Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 812: Avenue Huangling!

"The demon of the sky?!" Several other people took a breath and opened their mouths with surprise.

“Is there really a heavenly demon to watch the game in the future?”

"That's true!" The middle-aged man was vowed to be authentic.

"Scorpio! I didn't expect this day to come to the demon of the sky, this is really amazing news!"

"The Demon of Heaven has not appeared for thousands of years. I don't think this will happen suddenly. This is a rare opportunity!"

"If any star owner is taken away by the Heavenly Monsters, it is definitely the glory of our entire Tianhe domain!"

Those people were shocked by the news and excitedly talked about it.

The demon of the heavens is also loyal to the soul of the stars. Like the domain beasts, they belong to the second type of race. Each of the demon saints of heaven is a powerful existence beyond the peak of the star!

In the past more than 100,000 years, there were a total of five star owners in the Tianhe domain, which were chosen by the Heavenly Monsters and brought to the depths of the eternal godland.

No one knows what happened to the five stars, but there are rumors that the five stars have been sealed, from the third race to the second race, becoming the power of surpassing the star. Someone once saw one of the adults in the Supreme Holy Land riding the expensive gods and stayed in the Supreme Holy Land for several days.

It is said that the Supreme Alliance is the most powerful of the seven forces because of the shelter of the grown-up.

Of course, those are just legends, what the real situation is, and what they ordinary people can understand.

The advent of the Heavenly Demon St. is definitely a grand event. Anyone among the seven forces will be selected to take it away. The forces will immediately rise and rise. If any star of a remote star can be selected, the star will be The big forces are raised!

What is the existence of the demon of heaven? Ye Chen frowned slightly, and his heart secretly thought.

As time goes by, more and more understanding of the eternal kingdom of God · Ye Chen gradually found that the loyalty to the spirit of the star is still quite a lot, in addition to the third race of humans, monsters, as well as the domain beast, the sky The demon sacred and so on. The second type of race. There should be a lot of second and third races in the universe.

The third type of race can even develop to the second race if it is allowed by the spirit of the star, and has the flesh of the second race!

Like the Tianyuan Star Soul and the Cloud Hidden Star Soul, it may be nothing but a low-order star soul.

Among the souls of the stars, there should be some really powerful existences. Otherwise, why should we shock those powerful second-class races?

Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the Purple Star Spirit. He once heard the Tianyuan Star Spirit. The Purple Star Spirit is a sorrowful soul floating from the depths of the eternal godland. It is attached to the Purple Star and is also purple. The blood of the star soul is special.

Then, the purple star soul should know some things in the depths of the eternal godland!

Ye Chen decided that if there is a chance to go back, I will ask the purple star soul to understand the situation in the depths of the eternal godland.

"Unfortunately, the Guangyu Star, the tens of billions of people I live in, the soul of the soul is more than seventy in total. I am already the one with the highest degree of fusion of the souls of the stars. There are only a dozen or twenty, the lowest is even one! Born in such a place, it is really a mold of eight lifetimes. For tens of thousands of years, the entire Guangyu Star has not yet appeared at the Zhenwu Conference!" A waiter who sells ore God couldn't help but scream, but he didn't dare to stare at the soul. If the apocalypse soul was heard in the Supreme Holy Land, the consequences were very serious and it was likely to be expelled.

Ye Chen is beside the **** of the gods. He heard that the person said that the lowest one is only one. Ye Chen has some doubts. Is it true that there are hundreds of millions of people in Guangyuxing, and even one star soul has a zero degree of fusion?

Ye Chen stepped forward to say hello to the talking god, and asked with a smile: "Hey brother, do you have no star soul fusion degree of 0?"

The patron was asked by Ye Chen to smack it. Then he laughed and said: "Brother, you are joking, how can there be a person with a fusion of 0 stars? I have swayed so many stars, no There are hundreds of thousands of them, and I have never heard of someone who has a fusion degree of 0!"

"That is, as long as it is the third race created by the Star Soul, the fusion of the Star Soul cannot be 0!"

When I heard them, Ye Chen raised a big doubt in his heart. He thought that there would be more or less one or two people on each star with a fusion degree of 0. I didn’t expect the fusion of the soul of the star to be 0. The people are so rare!

Is it only the people on the Celestial Star who have a fusion degree of 0?

The words of the gods should not be fake. Like they do business, there must be a lot of places to go, and there must be a lot of knowledge. So why is there so many stars in the history of Tianyuanxing that have a fusion degree of 0? What about people?

