star was soaring.

The black light column bombarded the body of the cloud hidden star, and the cloud hidden star was still filled with the power of the white star nucleus. The whole person flew out, and “wow wow” sneaked black blood, he smoked The body was burned into coke, which was terrible.

The cloud hidden spirit is instilling power into the cloud hidden star. It is the power of pure star nuclear. The ordinary people can't get close at this moment, otherwise it will probably be burned to ashes. But the dead light released by Ye Chen's dead light tower However, it contains a strong dead air, which is bombarded into the body of the cloud hidden star, and suddenly caused serious trauma to the cloud hidden star.

The two kinds of energy tumbling in the body conflicts. The cloud in the body of the hidden star is broken, the meridians are broken, and the dead air is still eroding his body.

The cloud hidden star screams in the sky, his voice is extremely fierce, he is almost mad, only a little bit, he can have a very powerful strength for a short time. Then kill these high-ranking stars, and then slowly deal with the leaves. Chen.

He thought it was good, but how could Ye Chen give him this opportunity?

The main body of Yun Yinxing exudes a scorching taste. The skin is black and the eyes are blood red. The hair on the body is burned out, and the chest collapses halfway. How miserable and miserable it is.

Although the second-level Death Light Tower can't kill the high-ranking star master, the ten-level secondary light towers are bombarded enough to seriously injure them.

I saw the tragic Takeda after ten hits of the Dead Light Magic Tower. Even the Ili Star Master and others couldn’t help but get cold and the back was cold. It was too bad!

Fortunately, it was not them who were hit by the Death Light Tower!

Think about the cloud hidden star is really a back, how can you provoke such a person?

Yun Yinxing’s main body flew and rushed. He was seriously injured and he had no intention of fighting.

Seeing the cloud hidden star escaping in the distance, Ye Chen snorted: "Want to run? I have to look at it, in the end, you are still fast or the magical ship!"

Ye Chen's thoughts and movements, "嗖", the magical spirit ship opened the time and space shuttle, instantly appeared in front of the cloud hidden star, the dead light tower once again, a horrible black beam cut through the sky.


Along with another black light beam bombarded on the body of the cloud hidden star, a strong burnt smell floated from the body of the cloud hidden star.

"Your face is big enough, actually let me open the time and space to deal with you!" Ye Chen thought of a move · Ten dead light towers all bombarded a round.

The cloud hidden star was completely slammed into a black carbon, but he was still dying to escape. He had completely ignored it.

The magical spirit ship keeps moving through time and space, like a ghost. From time to time, it appears around the cloud hidden star. The star core of the Dead Light Tower is constantly burning, and it is ready for the third round of bombardment.

Yun Yinxing has a heart that wants to cry. No matter how he escapes, his speed is not comparable to the magical spirit ship. Where can he run?

On the cloud hidden star, there is no place for him to hide. Although the death of the Dead Light Tower, it is impossible to smash him at once, but every bombardment can aggravate his injury.

"I am fighting with you!" Yun Yinxing, the main screaming, suddenly violently rushed up to the demon spirit ship, and a palm bombarded on the hull of the demon ship.

A loud bang of "嗵", a wave of ripples spread out.

The attack of the Cloud Hidden Star has not only broken the Devil's Spirit Ship, but has been flew out by the array of bombs arranged outside the Devil's Spirit Ship.


Another black beam cut through the sky and bombarded the body of the cloud hidden star.

"I hate it!" Yun Yinxing was depressed in a big way, angered and attacked, and spit a few fresh mouths.

I knew that today, at that time, he should kill Ye Chen and kill the Tianyuan star!

But now regret it is too late.

The cloud hidden spirit appeared in the distant sky. He did not expect that Takeda was so useless. It is reasonable to say that the strength of Takeda and the power of the star that he mentioned, even if they can’t beat, should Not so easy to lose! Yes

However, the battle experience of the Cloud Hidden Star Master is too small, and it has been hundreds of thousands of years. The Cloud Hidden Star has not experienced a big battle. The battle instinct has already been degraded. It is thought that the power of the Star Neck is invincible and underestimated. The power of the second dead light tower.

"Waste!" Cloud Hidden Stars curse snorted and looked at the distant anger. "Are you enough? If you don't leave, I will be rude!"

Seeing the emergence of the cloud hidden star soul, the other five high-ranking stars who are preparing to surround the water dog suddenly hesitated.

