Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 802: Supreme Holy Land!

"During the practice?" The lion scratched his head with his claws and looked distressed. He never knew what diligence was. "How do you cultivate?"

"I found that the sacred body has a characteristic. Unless the sacred body is smelted by some super secrets, the body is immortal, and it will be stronger and stronger! The body will be smashed once, it will be enhanced once!" Full of authenticity.

What the lion suddenly thought of, suddenly shocked: "What do you want?"

"I want the lion to accompany me to practice!" Ye Chen smiled and moved his right hand and took out the star print. "We went to the sub-print to play it. As for the magical ship, let them open it." "Ye Chen looked at the two servants next to him."

The lion has already understood what Ye Chen wants to do, and his face is reluctant and mourns.

"No! I am not a masochist, Ye Chen, you go to the Supreme Alliance alone, I am not going!" The lion shouted depressed.

"Lion, don't be nervous, I will be very light when I start!" Ye Chen said with a narrow smile, the right hand moved, opened the star print, and brought the lion into the sub-print space.

In the sub-printing space.

Just entering the sub-printing space, Ye Chen waved his fist and slammed it toward the lion. With a bang, the lion was smashed out and smashed in the ban on the sub-print, and suddenly the lion was hurt. Shouting.

"Ye Chen Xiaozi, you are too fast under this black hand!" The lion grinned.

"In the past, I was in the sub-print, and I was so miserable by the lion. What hurts?" Ye Chenyi smiled. "Lion, we will definitely become stronger!"

"Ye Chen Xiaozi, you are naked revenge, lion, I fight with you!" The lion shouted, fluttering, and swaying his claws toward Ye Chen's chest.

Looking up at the lion who was rushing up, Ye Chen’s eyes were bright and his heart was arrogant.

"It's just right!" Ye Chen's attack on the lion did not evade, "嘭", slammed the lion with a chest, and then grabbed the lion's front paws and slammed the shoulders. The loud noise, the lion was caught by Ye Chen and squatted on the ground.

Ye Chen looked down and the muscles and ribs that were injured by the lion in the chest were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body after recovery will be a bit stronger than before the injury.

Sure enough, it is a sacred body!

The more you grind, the stronger it will be!

The lion was beaten up and down, and his bones were broken. However, because he is also a sacred body, he is also recovering quickly.

"Hey!" The lion rose again and roared, and a slamming "嘭" slammed Ye Chen out.

The two people are like crazy, desperately playing a group.

The flesh is constantly shredded, restored, shredded, and restored.·····

In the sub-print space, flesh and blood splashed, this is not like a contest between friends, but it seems to be killing in life and death, but as the battle continues to deepen, the breath of two people is getting stronger and stronger.

It’s been a day, two days, three days...

Time passed quietly.

Ye Chen felt that although he had cultivated to the tenth of the gods, he had reached the peak of the tenth of the gods. He also came to the edge of the understanding of the time and space, and took the step, but actually Chen’s body has not yet reached the strongest level of this realm.

With the constant battle with the lion, Ye Chen felt that his body was constantly strengthening, and finally reached a critical point.

If the physical strength continues to increase, I am afraid that even the flesh can compete with the next star!

Although the pain of the body being torn and shattered during the battle, it is definitely a kind of inhuman torture, but after the encounter, the excitement and excitement of the strength enhancement makes Ye Chen feel bloody.

Become stronger! This is Ye Chen’s long-standing belief that only by having a strong heart can go further on cultivation!

One person, one lion, fought fifteen days and nights, and played straight and dark.

It was not until one of the servants of the servant spoke outside the sub-print space that Ye Chen and the lion stopped the battle.

"Master, we have arrived near the Yuanhe Star District, and then marched forward for three days, the headquarters of the Supreme Alliance, the Supreme Holy Land!" One of the servants of the servant voiced to Ye Chendao.

In the next three days, I will go to the Supreme Holy Land? I don't know what kind of place the legendary Supreme Holy Land is!

On the star map, the Supreme Holy Land does not refer to a star, but consists of sixteen stars. The central star is five or six times larger than other stars, and other stars operate around it.

I don't know what the sight of the Supreme Holy Land will be?

Just as Ye Chen meditated, he suddenly noticed a familiar atmosphere.

The soul of Ye Chen was swept away and found that in the warehouse behind the Devil's Spirit Ship, a white bead was quietly suspended.

It is actually a psychedelic orb!

How is the psychedelic orb? Here? Is A sneak secretly hiding in the magical ship?

Ye Chen was quite surprised. The soul quickly searched the entire magical spirit ship, but could not find the place where the raccoon was. Could it be that the raccoon is now in the psychedelic orb?

