Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 804: arena

"In the future, our brothers will come and go!" Peng Yang laughed.

"Yes!" Ye Chen nodded and looked at Peng Yang's dress. Peng Yang wore three rings on his hand. Although it was not comparable to the thunder ring, it was also expensive at first sight. A necklace embellished with a gemstone is forged with the essence of the essence of the stars.

This guy is a bit vain, but not the kind of disgusting person. Ye Chen casually chatted with Peng Yang a few words, but vaguely revealed that his business is still quite big.

A moment later, a tall, middle-aged man walked into the VIP room, where he was the director.

"Peng Shaoye, this is what you want to redeem, a total of 536,700 true spirits!" The supervisor handed Peng Yang a Qiankun bag, Peng Yang just glanced at it and threw the Qiankun bag into the ring. Inside the space.

"What does this man call?" The supervisor looked at Ye Chen and asked very politely.

"Chen night!" Ye Chendao.

"Chen Young, can you see what you want to redeem?"

Ye Chen's right hand moved, took out a Qiankun bag, everything inside, star stone, star core, star essence, magic gold, purple gold and the like.

The supervisor glanced at it and looked at Ye Chen with a slight surprise. He asked politely: "Do all of this have to be redeemed?"

Ye Chen nodded.

"We will definitely give you the most fair price. I will count it and give you a list. If you think that we don't give you justice, or if you don't give us more than ours, you can come over with a list. Me!" The supervisor was a little excited.

"There is work!" Ye Chen nodded.

The supervisor arched his hand and left with the Qiang Kun bag.

"I have been doing business with them, and the price they gave is fairly authentic!" Peng Yang haha ​​smiled. "Brother, look at you, it should be the first time to come to the Holy Land. If you have time, I will take you there. In some places, the management keeps you happy!"

Ye Chen thought for a moment, anyway, he had just come to the Supreme Holy Land. He didn’t know where to go. Let Peng Yang take a look. This is the place of the Supreme Holy Land, except for some special places. Other places are banned from killing.

"Okay!" Ye Chen nodded.

Peng Yang laughed and said: "Good brother!"

They waited for a while in the VIP room, and after a while, the supervisor came back.

He rubbed the hot sweat on his forehead, because Ye Chen gave him something too much. There are many stars, stars, and rare minerals. I can just take out so much money to exchange the true spirits. Know who it is, I am afraid it is a bit of a background.

"Chen Shaoye, this is yours, a total of 5,921,700 true spirits!" The supervisor was extremely respectful.

Ye Chen slightly decapitated, the heart was slightly surprised, I did not expect so much. He originally wanted to exchange about two million. I didn’t expect to exchange nearly six million at a time, but six million was six million. Anyway, he was in his hands. I have gone to various things, I don’t know how many.

Peng Yang also glanced at Ye Chen with a slight surprise. Although he said that he could get the six million true spirits, he would not be so casual. Ye Chen could easily come up with something worth nearly six million. It’s amazing to redeem the true spirit.

Although she feels that Ye Chen is quite rich, Peng Yang is not very concerned about it. After all, his father is the director of the Supreme Holy Land. He has seen more money.

After the redemption was completed, Peng Yang screamed and said: "Go, the brothers take you to eat, drink, and have fun!"

When I heard Peng Yang’s words, Ye Chen smiled lightly, but he heard a voice rang in Ye Chen’s mind. It was the voice of the lion. It was quite exciting: “Eating, drinking, and playing, this is life!”

Ye Chen is silent.

Under the leadership of Peng Yang, Ye Chen walked through a strip of metal paved road and walked toward the front. There were standing high platforms on both sides of the street, and there was a frame of space-time giant pythons. A murderous taste.

Although the Supreme Holy Land is full of people, it is very prosperous, but people who have the heart will find that the defense here is quite strict.

About a few minutes later, a huge circular building appeared within Ye Chen’s line of sight.

"That is the arena, you can bet on gambling, it is the industry of Zu'an Xingyuan's ancestors!" Peng Yang said with a smile. "There are fifteen sub-stars in the Supreme Holy Land. The sub-star we are in is called the ancestors." An Xing, the ancestral ancestor is a strong star of the star master, hundreds of disciples under the door, all of them are star-level, and their industries are all over the entire Zuan star, the richest person in Zuanxing."

When he heard Peng Yang’s words, Ye Chen’s heart glimpsed. He still remembers that when the Tianyuanxing killed the star master, he said that he was a disciple of the ancestors.

