Nine Astra Skies

Chapter 894: Golden field beast

Looking at the plaque in front of him, Ye Chen was wondering who wrote the words "Ling Qionglou".

Why is the inscription on the Emperor's Mausoleum the same?

Every time Ye Chen wants to ask the old people of Jiu Li to ask these doubts in their hearts, the old people of Jiuli are always reluctant to say. For Ye Chen’s past life, Jiu Li’s old man only said that Ye Chen was a member of the Ye’s royal family. He did not want to mention too much about some of the conditions of the year.

What are the secrets of the Jiuli old man and the nephew?

Why did they not tell Ye Chen what happened in the past?

Ye Chen stepped into the underground Qionglou, and quickly reached the eighth floor of the Qionglou.

In the eight-story space, a list of armor is still neatly arranged there, and Ye Chen only took a very small part of it last time.

If these armor were used by the Terran Army of the year, how many troops did the Terran have in the end? To what extent did the Terran at that time reach a strong level?

Unfortunately, this is already the glory of the past...

To re-enter the glory of the glory, you must step into the legendary domain!

Ye Chen's right hand was falsely photographed, and the power of the time and space was pouring out. As for the battle armor, countless golden bells and black cloud armor were taken up by Ye Chen.

Hundreds of thousands of black cloud armor!

Ye Chen is shocked, but this is even the most precious black cloud armor, which is generally not available outside the auction house. As for the Golden Bell armor, there are countless, how much you can get!

In addition to the Golden Bell armor and the black cloud armor, Ye Chen also got 500 sets of Tianyin armor.

Sky Silver Armor, even if it is a heavenly and star-level peak, it is difficult to break it, and it is hundreds of times more precious than the Black Cloud Warrior! Even the most powerful, only a collection of one or two sets of Tianyin armor, they are reluctant to take out the deal.

In addition to these armor, Ye Chen also gathered countless soldiers.

The wealth here is really amazing. If you sell a part of it, you can make a planet rich!

"There are so many armored soldiers, where are you looking for so many people to wear?" Ye Chen murmured.

At this time, the voice of the old man of Jiuli came from far away. "The Holy King does not have to worry, then the Tianyuanxing will soon begin to expand, and soon someone will use these Warrior soldiers!"

It seems that the Jiuli old man is going to start rebuilding the Terran Army of the year!

In Ye Chen’s heart, suddenly there is also an impulsive impulse, bloody.

After replacing himself with a set of silver armor, Ye Chen plunged and ran all the way to the ninth floor.

Stepping into the ninth floor, I went to the space that was as big as a star field.

"These are the golden beasts that were obtained when the holy princes robbed the golden beasts of the Golden Age. There are millions of them. This is the fire of my revival! The Holy King sent them to the Dantian world. Let the spirits face them. Transforming, when they grow up, it is the most powerful army of the Terran!" Jiu Li old man can hardly suppress the excitement in his heart, he waited for this time, it has been too long and too long.

He has been hiding here for many years in the underground Qionglou, in order to protect these golden fields, and wait for the end of the reincarnation of Ye Chen, and hand these golden fields to the hands of Ye Chen!

"The Golden Field Beast is not a normal field beast. It can be a golden field beast of a young age, and you can defeat an adult domain beast! The ordinary adult domain beasts are all beyond the star level!"

I have been in the Supreme League for so long. Ye Chen still has some understanding of the domain beasts. The domain beasts are extremely powerful, generally in adulthood. They are stronger than the Supreme, and they are simply invincible war machines. However, because the domain beast size is too large, the sensitivity will be worse, so the domain beasts can not help those supreme strong.

The domain beast can shuttle through the void like a **** ship or a building ship. There is a hidden space inside the brain of the beast. It can be opened and closed, and sitting in their brains can shuttle the void.

However, the general domain beast will not let humans sit in. Because it is the most vulnerable part of the domain beast, you can easily kill them in that position.

Since human beings are the third race and the domain beasts are the second race, which is higher than the human race, so far no human power can tame the domain beasts.

"In the same year, the Golden Fields Corps was the most powerful affiliated army of the Star Soul, killing countless Terrans. Now the golden beasts outside are almost extinct. It is estimated that even the Star Souls do not know, there are millions here. Only the golden domain of the beast.

Among the millions of golden beasts, six are only the mother's level. Once they hatch, the golden beasts will be born again! "The voice of the old man of Jiuli is a little trembled.

When Ye Chen heard the words of the Jiuli old man, his heart was also extremely shocking. The golden field beast in his infancy was even stronger than the ordinary domain beast in adulthood! To what extent is the adult golden age beast strong?

Here, there are millions of golden beasts, and six are just the mother level!

A golden domain beastmaster can create a golden beast population, and a golden beast population can often reach more than a million!

In the same year, the Golden Field Beast Race for the Star Souls to fight the stars, set up a heroic battle to help the Star Soul family to establish a huge country of God, but the loss of the Golden Field beasts is also very serious, and ultimately endangered. The outside world has not found a golden domain of the beastmaster, and there are very few golden beasts that survive.

