Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 881: Dark channel

A raccoon sat there with his eyes closed, and the long black hair was like a waterfall, and there was a holy and solemn look on the pretty cheek, like an inviolable goddess.

The elves of the two time-spaced lines were circled around the raccoon, and the glow of the stalks fell down and was absorbed into the body by the raccoon.

For a few days, Ye Chen has been guarding the side of the raccoon, waiting quietly for the breakthrough in the cultivation of the raccoon.

As time went by, A raccoon's body burst into a dazzling light.

The force of the surrounding space and time lines fluctuated drastically.

Ye Chen can feel that the smell of A raccoon is constantly rising and will soon be broken.

Ye Chen and A raccoon are in harmony with each other, and the heart has a spirit. When the raccoon's cultivation is in the ascension, Ye Chen also clearly feels that his nine stars in Dantian are running faster than usual.

Every change in the scent of a raccoon, Ye Chen seems to be able to feel it.

"Come on!" Ye Chen slammed his eyes and stared at the raccoon.

Sure enough, the light on the raccoon became more and more flamboyant, and the forces of time and space around it rushed in, forming a whirlpool around the body of A raccoon.

The elves in black and white, the two forces of time and space, disappeared into the body of A raccoon, and the raccoon slammed open the barrier of the Jin Dynasty, and entered the rank of the next star from the gods!

After hitting the next star master level, A raccoon did not open his eyes, but continued to sit and consolidate the realm, so that the cultivation became more concise.

Seeing the success of A raccoon, Ye Chen showed a smile of joy and let go of his heart.

After a while, A raccoon slowly opened his eyes, her skin wins the snow, and her eyes are like a glimpse of Qingtan's eyes. The pink cheeks are like a pearl, and the beauty is shining.

A raccoon finally cultivated to the next star level!

Although the cultivation is the lower level of the star master, but Ye Chen feels that some of the forces hidden in the blood of the raccoon are awakening, the illusion of the raccoon, can be regarded as the real creation of heaven and earth!

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the civet like a fairy at this time. There is an indescribable sense of satisfaction. There is such a confidante in life, and it is enough.

"Let's continue to find an exit!" Ye Chendao, he felt that the eyes in the depths of the Emperor's Mausoleum had already been removed.

I don't know who the owner of the gaze is, what I want to do. Ye Chen secretly vigilant, they must leave here as soon as possible.

Ye Chen and A Yu began to explore some places on the edge, and finally entered the thick blood fog.

The fog here is more rich than the outer periphery of the avenue's mausoleum. If Ye Chen and A civet can sense each other's side, they may soon be gone.

In the faint ambiguity, Ye Chen saw that there are many kinds of red flowers growing here, and some of them have already formed rich fruit and are **** holy fruits!

I did not expect that there are so many **** fruit fruits in this blood fog. There are several blood spirits that have been growing for a long time. The huge head is several times larger than the ordinary blood spirit, and the whole body is glittering and glittering. It is as attractive as agate stone.

For the strong who have already been promoted to the Star Lord, the Blood Spirit Holy Fruit is of no use, but for those who still stay in the service of the gods, the blood of the Holy Fruit is an incomparable treasure!

I don't know for what reason, every star soul will only choose a star master, so the star owner is very limited. However, these **** holy fruits can make some of the devotees who are gods and gods advance to the next star without the help of the spirit of the stars.

Of course, not everyone can be promoted to the next star owner, but also requires a certain talent, repaired to eat the blood of the Holy Fruit is only a certain probability of promotion.

"With these **** fruit, wait for us to return to the sky star, maybe they can also be promoted to the star master!" A singer squatted and carefully took off a **** fruit.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Walking through the blood mist, from time to time will find some blood spirit holy fruit, Ye Chen picking all the way, very quickly, there are already more than a dozen blood spirits on hand, and there are three more high-grade ones, A raccoon There are also estimated to be five or six.

So many **** fruit can help the stars to create a number of star powerhouses! It’s exciting to think about it.

Ye Chen and A Yu while looking for the exit, while picking the blood of the Holy Fruit, although the view of the blood fog is very poor, they can not see each other a little further apart, but Ye Chen and A raccoon can clearly sense the other side.

At this time, the imperial mausoleum is very deep.

This is an ancient hall. Everything is made of a metal similar to bronze. Although it has been through a long period of time, it has not been damaged. It just reveals a sense of vicissitudes of history.