I thought about it, the ancestors of the ancestors were the strongest of the star-level peaks, and the disciples under the door were over one hundred. Each one was a star-level, and the next star-level master of the star was killed. The ancestors may not remember that there is such a disciple.

Although the heart is so speculative, but Ye Chen feels that it is better to prevent one or two in advance, and be prepared to avoid the sudden affliction of the ancestors. !

"Generally participating in the arena in the arena is a god-level, and the star-level powerhouse will not participate, but there are a lot of star-level powerhouses who will come to challenge with their gods, once the challenge wins. , then you will get rich bonuses, some even up to tens of thousands of real spirits, if you win several games or even dozens of games, the bonus will continue to double!" Peng Yang is a little excited, when it comes to the arena, he is a bit As if he is ready to move, he is a strong player in the middle of the star. It is impossible to participate in the competition. It is estimated that he wants to gamble.

Ye Chen can see that Peng Yang's heart is not strong enough, and the gambling is still a bit big. Peng Yang is able to cultivate to the middle star level, and it is estimated that he is inseparable from his old man.

Different from ordinary practitioners, as long as the star-level power is high enough, the star soul is highly recognized, and it is not necessary to cultivate too much. The growth of cultivation is much faster than ordinary people!

"How, are you interested in playing a few?" Peng Yang looked at Ye Chen and asked with a smile.

"Go in and see." Ye Chen nodded.

The two walked in together and saw only one of the arena in the arena. Hundreds of thousands of people kept shouting and waving their hands. They all looked excited and excited. They took more or less in their hands. The brand, which records the situation of their betting.

"kill him!"

"Kill him, you waste!"

"Oh, can't you hide?"

Sitting in the forefront of the arena is the star owners from all the stars, they are also red-faced, eyes-stricken, constantly shouting and shouting.

Sitting in the back are basically some of the gods and war emperors.

Star owners are generally richer, play bigger, and bet thousands or even thousands of true spirits.

The circle around this arena is a seat, and the bottom layer is the competitive venue, which is extremely open and has a clear view.

In the arena, ten huge cages are lined up. Each of these cages is as big as a big house. It is set up with a special prohibition by the strongman of the star-level peak. Even if it is played hard, the power is also Can't reveal outside the cage.

In these cages, each of them is guarded by two gods. They are killed in it, and they are completely fighting. At the end of each battle, there will be a **** god who is carried out.

Seeing this, Ye Chen frowned, which is similar to the black punch in the world.

Peng Yang looked at his eyes and was very excited. "This arena is just one of the few arenas in the ancestors. Only the strongest of the gods are qualified to compete here! The ten-fold competition seems to be more exciting than the lower order!"

The decline of a country often begins with internal decay.

These gods did not fight with the ancestors, but they died in this arena without knowing it. They died in the hands of their own people, but there are so many people who are not used to it. No wonder the eternal gods Tianhe Attacked by the ancestors, he lost his life and lost a large territory.

After walking out of the sky, Ye Chen discovered that the outside world is far more complicated and darker than the sky star!

Ye Chen can't change anything. It is simply unreliable to rely on the Supreme Alliance to protect the Tianhe Star Field. Maybe one day, the Supreme Alliance itself will be dying out under the attack of the ancestors, and want to protect the Tianyuan Star. Stronger!

"Then I will play with you according to your rules!" Ye Chen snorted in his heart, and his eyes flashed.

"kill him!"

"Kill him, you stupid!"

"Well done!"

The surrounding shouts and shouts are endless, and Ye Chen looks down at the cage below. In a cage, a body that is as strong as an orangutan, picks up another body of the god, and squats to the side. The cage, the "bang" bang, the bones of the shackled gods all broke, losing the power of resistance.

The bruised patron sent out a scream of killing pigs, and screamed to the ground. The orangutan’s servant slowly placed his foot on the head of the patron, with a flash of color in his eyes. I stepped on it, and the sound of "嘭" was over, and everything was over.

There was a deafening cheer on the entire arena, and the cheers were like a tsunami.

"Have you seen it? It is the bone of the beast! The most powerful existence of the Ten Gods! He has won twenty-six games here in ten days!" Peng Yang exclaimed with excitement and his face turned red. "I am on him, I have won more than 60,000 real spirits! I will also take him next time!"

Ye Chen looked at the gorilla-like goddess in the distance and clearly felt a powerful force. The combat power was really amazing.

The spirit sweeps across the arena and sees a jubilant look inside the arena. It seems that the gorilla is quite a lot.

~~ This volume is a new beginning, the snail will try to write better, please continue to support the snail! !

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