Ye Chen's thoughts moved, and the lion came out from the space of the star print! The right hand made a false photo, and the psychedelic pearl floated toward him. !

Ye Chen grabs the psychedelic orb, and the soul wants to penetrate into the psychedelic orb to find the place where the raccoon is.

But what makes Ye Chen somewhat puzzled is that with his ten-year-old cultivation, the soul still can't penetrate this psychedelic orb. What level of existence is this psychedelic orb? This makes Ye Chen somewhat curious.

After waiting for a long time, I did not see any movements in the psychedelic orbs. Ye Chen did not know that Ashi was not in the psychedelic orb.

Forget it, let's put it together first.

It stands to reason that A raccoon will not leave the psychedelic treasure.

Ye Chen put the psychedelic treasure into the shadow of the stars.

"Ye Chen Xiaozi, the little civet cat is coming?" The lion turned to Ye Chen and blinked. He laughed, although he had just played with Ye Chen and played him dead, but he really felt his strength. The promotion is not angry.

"I don't know." Ye Chen smiled and spread his hands. He didn't know why the psychedelic pearl appeared in the magical spirit ship. "We stopped at the front star for a moment, then changed to the Tianhe Shenzhou." ”

The lion thought for a moment and nodded: "The devil's ship is really too swaying, and the Tianhe Shenzhou has no problem."

The demon spirit ship docked on a ridiculous star. Ye Chen used the thunder ring to collect the demon spirit ship, and took out a Tianhe godship. Everyone changed and went up.

The Tianhe Shenzhou is shuttled through the stars. According to the instructions of the star map, the Supreme Holy Land is not far away.

Passing through a dense asteroid belt, I suddenly found the end of the void in the distance, and a team of people are marching in the direction of the Supreme Holy Land.

Ye Chen, the lion and the two servant slaves all showed a shocked look. It was not a group of ordinary people. The first thing to fly in the forefront was the three domain beasts!

This is the first time that Ye Chen saw the live field beast that will fly. I saw that the three fields in front of the body are like giant stars. The human body is like a grain in front of these giants. The dust is as small as the dust.

Millions of Tianhe ship and Tianhe ship are flying in neat rows. Although each Tianhe ship and Tianhe ship are hundreds of meters long, their volume is compared with the domain beast. It is like a group of ants standing at the foot of an elephant.

If the field beast sneezes against them, it will be enough to destroy dozens or even hundreds of Tianhe buildings.

Fortunately, the domain beast is not sneezing.

Before Ye Chen saw the domain beast in the eternal star tomb, it was just a dead body. Now that he sees the living, the degree of shock is far from being comparable to the body of the domain beast.

These three domain beasts do not know which population is in the domain beast. The whole body is a bronze color, as if the whole body is made of metal, and there are a pair of sharp and sharp pointed corners on the head.

The corpses of the eternal star tombs, the pupils have lost their colors, and the pupils of these three domain beasts are golden yellow, only looking at the other side, the soul feels a strong burning sensation, like It is burned into ashes.

A powerful and powerful domain beast, just looking at it, Ye Chen feels that the high-ranking star owner like Yun Yin Xing, in front of this domain beast, is like an ant.

As for the star of the star, the star of the peak level or even the strongest, Ye Chen did not know.

The three domain beasts slowly flew in the sky, not knowing what speed these giant beasts could achieve when flying at the fastest speed.

Ye Chen noticed that there was a deep visible bone scar on the body of the third domain beast, like a huge weapon, which was coated with a lot of white powder like powder to see the wound. It should be that it has not been wounded for a long time.

The wound was five or six kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide. It almost cut the shoulders of the beast and the flesh and blood around the wound was dark.

Ye Chen secretly stunned. What kind of weapon is it that can leave such a big wound on the domain beast?

Before the Eternal Star Tomb, Ye Chen heard that several of the Supreme Powers of the Supreme Alliance took the three domain beasts and the men’s army to attack the land of the ancestral spirit occupied by the ancestors. I don’t know if it was Building a tree, or returning without success.

From the wounds of the domain beast alone, they should not be easy in this battle, and even the beasts were bruised.

"Hey! Ye Chen kid, these big guys should be the legendary domain beasts?" The lion screamed at the side.

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded.

"Hey, this big guy has a hair that can crush a person!" The lion shook his head and sighed, but it was shocking. Although it is said that the purple Martian lion family has some very strong and powerful existence, it is only a legend. The lion heard the name of the domain beast, this is the first time to see the real domain beast.

The Tianhe Shenzhou of Ye Chen and others followed the vast army in front and marched slowly. In the faraway front, the legendary Supreme Holy Land has appeared in their sight.


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