"Cloud Hidden Star Souls are angry, and after a while, you will wait," Ye Chen laughed, and the Devil's Ship on the Dead Light Tower regained energy, and a black beam blasted toward the cloud hidden soul. go with.

The sound of "嗖", the dead light penetrated the body of the cloud hidden soul, but did not cause any harm to the cloud hidden soul.

Ye Chen wrinkled his brow, the cloud hidden star soul is not physical, even the dead light tower can not kill?

Yun Yinxing soul saw Ye Chen actually urged the dead light magic tower to bomb him, and suddenly his hair was upside down.

"I am mad at me! Are you going to rebel?" The cloud hidden spirits roared hysterically.

"Sorry · Cloud Hidden Star Soul, just missed it!" Ye Chen looked innocently, thinking that there is any way to deal with the cloud hidden soul, think about it, to deal with the cloud hidden soul, or first put the cloud The main star of the hidden star said, "When I first clean up the idiot of Yun Yinxing, I apologize to the Star Soul!"

"You! You..." The cloud hidden spirit was blown up quickly, and he was angry and violent. The whole cloud was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the sky was dark and dark. The sky was thundering and the air was full. A stagnation of breath.

The domain of the star soul!

Ili star and other people have changed their face. Isn’t the cloud hidden star angered? Prepare to blast the star nucleus?

If the cloud hidden star soul blew the star nucleus, they could not run one!

"The soul of the star soul please anger!" Ili star owner quickly apologized, a look of fear.

"Star soul adults, we promise not to take the initiative to cloud hidden stars, but also ask the star soul adults to stop releasing the domain of the star soul!" Yun Peng and others are also panic.

Ye Chen, who is in the Devil's Spirit Ship, smiled and said: "Does the Star Soul adults blew up the Star Nuclear? From small to large, I have never seen the Star Nuclear blast, and I can see it for a long time!" Saying, the tower of the dead light on the Devil's Spirit ship continually spurts a beam of light.


The cloud hidden star who was burnt into a black charcoal head was still screaming and screaming in the dead light tower. He heard people have toothache.

Generally, the lower star master hangs on the dead light tower once or twice, and the high star owner is not so easy to die. But at this time, the cloud hidden star is willing to die immediately, and is constantly dead. Bombardment, how can it be described as a terrible one!

The cloud hidden star spirit is shaking all over the body.

"You, you actually don't put me in the eye!" The cloud hidden spirit points to the magical spirit ship, and a third-class race human, actually does not put his hallmark in the eyes, he is already On the edge of the runaway, the whole body is shrouded in the thunder of the road, it looks like a shock

"Star Soul, please be angry!"

"Star Soul Adults! You must be calm!" Ili Star and others fear that the cloud hidden soul is out of control, and the self-destructing star nuclear has been persuaded.

However, listening to this time, Ye Chen’s voice is not salty and not faint: "The star soul adults burst, thank you for not sending!"

"You, you······" The cloud hidden star soul pointed at the hand of the magical spirit ship and kept twitching, unable to speak.

"Star Soul, you must be calm!"

"For the millions of souls of Yunyinxing, you must not do stupid things!" Yili Xingzhu and others kept rubbing the cold sweat on their foreheads. "Don't blew the star nuclear!"

Ye Chen’s voice came again: "Star Soul, don't hesitate any more, self-destructing the star nucleus is just a blink of an eye, hey! You will ascend to heaven! Maybe you can still hear the depths of the eternal godland. Summon!" When you talk, the Dead Light Magic Tower is still bombarding the Cloud Hidden Star Master, and does not slam the Cloud Hidden Star into a slash.

The cloud hidden star soul face is white, Ye Chen is really awful! Deceiving too much!

However, the cloud hidden star soul itself has no fighting power, and the cloud hidden star master is beaten like a black carbon, and there is no power to fight back.

Is he really going to blew the star?

With the same group of third races? That is too much worth it! He is a noble star soul!

Cloud Hidden Stars thought for a moment, slowly converges on the domain of the Star Soul, and took a look at Takeda in the distance. Forget it, but die a star owner. He can train one more.

"If you don't self-detonate the star, you are the kind! Waste! Soft egg! Please blew the star!" Ye Chen said a few words.

The cloud hidden star was a little calmer. When he heard Ye Chen’s words, his face suddenly rose into deep purple and angrily snarled: “Don’t think that I dare not blew the star, I’m fighting with you!” Yun Yin The spirit of the star has always been self-sustaining, but at this moment it has squashed like a human being.


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