Nine Astra Skies

Nine Astra Skies Chapter 885: You can get on the road!

In the view of Pan Li, the strength of a person who has just been promoted to the next star in Yechen District can have more strength?

He did not look at Ye Chen in his eyes, and gently palm, enough to break the attack of Ye Chen!

In the blink of an eye, the mysterious flying knife and the star-studded magic mark will come to the front.

Puff puff!

The sharp left palm of the disc was splashed with blood, and a blood hole was made by the mysterious flying knife.

Before he could react, it was a burst of bombing, and the star of the Stars was blown up in the left palm of Pan, and his left palm was directly blown up.

Xuanqi Feidao did not stagnate through the left palm of the disc, and went to the spurred head.

What is this flying knife, so sharp!

After a sigh of relief, I found out that I had a small look at Ye Chen. The sound of "嗖", the body turned into a virtual shape, the mysterious flying knife passed through the position of his head and disappeared into the distance.

The body of Pan Li gradually re-solidified. When Ye Chen smashed his left palm, his body shape paused. The psychedelic orb has been turned into a streamer and disappeared into the void in the distance.

The speed of the psychedelic orbs is too fast!

Pan screamed, did not expect a face-to-face, just ate a small loss in Ye Chen's hand, was injured by a cock, this is his shame!

His mind was moving, and a golden awn was flashed at the palm of his hand. The left palm quickly grew out again. He turned back and wanted to catch the psychedelic orb.

"Your opponent is me!" Ye Chen screamed, and the spirit came out and turned into a huge spiritual god.

This spirit is as high as several kilometers, like a big mountain. The giant palm is falling down and there is a feeling of covering the sky.

What is even more amazing is that the spiritual **** of Ye Chen's soul is not only a virtual shape, but is like a general, and the whole body exudes the luster of jade.


The slap in the hill of the spirit god, one palm shot on the body of the disk, and the disk slammed into the forest below.


A tall stone monument was knocked down by a plate.

In the distance, the strong people of all ethnic groups, staring blankly at the spiritual **** who is like a mountain.

Is this the soul?

This is too horrible!

The swordsman who was born out of the soul is so powerful?

When Ye Chen and A raccoon appeared, they thought that Ye Chen and A raccoon were just ordinary lower stars. Until Ye Chen shot, they discovered that Ye Chen’s strength far exceeded their imagination. I didn’t rush to grab something without looking at it, or I didn’t know how to die.

Pan Li was all covered with tiny scars. He climbed out from under a stone tablet and looked at the huge spirits that stood in the void. He was completely angry.

The golden awns on his body flashed, and the wounds healed quickly. As a first-class race, the resilience of the body was extremely strong.

Pan Li eyes full of murderous look to Ye Chen, snorted.


The fiercely "calling" spread the huge wings of the four or five meters long, and there was a golden axe in the hand. The whole body was golden and bright, and there was a tall ghost of the gods in the body, and the sound of "噌" was vacated. Start.

Actually frustrated in front of the next star of a third race, this is absolutely intolerable!

As a family of Jin Yu, Pan Li's heart is extremely proud, and the sound of a slap in the air is soaring, and the golden feathers fly to the sky, like a rainstorm, slamming to Ye Chen and the spirit of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen screamed and spurred the spirit to rush to the plate.


A wave of impact power swept around.

Wherever they went, the rows of stone monuments were turned into ruins. The surrounding fog was scattered, just like the end of the day, the various ethnic groups in the imperial mausoleum were alarmed. It flew here, watching the battle between Pan Li and Ye Chen.

Against a star-level peak matchup, Ye Chen clearly felt a lot of pressure. Under the bombardment of Jin Yu, Ye Chen’s spirit was a little crumbling.

However, in order to create enough time for the raccoon to escape, Ye Chen looks firm and the nine stars in the body are running wildly, and the pieces of the body are dead, and the force of time and space is continuously output, so that the spirits continue to grow.

The spirit **** hit a punch with a punch.

Pan Li constantly avoids, the giant fist of the spirits roars, and time and space continue to collapse under this punch.

The spirit of the spirit, even he did not dare to resist!

The more you fight, the more you are shocked. What kind of metamorphosis is this guy, comprehending the power of seven time and space lines, but also has sharp flying knives, inscrutable marks, and this terrible spiritual god. !

You must know that Ye Chen has just stepped into the main class, and if his cultivation is a few more high, it is hard to imagine how powerful it will be.

I don't know if Ye Chen has any other cards, and there is no longer a small heart. Ye Chen’s strength completely surpasses the lower star master level, and is much more powerful than the average star master. To a certain extent, he can defeat the star master!

"I admit that if you want to advance to the middle star level, I may not be your opponent, but now I want to win me, it is impossible!" The cold voice, the golden wings behind it, gradually faded Among the golden pupils, it seems to have been stained with a black man.