In the middle of the open hall is a strange nine-family squad. In the middle of the squad, a figure sits quietly. He is wearing a black robe. The wide hat covers his face. He sits there as if he is already sitting. Endless years, it seems that the whole person has merged with this palace.

If someone sees him in a black robe, he will be shocked. !

His whole hand has no flesh and blood, only five pointed phalanx, but still move.

Looking up the hand bones, he left a skeleton, and some bones seemed to be corroded by something, completely broken and spoiled. In some places, there was a trace of flesh and blood on the bones. The color is fresh and tender, it seems to be a new one.

His head and face did not have much flesh and blood left. Only a pair of eyeballs were attached to the muscles and hung on the empty eyelids. It was very strange.

The black robe succinctly covered his face and body, and no one could see him under the black robe, it was like this.

"I finally waited for you... I finally waited..." The black robe sat on the plate, but he whispered nervously. Suddenly he gave a burst of laughter, the laughter was sharp and harsh, in the hall. It is constantly echoing.

If someone passes by here, it will definitely be scared by this laughter.

Suddenly, he suddenly stopped laughing, his eyes flashing with a dim light, and said to himself: "A descendant of the avenue Tianjun, a descendant of the illusion of the mysterious beast! And you... His Royal Highness, the villain has been waiting for you for a long time!"

He fell into a long silence, lowered his head, seems to be remembering something, whispered: "I don't know how the sky stars are now, I haven't gone back for a long time! It is estimated that they have forgotten me, things. It’s a non-everything!”

As he spoke, his eyes frantically started, and he began to laugh wildly, and the entire hall shook with his laughter.

After a while, the three figures appeared not far away.

"Master!" The three figures are kneeling on one knee, and the look is respectful. The three of them are the Jinyu, the Terran, and the strong ones of the Bifang. The strongest of the Jinyu family is the highest. It is a day. Star star.

"Bring the little girl over!" The black robes didn't look at them three, and faintly said.

"Yes!" The three strong men swept out of the hall.

The black robe was just finished, suddenly snorted, because he actually did not feel the breath of Ye Chen and A raccoon!

His gaze can penetrate the **** fog and peep into every corner of the Emperor's Mausoleum, but I don't know why, and suddenly I can't see where Ye Chen and A.

In the garden.

Ye Chen was originally picking the **** fruit, and suddenly heard the sound of "噗通", Ye Chen suddenly felt the smell of the raccoon.

Ye Chen was shocked and looked at the pond next to him. He saw a circle of water on the water surface slowly spreading.

A raccoon fell into the pond?

With the repair of A raccoon, how can it fall into the pond for no reason?

What makes Ye Chen more shocked is that the water in this pond can't even penetrate the soul! He couldn't find where the raccoon was.

Ye Chen was anxious, screaming, urging the force of time and space, trying to break the water, but he was once again surprised to find that the force of time and space has reached the surface, and it has disappeared inexplicably!

This pond is absolutely weird!

But it would be too late to save the raccoon again. Ye Chen couldn’t manage that much, and jumped into the pond.

When Ye Chen jumped into the water, he saw that at the bottom of the pond, there seemed to be a white figure flashing past, and Ye Chen sensed that it was clearly a raccoon!

Ye Chen immediately sneaked down and hurriedly hugged the raccoon and then floated up together.

A raccoon just seemed to be in a coma. At this moment, she opened her eyes and her eyes were full of doubts. Obviously she was also wondering why she suddenly fainted and fell into the lake.

As the strongman of the next star, it is too strange to happen.

Almost a little bit, everyone will be separated, and seeing the raccoon waking up, Ye Chen’s flustered heart is now solid.

Ye Chen with a raccoon continued to rise, seeing a bright light in front, Ye Chen with a raccoon out of the water.

After coming up, Ye Chen immediately became alert and looked around, and could not help but feel awkward.

When they floated up, they actually got into the mountain of the rockery on the edge of the pond. There was a deep passage ahead, and they didn't know where to go.

In the heart of Ye Chen’s heart, there is a hidden dark road in this rockery!

"A raccoon, we······" Ye Chen was trying to say something, but when his gaze fell on the body of A raccoon, it was difficult to remove it, and he could not help but feel a bit dry.

After the civet's clothes were soaked in water, they were all attached to the body. The white skin was looming, and the jade peak stood proudly at the chest. Looking down, the bumpy body, flat and smooth belly, straight and slender legs are all at a glance.

Feeling Ye Chen's gaze, A raccoon was flushed and covered her chest with her hands, but her hands could not be covered, but it was more tempting.


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