Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 808: gambling!

In the audience, the lion slammed his mouth.

"This money is really good to earn!" The lion said with a smile, Ye Chen's odds are a loss of three, his three million real spirits on Ye Chen directly turned into nine million, which makes money, it is really too fast!

In addition to a few people, including the lion, most of the audience were embarrassed and annoyed. This time their money was lost.

Peng Yang was quite excited. I didn't expect Ye Chen to win. The money that was placed on Ye Chen directly became 150,000, making a small profit.

Peng Yang had a new understanding of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen could win so easily. It seems that Ye Chen’s strength is quite strong among the people who have been repaired by the gods.

Central auditorium.

Sitting away from the ancestors, watching the battle.


"This kid is good, and he is scheduled to play with the bones!" The fingers of the ancestors of the Yuan banged the armrests of the seat and ordered the road.

"This kid helped us earn more than 30 million true spirits. Does the master not arrange for him to play more games?" There is a disciple next to him who whispers in the ear of the ancestors.

"This game he won too easily, showing too much strength, arranging other opponents to give him, those people will definitely be begging him! So arrange directly to let him challenge the bones!" Fenyuan ancestors frown, these Most of the games in the arena are secretly manipulated by him. His men will also search for the gambling in the Tianhe area.

These things, he is usually handed over to the people to do, but this time out of the animal bones such an accident, let him lose a lot of money, he will come in person.

If the bones leave the arena, the ancestors can arrange an accident to let the bones die, but the animal bones have been in the cage for nearly half a month, and there is no way to leave the ancestors.

It is too difficult to find a **** who is stronger than the animal bones. The old ancestors of the Yuan have died a lot, and the anger in his heart has already saved a lot.

The amount of bet on the animal bone is getting higher and higher. If the bones are not lost, they will lose money!

I don't know if this kid can help him to flatten the animal bones... From the ancestors, he looked at Ye Chen and his eyes were deep.

A voice rang in the arena.

"Next, Chen night against the bones!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised, but I thought it would be clear. It’s estimated that the old ancestors lost money on the bones of the beast, and they couldn’t find the person who suppressed the bones.

Ye Chen was placed in the cage of the animal bone.

See someone coming in. The animal bones raised their eyes, and the eyes were bloodthirsty and fiercely glared at Ye Chen. The game had not yet begun, so he did not move.

Facing the eyes of the animal bones, Ye Chen was sitting calmly opposite him. The bones accumulated in the cage made Ye Chen feel a little depressed, and he frowned.

The entire arena was boiling, and finally someone challenged the bones!

"I am beasting the bones of the beast, three thousand true spirits!"

"I am beasting the bones. Ten thousand true spirits!"


After wave after wave of crazy bets, more and more people are winning the beasts, and the number is arrogant, and has reached the giant of hundreds of millions of true spirits. Some of them even killed the Ye Chen in a round of the beast. Although Ye Chen won Xiong Yue and showed strong strength, they still think that Ye Chen is not an opponent of the animal bone.

"A hairy boy, only won one. Just dare to challenge the bones?"

"I bet he was killed by the bones in a round!"

Central auditorium.

"Master, has broken through 100 million true spirits! Many people are gambling that the kid loses in one round! If the kid loses in one round, we may have to lose more than 200 million true spirits! If the kid has survived three rounds. We can earn more than 100 million true spirits." A disciple wiped the cold sweat on the ancestral home.

The old ancestors frowned slightly. In the past, he was basically able to manipulate every game. Most people did not dare to offend him, so they often played fake games for him. However, this animal bone, but completely beyond his expectations, is likely to be a big force to touch his mold, specially arranged.

From Ye Chen’s boxing defeat Xiong Yue’s point of view, Ye Chen’s strength is still quite good, but who can beat the bones now is not good.

In the distant stands, Peng Yang looked at the cage below, and the contradictions in his heart struggled. Although Ye Chen called his brother and brother, he wanted to beat Ye Chen, but he did not think that Ye Chen could win.

"Chen night brother, I don't support you, but this animal bone is really too strong, you can't be his opponent!" Peng Yang silently said, "If you die, I will burn you." Do not blame me for not paying you!

In his view, Ye Chen challenged the bones of the animal almost impossible to win, and the animal bones won 28 games in a row. Most of the gods who are gods are killed by the bones!

Peng Yang went to the counter of the bet with a guilty conscience.

"I will beat the bones to win, one round, 500,000 true spirits!" After Peng Yang quickly bet, he pretended not to know anything. He returned to the stands and stood up and waved at Ye Chen in the cage. Shouted, "Chen night brothers come on! I Pengyang firmly supports you!"