A wave of horror and darkness spreads around the center of the disk, and the surrounding air seems to be grayed out.

The sigh of breath is becoming more and more powerful, constantly pressing on the spirits, and pressing Ye Chen to breathe.

The war is on the verge.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly took the spirits back into the body, took a long sigh of relief, looked at the suspension in the void, prepared for a battle of a fierce battle, easily grin and smiled: "Okay, we Don't fight, take me to see your master!"

Pan Li looked a stagnation, staring at Ye Chen.

He provoked the magical power in the body, and was ready to teach Ye Chen a good time, but did not expect that Ye Chen did not play cards according to common sense, and suddenly said that he would not fight.

Just before Ye Chen was surprised, the first left palm was bombarded, and then the spirit of the soul of Ye Chen was smashed on the head. When he was angry, he wanted to smother Ye Chen out of a bad breath. At the time, Ye Chen suddenly did not fight, and he had to breathe back into his chest.

"Despicable humans. Have the courage to fight with me again!" Pan screaming, the force of the time and space lines locked to Ye Chen's neck, and Ye Chen picked up.

A strong sense of suffocation came, Ye Chen's nine-star contends in the body. He didn't do it. He just looked calmly and said: "Do you not want to see me? Do you want to take me?

After a sigh of anger, the lungs quickly blew up. After he ignited the magical atmosphere in the body, the whole body was filled with a magical temperament and wanted to vent. But when he came out, his master had promised to live, must live!

That kind of crazy bloodthirsty can not get vented. It is also necessary to press back into the inner feelings, so that the devil in the body is insane, the internal hemorrhoids are damaged, and the sound of "squeaky" spits out a blood.

Ye Chen looked at the disk and stunned. I haven't done it yet. How does this guy vomit blood? Was it just the palm of the spirit, leaving him a dark wound? I knew that this guy was so strong and hard to play. After playing for a while, this guy might not be able to support it.

Panic and stern eyes, stunned Ye Chen, the dark and bloodthirsty atmosphere, let Ye Chen heart.

The devil's atmosphere in this guy's body is even stronger than the few Gorefiends that were encountered in the Scarlet Gods!

I don't know who the owner of this guy is!

Ye Chen guessed that the master should be the one who peeped at the depths of the Emperor's Mausoleum. He wanted to get out of the hands of the star's main peak. It was too difficult, and he was struck by a serious injury. It’s like this.

The bald scorpion said that so far, only one person with a fusion degree of 0 has entered the depths of the avenue, and I don’t know if the person who peeped at him is the fusion of the soul of the star.

Ye Chen would like to see what the intention of that person is!

Pan slammed Ye Chen, flapping his wings, and screaming at the ruins of the imperial dynasty.

Just as Ye Chen and Pan Li battled, the psychedelic orbs had already flown into the endless void and landed on a star.

A sneak peek at the direction of the imperial mausoleum, her eyes were full of tears, she heard the fierce fighting sounds from the dynasty imperial mausoleum, but she did not dare not listen to Ye Chen’s words. Continue to push the psychedelic orbs away.

Those people in the Huangling Mausoleum are too strong. If you look back at this time, you will probably be caught back, which will hurt Ye Chen!

At this moment, on a planet far from the planet where the psychedelic orbs are located, a human being and a strong family of the Bifangs are standing quietly on the surface of the planet.

"This girl is pretty!" The scarlet tongue of the human strong man licked his lips.

The strong people of the Bifang family smiled and said: "Why, are you interested?"

"That is nature, this beautiful woman, I am afraid that the two gimmicks of the exquisite and the Murray can match!" The human strong man said, the eyes are unrecognizable lust.

Both of them are also the star masters!

Just as they were ready to start, a jingle voice came: "Hey, even if you dare to provoke, it’s really alive! If you know her identity, scare your courage!"

The two of them were shocked and immediately looked at the mound beside them.

Only a few hundred meters away from them, a person is sitting quietly there, it is a bald head, the upper body is naked, the body is covered with complicated tattoos, his eyes are pure white, there is no barley, it is a blind!

The face of the blind man also had a sane expression of irony, but the eyes of the blind man did not seem to look at them.

The strong man of the human race and the strong man of the Bifang family stared at the blind man chillingly, no matter how they investigated, they could not find out the cultivation of this blind man.

What is even more frightening is that a person who appears silently only a few hundred meters away from them, they are completely unaware!

Both of them are the strongest players at the peak of the star, even if they are the masters of the exquisite level, they would like to be close to them so close to them.

"Well, you can get on the road!" The scorpion smiled faintly, as if he was talking about a common thing.

A sense of horrible crisis rose from the bottom of my heart. The two strong men were terrified, turned and rushed toward the void, and hated that the mother did not give them two more legs.


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