Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 810: Solicitation (seeking a monthly ticket!)

"Lion, let's go!" Ye Chen passed the voice to the lion.

"Pengyang brothers, I suddenly have a little urgent matter, first go, I will have the opportunity to contact you again later!" Ye Chen smiled at Peng Yangdao, he did not regard Peng Yang as a friend who can really treat each other, but only through Peng Yang Some of the most sacred places.

"This way, Chen night brothers will come to the Supreme Holy Land next time, don't forget to go to the Zuan Xinglu Blue House to find me, just go there and report my name!" Peng Yang hurry.

"Okay! There will be a period!" Ye Chen nodded and walked outside the arena.

Ye Chen felt that two people had followed up, and Ye Chen and the lion turned into a corridor.

"Two brothers, we want to ask something." Suddenly, three people took the two people behind Ye Chen.

"Let's get out!" The two men frowned coldly.

"How are you doing this?"

"Speaking is not welcome!"

"Want to fight?"

In the next moment, five people were twisted together.

Ye Chen and the lion have left, and far away, Ye Chen has found a corner of no one to display the secret law of the day, and changed his appearance.

"Weird, it seems that someone is helping us, and I don't know who it is!" Ye Chen frowned, some doubts.

Do you have another group of people who have noticed them? Ye Chen thought of the person behind the bones of the beast. The other party should also be a supernatural person.

According to the original plan, Ye Chen and the lion went into the venue that sold all kinds of heavenly treasures and went straight to the second floor.

"You are coming again? What do you need?" The little girl in Tsing Yi saw Ye Chen, with a hint of light smile on his face, smiling.

Ye Chen’s heart stunned and looked around, and the other party was really talking to himself.

This is called Xiaolin’s Tsing Yi Xiao Yan, who doesn’t know who it is, and can actually see through his own stealing day! Why do people who have such ability make a small break in this place?

"It is right to talk to you. You have just come to me with another person. Please rest assured that this store is confidential for all customers!" Xiao Lin blinked and smiled.

When I heard Xiao Lin's words, Ye Chen was a little relieved. His secret method of stealing the sun was difficult to be seen. The other party was really mysterious and did not know what it was.

But think about it, since their business is doing so big, it should still be credible.

"I want the spirit fairy fish, the star soul tree, the purple blue flower, the secluded grass, the dark spirit fruit!" Ye Chen reported a series of heavenly treasures, and suddenly there was so much money Ye Chen decided to hurry to spend, change In a variety of heavens and treasures shipped back to Tianyuanxing, it is too hot in the hands.

"So much?" Xiao Lin's handsome white face showed a surprised color. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so rich. He smiled slightly. "I am going to prepare for you. Please wait a moment. With the first floor." Things are different, all the second-tier things, the entire Tianhe domain is unique, no other place can find the second, and once sold to customers, we will not sell the same thing!"

Ye Chen nodded no wonder that everything here is so expensive.

Think about it too, things are rare, if everyone raises the spirit fairy fish, the immortal fish is worthless, and everything else is the same.

Xiao Lin looked at Ye Chen and looked at the lion. "I have already notified my subordinates by voice. After a while, they will help the two to pack all the things. We can also help you." Send things to the designated location!"

"It is not necessary to send it to the designated place." Ye Chen waved his hand, how could he easily reveal the position of Tianyuanxing?

"In addition, if there are any talents in the two hands who want to sell, I will definitely give two satisfied prices, such as the wild fruit." Xiao Lin smiled and looked at Ye Chen and the lion.

It seems to have a deep sense of authenticity.

When I heard Xiaolin’s words, Ye Chen’s heart was immediately alarmed. How did Xiao Lin know that he and the lion had the sacred body? Even this can be seen? This Xiaolin's strength is too horrible. I have to know that when I was in the arena, I didn't even see the ancestors who had the sacred body!

Although the old ancestors did not enter the ranks of the strongest, but it is a strong star of the star master!

The lion also stunned his hair and almost stood up and stared at Xiao Lin.

Seeing the expression of Ye Chen and the lion, Xiao Lin smiled and said: "The two don't have to be nervous. We are just some businessmen. We never do murder. If you are willing to sell to us, we will accept if you don't Willing to sell, we will not force, and will not disclose any information of the two to outsiders!"

Ye Chen was silent, thought about it, and with Xiao Lin's ability, there was no need to explain anything. Since Xiao Lin explained this, it proved that he really did not have any malice.