I thought of Ruoyun who didn't know where I went, thought of myself, and the three predecessors who disappeared in the history of Tianyuanxing, a total of five people!

The five souls with a fusion degree of 0 are all appearing on the Tianyuanxing. Is there any mystery in this? !

Including himself, the fusion of five stars is Ok, there may be some connection. Except for Ruoyun, I don’t know where the other three people went, is it still alive...·····

After Ye Chen got the flying knife in another world, why did he cross the sky star?

Why is Tianyuan Star Soul willing to blew the star nucleus and protect his avatar? It stands to reason that with the status of the star soul, there is no need to do that!

Like the spirit of the heavenly star, if you seek self-protection, even if the star owner can't help them, they can stay out of it.

Tianyuan Xinghun absolutely concealed what!

Just then, a low, hoarse voice sounded: "You don't know, it doesn't mean no!"

When I heard someone suddenly interrupted, Ye Chen and others looked up at the source of the sound. I saw a middle-aged man who looked very ugly.

He is a bald head, and his face, neck, hands and other exposed skin are covered with tattoos. It is a very complicated and mysterious pattern, giving a mysterious and strange feeling for the first time. The person who saw him will definitely be shocked by the tattoos on his body.

He was of medium build, dressed in a ragged black robe, and looked extremely desolate, and his pair of eyes had no eyes, just a murky white.

Although there is no eyeball, but Ye Chen feels that the pair of eyes are shining with sharp light, like the eyes of an eagle.

This is a strange feeling.

"Did you see someone who has a fusion of 0 souls?" A person next to him came back and saw that he was a blind man, quite disdainful.

"A blind man, even if there is a person with a star soul fusion of 0, he can't see it!" Another person laughed aloud, the goddess from the light of the stars.

Hearing the words of the goddess, the bald-headed man’s face suddenly cooled down, and suddenly turned his head to face the **** of the light, and his face flashed a fierce color.

"Ah!" The Guangyuxing servant suddenly made a scream of screaming, and his right arm did not know why it burned up. He was quickly burned to a black spot and a white smoke appeared.

The waiter of the Guangyuxing retreats in horror and slams his right arm in pain. This is better. He glanced at the scorpion in horror and dared not speak again.

This face is covered with tattoos, and the bald-headed bald head does not know what it is, so powerful.

Others have frustrated to retreat, looking at the blind in amazement, they did not see how the scorpion was shot, the glory star is inexplicable - it is injured, is the other party a star master?

They no longer dare to speak offended.

Only Ye Chen looked at the blind man calmly, and there was some doubt in his heart. Even he didn’t even see how the blind man made a move. He didn’t see how the Guangyuxing **** was hurt.

This scorpion is definitely not easy!

"Predecessors said that they have seen the fusion of stars and souls. I don't know where I have seen them?" Ye Chen asked politely.

The scorpion raised his head and looked at Ye Chen. Although the other side had no eyes, Ye Chen still felt that the other person was watching him. This is a feeling that can't be said.

"I am just a starry wanderer, I can't talk about any predecessors. And I am a blind man, naturally it is impossible to 'see, people who have a fusion of 0 souls." The blind man snorted and his face calmed.

"Hey, scorpion, then how do you know that there is a person with a fusion degree of 0?" said the lion, smiling at the side, though the lion did not know what method the scorpion used to hurt the **** of the light, but The lion, who had no heart and lungs, was still very casual when he spoke.

This scorpion may have any taboos, hate people calling him a scorpion, and Ye Chen indicates that the lion does not take the initiative to provoke the other party.

When I heard the words of the lion, the scorpion was not angry. It might be that the lion was not malicious. He just smiled and said: "My blind eyes are not blind! Although I have never seen it, I have heard it."

"Who is the person who the predecessor heard the fusion of the soul of the star is 0?" Ye Chen asked, and my heart was extremely curious, is there a sixth star soul fusion degree of 0?

A group of people with a soul fusion of 0 should be a special existence in the universe.

"Have you ever heard of the Emperor's Mausoleum?" The face of the scorpion looked like a whole, and the tattoo on his face seemed to squirm, but it didn't seem to be very strange, but no one noticed it.

"The avenue of the imperial mausoleum?" Ye Chen could not help but frown. The only thing he heard about the four words of the avenue of the dynasty was to listen to Peng Yang. If at the Zhenwu Conference, the top three of the martial artists had the top three. You can have a chance to get a **** fruit, which is produced in the Imperial Palace.

According to Peng Yang, the Avenue of the Emperor is one of the five secrets of the Tianhe Star Field!


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