But there are six female emperors and millions of ordinary golden beasts.

Imagine if they all hatched, what a terrible scene!

"The Holy King must protect the six mothers' shackles, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of golden beasts, and it is possible to have a scorpion with the qualification of the mother. They are very precious!"

This legion is the last hope of the Terran. It is no wonder that the Jiuli old man will stay here and stay in the long years of Tianyuanxing.

"What should I do? Put all of them into the Dantian world?" Ye Chen has a dim sum. If he is dead, isn't the mother of the Dantian world annihilated?

"Yes, the Dantian world of the Holy King is a world of creation, and it is possible to create an independent world of billions of souls. If these golden fields are hatched in the Dantian world of the Holy King, they will obey the Holy King!" The old man of Li.

"What if I am dead?" Ye Chendao, did he become a sinner of the Terran?

"That can only say that the number of lives is so!" Jiu Li old man sighed with a sigh. "All we do is to do things against the sky. No one wants to survive. If it is defeated, then the Terran will perish, perhaps this starry sky." In the middle, there will be no one else!"

In the words of the old people of Jiuli, there is an unspeakable tragic and strong.

Ye Chen feels incomparably depressed. He wants to protect his family, want to protect his friends, and guard the Terran. Then there is no room for retreat!

"In this case, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. I will swear by this oath to kill a **** road for the human race, and God will stop killing God!" Ye Chensheng Zhen Yuyu, the power of the nine times of time and space, and the whole body evolved infinitely. secret.

The old man of Jiuli saw the Ye Chen at the moment, but he stayed for a while. At this time, Ye Chen’s body, there were countless kinds of roads, and the roads around him were crushed. Even he felt a strong pressure, although Ye Chen’s current cultivation is only the next star owner, but it has already shown great potential.

Perhaps the Terran, there is still a line of life!

Sitting in the Yejia territory of the Jiu Li old man, among the muddy pupils, a drop of tears fell. In the past tens of thousands of years, countless lonely years, he never shed a tear!

Xiaotian is playing around. Seeing the appearance of the Jiuli old man, he immediately ran over.

"The master cried! The master does not cry!" Xiaotian chubby little hand, pulled up his sleeves and wiped the tears on the face of Jiuli.

The old man of Jiuli looked at Xiaotian and touched Xiaotian’s head lovingly, with a smile on his face.

The ground floor of Qionglou is nine floors.

Ye Chen frantically put the shackles of the golden field beast into the world of Dantian. One of them is comparable to the size of a planet, and constantly enters the world of Dantian. It is densely covered in the void outside the nine stars.

Ye Chen suddenly discovered that the beasts of these golden fields had a size of a planet when they were outside, but they entered the Dantian world, and compared with Ye Chen’s nine stars, it was like an asteroid.

It turns out that the nine stars in Dantian are so huge!

Create the world, and really make a difference!

For a full five or six days, Ye Chencai collected all the golden beasts into the Dantian world.

These golden beasts are knotted on some stars outside the nine stars of the Dantian world. Ye Chen can feel the heartbeat of these golden beasts, and their heartbeat is strong and powerful.

I don't know how to incubate them?

In the heart of Ye Chen's heart, on the nine stars, millions of spirits flew up and flew toward the golden beasts, attached to these golden beasts, and slowly merged into them.

As the golden beasts slowly merged with Ye Chen's spirit, Ye Chen felt that these golden fields of the beasts seemed to have a relationship with their own blood.

The beatings of these golden beasts are strong and weak, and the strongest one jumps more than 600 times per minute, and the strength is as strong as the drums.

It is estimated that this golden domain is the closest to hatching.

But I don't know when it will hatch.

"If the Holy King left the Tianyuan Star, where are you going to go first?" Jiu Li old man asked about Ye Chen.

"I have not been sure." Ye Chen knows that time is tight. He wants to get the rest of the flying knives as soon as possible, and improve his strength as soon as possible, because he does not know when the star spirits who are hostile to humans begin to slaughter the people in the Tianhe domain, to be there. It will be repaired to a certain level before, and has a legion against it!

"I suggest that the first station of the Holy King to go to the city, perhaps to find the third piece of flying knife!" Jiu Li old man said.


Ye Chen suddenly remembered something. He had heard the demon emperor and the dragon emperor talked about it.

The city is built by a group of starry wanderers. The star is in the area of ​​the Scarlet God Kingdom, the Demon God Kingdom, and the Scarlet God Kingdom. The people of the Three Kingdoms of God enter there to listen to a powerful man called Ming. Mysterious identity, the people of the three major kingdoms are not willing to provoke, there is the same as the black market of the Tianhe Star, where various items can be traded, and there is still a huge arena, the people of the three great kingdoms fight in the arena.

Go to the city? I don't know what kind of person is.


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