Nine Astra Skies

Chapter 900: First off (nine hundred


I don't know what the three assessments that the singer is going to experience are.

Ye Chen, A raccoon, the lion and the prince waited quietly. Unlike other people who were eager to find allies, Ye Chen, A raccoon and the lion were very calm, and they exchanged their views on each other.

"Don't you seek a companion?" Yan Ping asked and asked Ye Chen, and looked at the raccoon and the lion, and Ye Chen was too calm.

Ye Chen shook his head and said: "No. If you want to find someone to go with, let's go." Ye Chen felt that Muping might think that it was unsafe to follow him.

Yan Ping shrugged and smiled: "I will go to them anyway, they will not accept it, simply follow you!"

Ye Chen slightly decapitated, do not know how strong the genius of each race, Ye Chen still feels a few breath in the hall, it seems not inferior to him.

The strengths of these various races are unique in their own conditions.

Their cultivation talents have been brought out from the mother's womb. Many humans may have spent all their life and can't cultivate to the warlord level. Many of them are born to be warlords and even gods.

Many people in the hall began to gang up, but Ye Chen and others were isolated, and it seemed to stand out.

Especially the attitude of Ye Chen and others who are calm and calm, they can not help but be a little surprised.

He walked far away, and he had some interest in Ye Chen and others, because he felt that Ye Chen, the lion and the singer’s breath, and the ordinary third-class race, The beast is different.

"I will give you a chance to become my servant. I can give you the **** demon body and let you get rid of the shackles of the third race!" He looked proudly and looked down on Ye Chen and other humanities in a very proud manner. In his view, all the third-class races are eager to have the flesh of the second race. He has such conditions, and Ye Chen and others must be ecstatic.

The body of the Gorefiend is longed for by countless people, and that is the peak of the second race!

Ye Chen squinted at the glare, this guy is really ridiculous, inexplicably came over to let others be his servants, he really thought he was a fragrant?

"No interest!" Ye Chen嗤 laughed and dismissed.

The lion is also lazy, too lazy to be ruined, and the next raccoon is not looking at it.

Yu Ping looked at Ye Chen and looked at the lion and the raccoon. Although he was a bachelor, no one would pay attention to it. Life and death were also indifferent. It would not easily lower his head to be a servant, but Ye Chen et al. The attitude of the person makes him somewhat confused. Because Muping saw it, Ye Chen and others were scornful from the heart.

It’s as if they are higher than the Gorefiend!

I thought that he had such a condition, and the ordinary third-class race could not sneak up on his toes, but did not expect Ye Chen and others to be such an attitude!

弑 弑 极 极 极 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , As far as I know, there are not a few people who die inside!"

"Then you have to be careful!" Ye Chen swept his eyes and looked cool.

Ye Chen really does not see the coffin does not cry! It’s obviously extremely annoying to expose the pale face and expose the roots. As the absolute existence of the second type of race, and the establishment of the population of the Kingdom of God in the universe, the status of the Gorefiend is not inferior to some of the first races. Since childhood, how have you been despised by a third-class race?

In the Gorefiend of God, most of the third races, especially human beings, are their servants, driven by them, arbitrarily abused, and never dare to resist.

"You, very good, have a bone! Waiting inside, I have to see if your bones are still so hard!" He snorted and slammed his sleeves away.

I was actually swept away!

The other party is actually the human and monster of the third race.

The other strong people in the hall face each other, they are a bit worried, but the most powerful ones in this hall!

At this time, in the distance, Shen Jinxing, the soul of Xuan Night, and the rest of the various ethnic groups, can not help but look at Ye Chen and others, but they quickly removed their gaze.

Every year, some third-class races want to join the city, but in the end they all become cannon fodder, and there are very few that can really stay in the end. Ye Chen and others are still arrogant now, and when they get inside, they know that they are wrong.

Just when Ye Chen and others sat waiting for the start of the selection, on the other side of the hall, several strong people were whispering.

They are also all under the star master class, a total of forty or fifty people, but their body, there is some kind of magical atmosphere.

"That person is the Ye Chen who is mainly looking for the palace!"

"Leave one back to report, others go in with me to intercept him!"

These people are from the Chiyan Star Palace, and they tracked it all the way.

After a moment, the ancestors in the sky were instructed by whom, his voice echoed in the empty hall: "The first round of selection is about to begin, you go in, this round of selection can not kill!"