If this matter is passed on, Peng Yang would like to raise his head in a circle of friends to be a man.

The lion also came to the counter of the bet.

"Hurry up!" Surrounded by a group of people, kept urging, they are waiting to bet!

The lion passed the money carelessly: "I will win the night, one round, nine million true spirits!"

When I heard the words of the lion, the people around them looked at the lion like a fool.

The person in charge of the bet raised his head in amazement and asked: "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"Chen Chen night, win in one round, nine million true spirit!" The lion did not repeat it.

"This guy is a fool!"

"I actually won the night, and it was still a round!" The people laughed. They looked up and saw the odds above. The odds of Ye Chen’s winning the bones in one round were one to twenty. That is, If Ye Chen wins in one round, the lion can directly enter the 180 million true spirit!

This probability is very small, but this amount is really amazing.

The lion took the bet of the bet and walked away, leaving a group of stunned people.

The people next to you look at me, I look at you, a few people look at the back of the lion, and if they look thoughtful, they also call. Ou Yechen won the bones in a round, but the amount is relatively small.

If you are not sure, who will be willing to take out the nine million real spirits?

More and more bets, the total amount of bets has exceeded 200 million, and espresso has won very few, and the nine million that the lion has bet on is already a very big one.

Because most people think that Ye Chen's strength is not bad, so many people bet the animal bones to kill Ye Chen in three rounds.

If Ye Chen has survived three rounds, many people should be married.

In this arena. Ten strokes are a round, three rounds are thirty strokes!

After the bet is completed, the amount of the bet is almost the largest in history.

All the people in the stands are staring at the central cage.

"Beast bones, tear him apart!"

"kill him!"

"Berd bone! Beast bone! Beast bone!"

The shouts in the arena are one after another, like the waves, the atmosphere is unprecedented.

Inside the cage, if the animal's bones are like copper bells, the murderous stare at Ye Chen.

The entire cage is closed, which means. Next will be a close combat!

The rich **** atmosphere filled the entire cage, which was banned and closed. No matter the smell or the mysteriousness, it could not be seen outside the prohibition.

suddenly. The animal bone image is what is sensed. Looking at the palm of a piece of grain, this thing makes a squeaking tremor, and his mouth suddenly reveals a blank smile. This smile seems to be a bit more satisfying.

Ye Chen has some doubts in his heart, why the animal bones will suddenly show such expression. I always feel that something is wrong.

Outside the cage, a hot girl waved the sign in her hand.

"The battle begins!"

At almost the same time, the animal bones stood up and a rising murder spread.

Ye Chen frowned, and from the body of the animal, he felt a strange breath, as if it was a certain kind of breath of the second race, the breath was parasitic in the body of the animal bone.

It turns out that this strange guy is so much more powerful than the ordinary tenant.

"Look at the flesh of your second race, or my sacred body!" Ye Chen is waiting for the battle, the nine-star movement in the body, the force of a strand of time and space is released, and there is a wave between them. With infinite power, he put a finger on the bone of the animal.

I felt that Ye Chen’s strength was also very amazing. The look of the animal bones became dignified, but when he saw Ye Chen’s gesture, he seemed to be humiliated, his face showed a fury look, and a red stock was like The general air of the flame is constantly rising, and the bones of the beast are surrounded.

"This person is really arrogant, actually wants a round to defeat the bones!"

"It’s ignorant!"

"Wait to be torn into pieces by the bones!"

The beast bone roared, and the iron fist rushed toward Ye Chen.

Ye Chen gently slammed a block, "squeaky" and punched.

Two powerful Xuanqi collided in the cage and shook the cage slightly.

The animal bones bombarded Ye Chen's body several times in a row, but Ye Chen seemed to be deliberately giving him a general shot. After a few punches, he was unharmed.

Originally based on the strength of the animal bones, it is easy to break through the body of the ten-powered ordinary gods, but he did not expect that Ye Chen’s body is so powerful.

The animal bones felt the pressure of terror, and this person in front of him was not the one he could match.

This is the top ten of the gods, it is no less inferior than a lower star!

After a few punches with the animal bones, Ye Chen had a feeling, although in the ten-powerful, the animal bones are already very powerful, but compared with the lion, it is still inferior. Too much.

The physical strength is not at all a level!

Sure enough, the holy body is not comparable to the ordinary body!

The bones of the animal bones bombarded him, feeling a little light, not so powerful.

Already the ninth move!

"End!" Ye Chen's eyes suddenly burst into a cold mans, waving his fist and rushing toward the animal bones.

~~(To be continued.)

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