"We don't have any extra fruit in the future. If you need to sell it, you will contact you!" Ye Chen's soul was swept over Xiao Lin. He couldn't see Xiao Lin's cultivation completely. He felt Xiao Lin like It is an ordinary person, but Ye Chen understands that the other party must not be an ordinary person! !

"This person is not simple!" The lion voiced to Ye Chendao. "He should not be the flesh of the third race. It may be like us. It is also a kind of elixir!" The lion's thoughts could not be explored. information.

Ye Chen nodded. The place to buy and sell here is all kinds of heaven and earth treasures. How can they not leave some good things for themselves?

After a while, all the heavenly treasures that Ye Chen wanted had been packed, and Ye Chen paid the true spirit, so that the lion first sent the things to the Tianhe Building, let the two servants on the side send them directly. Go back to the Yuanxing to say that the spirit squid is ready to be handed over to Lingyu in the cloud hidden star.

After the lion went away, Ye Chen went around again and seemed to be waiting for something.

"You go to work, I just stroll around." Ye Chen was accompanied by Xiaolin Road.

Xiao Lin smiled and nodded. "If you have any needs, you can call me at any time!"

Xiao Lin left very politely.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Lin's back thoughtfully. After a while, he looked at the entrance of the second floor. I saw a person walked up. After sweeping his eyes, he walked over Ye Chen.

From the beginning of leaving the arena, Ye Chen felt that there were a pair of eyes watching him. Even when he showed his face and changed his face, he was also seen by the other party. It was the man’s men who helped him get rid of the traces of his ancestors. Ye Chen guessed that the other party would definitely come to find himself, so decisively let the lion go first.

Since the other person is staring at himself, and at least a median star owner, he wants to go is not so easy, first look at what the other party said!

At least Ye Chen can be sure that this person is not a person from the ancestors!

"Hello, my name is Mi Fu, and the gods are a family." Mi Yu looked at Ye Chen, smiled slightly, and looked very polite.

"Hello, what is your visit to me?" Ye Chen asked at the door, and was a little surprised in his heart. Ye Chen thinks of it, Ling Yu's body protector is the Tianhai **** Mi, is it a race? However, this sorrow, but a strong master of the median star, is not comparable to Lingyu's Tianhai Shenmi!

In her heart, she is very satisfied with Ye Chen. Although Ye Chen only has the ten-fold cultivation of the gods, she can be so calm in the face of the median star. This calm heart is not comparable to ordinary people. He smiles and says: My host is very interested in you and wants to recruit you."

Ye Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned, and many thoughts flashed in her heart and asked: “I don’t know who your host is?”

"It is still not easy to disclose." Mi Xiao smiled.

"I don't even know your master, how can you believe in you?"

"I can only tell you that my master is an important figure in the Supreme Holy Land. In addition to my master, the ancestors of the ancestors seem to have some interest in you. The purpose of the ancestors is to control you and prevent you from being promoted. Star owner, then become his money-making tool. If you are willing to join us, you don’t have to worry about leaving the ancestors. My master will provide you with some resources for cultivation, which can’t be bought outside. Help you advance to the main class!"

"What do I have to do?" Ye Chen asked an eyebrow, and heaven would not drop the pie for no reason.

"You don't need it for the time being. When you are promoted to the next star level, after you divide the territory, you will naturally become our faction, because other factions will not accept you. Whether it is for your own benefit, or For the benefit of the faction, you will naturally make a choice!"

No binding terms?

It seems that the masters of the faint are very confident, once they join their faction, they will not betray.

After thinking about it, the strength of the master is not lower than that of the ancestors, so it is at least a strong leader of the star.

They should need to train some talent.

I came alone to the Supreme Holy Land without any background. It is really difficult to stand firm here, and the master of the scorpion has no binding terms, which makes Ye Chen quite intent.

The master of Mi Fu, should not be very right with the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, so set up a pit of the ancestors!

Ye Chen touched his chin and meditated. He had already killed a disciple from the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty. He was so dark that he had so much money from the ancestors. If he knew the words from the ancestors, he would definitely pack him up. It would be better to use the power of the scorpion. !

"I can join your forces, but how can I contact you?" Ye Chen made a decision and asked calmly.

He smiled, and he really appreciated Ye Chen’s straightforwardness.

"This is your nameplate. I will record it when I go back. After that, you can go to any Supreme Landlord or Vice-President of the Supreme Land, and report your name. And we want to know that your position is very Simple!" Miu thrown a letter to Ye Chen. "After half a month, you go to the Zhenwu Conference. If you have a good chance, you may see my master!"


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