The gates carved out of the essence of a star in front of the hall slowly opened, and the strong men of all ethnic groups plucked and plucked inside.

After passing the gate, there is a wider hall in front, and a crystal coffin is displayed neatly in the hall, which is millions of.

All of this made Ye Chen think of the land of the gods.

"The first round will assess your soul strength. After you enter the crystal coffin, you will appear in an illusory soul world. Each time you kill a person, you can score one point and get the score on the other side. In the land of God, there is a super strong guard, he will assess the strength of your soul!" The majestic voice of the ancestors passed to everyone's ears.

The first round of assessment is actually the strength of the soul?

A group of strong people hesitated for a moment, plundering far away and entering the crystal coffin.

Ye Chen and the lion, A raccoon look at each other.

"Ye Chen Xiaozi, this time we have to rely on you!" The lion said with a smile, a smile in the smile, Ye Chen's soul strength, it is nothing to say, in the land of the spirits He has already seen it.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, just don't know, the world of the spirits here is different from the world of the gods that Shenmu Supreme took them to.

I did not expect that the first round of selection is more than the strength of the soul, which is what Ye Chen is best at. In addition to Ye Chen, the soul strength of A raccoon is also very high.

The first level is a bit difficult for Zhang Ping, because as a family of Zhu, the level of the body is quite good, but the strength of the soul is not so good. However, regardless of physical strength or soul strength, he has no match with the second race and the first race.

Somewhat strange is that Yu Chen and A Yu are all looking relaxed, while the lion is a smirk, like what he has earned.

"Let's go!" Ye Chendao.

Ye Chen, A raccoon, the lion and the squadron swept up and plundered the ice.

The strong people of the Gorefiend family in the distance have entered the hail one by one, but they have sneaked a glance at Ye Chen. The Gorefiend family also has a very strong soul talent.

Unfortunately, the first pass can't really kill.

The scarlet tongue licked his lips, as a Gorefiend family, his body was filled with militant blood, and anyone who looked uncomfortable would have to kill it!

Ye Chen, A raccoon, lion and 牟ping each entered a hail and lay down.

A dazzling white light in the hail lit up.

When Ye Chen opened his eyes again, he found that his soul had entered another space.

This is an open space, just like the land of the gods, the sky is gray, looking far away, one figure after another appears in his vision, more and more people come in.

Ye Chen felt that his soul was constantly increasing, and it was so powerful that it was so amazing. Now the soul of Ye Chen can already be condensed into a powerful spirit. When it was in the land of the Spirit, the soul strength of Ye Chen was no less inferior to the high star.

Now Ye Chen has improved and upgraded to a level!

In this soul world, Ye Chen’s spiritual gods are repaired, and even the strongest of the star’s peaks are no match for it!

Those first-class races and second-class races with very powerful souls, even if the soul strength exceeds the current level, can only reach the high-level star level!

In this soul world, who wants to find Ye Chen trouble, it is simply looking for death!

When Ye Chen’s thoughts moved, he discovered the souls of the lion, a raccoon and pingping. They were being besieged!

Because the lion, a raccoon and 牟平 are the third type of race, in the eyes of other elites, they are soft persimmons that can be used at will, so they became the first target to be attacked.

The soul of A raccoon has the strength of a high star master level. Under the siege of dozens of powerful powers, he has killed five people.

"The demon raccoon cat has such a tyrannical soul!" A **** demon strongman in the lead secretly stunned. He is a savage man, leading several strong people of the second race to try to kill the raccoon, but not I thought I had a loss.

The Gorefiend strong roared, and the blood of his body became flaming, and he provoked the soul secret of the Gorefiend family!

The blood of the sky, the power of the soul of this Gorefiend, has climbed several levels in an instant, surpassing the raccoon.

"The power of the soul of the Gorefiend family is really strong!" The rest of the second-class races, the strong ones, have retired and are ready to watch the battle between the Gorefiend and the A.

A raccoon is firm, and the power of a illusion is flowing around the body, ready to fight this Gorefiend.

At this moment, a huge giant hand suddenly appeared in the void, and the "嘭" sound pinched the **** demon in his hand.

"Dare to bully A raccoon, find death!" There was a cry in the void in the distance.

~~ There is one more in the evening! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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