Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1115: One sword opens the sky (third more)

Qing Dao Zhensheng backed back again and again, and the pain in his arm made him unexpected, his eyes widened, he looked at the person in front of him, and then at his arm.

The right arm...has been completely cut off.

Cut off by a saint?

How is this going?

The golden blood of True Sage overflowed along the fracture.

Qing Dao Zhensheng's brain was a little confused, including everyone in the Qing family.

"Clan... Patriarch!!!"

"The patriarch's arm... how could it be broken?"

"This is impossible! What happened just now?"

Everyone in the Qing family stared like cows, looking at the dripping blood, the stumped arm that fell on the ground in disbelief.

That is the body of the true saint, how can an ordinary sword cut it off?

Everyone was frustrated and could not accept this scene.

Qing Dao Zhensheng stared at the new saint who suddenly appeared in front of him, suddenly understood something, and said angrily: "You are the Baiye who killed my son, right?"

"You are not stupid!" Bai Ye said lightly.

"Good sage!!" Qingdao Zhensheng's eyes burst with deep anger: "Use this great sage deliberately to lower my defensive heart, and then you will come to rescue as a saint, and further relax my guard, and then No matter how much I should fight against me, I will never defend against you, a saint, in order to achieve the purpose of a sneak attack!! Unexpectedly, when you have a vicious heart, the methods are so shameless!!"

"Call me shameless? This kind of words actually came out of a true sage's mouth, it is really ridiculous, you are so naive." Bai Ye shook his head.

"Stop talking nonsense! Do you think that you can kill me if you cut my arm? You used to be blocked by the Moon Sovereign Sword in the Heavenly Sword Palace. This sage can't kill you. Now if you send it to the door, then you can not blame this sage for being polite! Qing Dao Zhensheng stepped on his feet and rushed towards Bai Ye.

In an instant, a magnificent sacred power vented everywhere.

Bai Ye's expression tightened, and immediately grabbed the Yinghua sword on the ground and threw it away, Xuan'er lifted the Abandoned God Sword to resist the holy power.

Huh! ! ! ! !

The power of the true sage struck, and the earth centered on the white night was instantly torn apart, the void split, the space was distorted, and the violent power seemed to turn this into a vacuum zone.


Qing Dao Zhensheng roared, the remaining left arm actually condensed a large number of scales, five fingers turned into claws, as if to tear the sky, fiercely pulled towards Bai Ye's head.

Bai Ye's eyes were cold, without the slightest fear, the sword in his hand was severely cut at the claw!

"Abandoning the sky with a sword!"


Abandoned God Sword flashed with a black light, scrolling the sword power that made the heaven and the earth bleak towards the sharp claws.

哐! ! ! ! !

The blade and claws collided fiercely.

The Abandoned God Sword trembled violently in an instant, and the body of the sword couldn't help shaking, and the white night with the sword shook his chest and vomited blood.

The power of the true saint is too powerful!

Even through the sword, he could feel the surging power from above! !

If it weren't for the Thousand Dao Asura body, you would have been shaken to death, right?

However, Qingdao Zhensheng was even more shocked.

This saint... is not dead?

If it is an ordinary saint, I am afraid that it would have been shaken into blood mist!

No wonder it can harm the letter! Somewhat capable! I folded your sword and picked off your dog's head! !

Qing Dao Zhensheng was furious, his strength increased in vain, and he wanted to smash and abandon the divine sword and directly solve this madman who didn't know the heights of the sky.


He obviously didn't know what this black sword meant, no matter how much power he used, he couldn't break it!

This instead gave White Night a chance!

His eyes were awe-inspiring, and he let out a low voice: "Open!"

Suddenly, the sword of Abandoned God's sword flashed with a ray of hideous light, and then a chill suddenly vented, actually smashing the power of the true sage.

"Not good!!" Qing Dao Zhensheng's expression changed, he suddenly noticed something was wrong, and hurried back.

That's too late...


That abandoned divine sword suddenly got into trouble, turned into a peerless divine sword capable of smashing the sky and the earth, and instantly tore the body of the true sage.

Qingdao Zhensheng’s second arm was also chopped off!


Qing Dao Zhensheng roared in pain, and the people backed back again and again, the blood on his arms vented like a fountain.

Bai Ye lifted the sword with one arm, and the pace revolved, the dark sword turned into a full moon and once again beheaded towards the true saint of Qing Dao.

"Bastard!! Don't underestimate me!!!" Qing Dao Zhensheng roared, his mouth opened, and a true sage air like a torrent of swords spouted from his mouth, blowing into the white night.

Bai Ye's whole body was immediately covered by a large number of sword marks, but he ignored it and continued to slash the abandoned sword.

Abandoning the Divine Sword fearlessly, cutting everything off, the power of the True Sage was cut open forcibly, the heart that Qingdao True Sage saw was beating wildly, and people retreated again, but this time it was still a step late.


A sharp sword slashed across his face and completely slit his mouth.

The blood dripped down, staining him extremely hideously.

A true saint! His arms were chopped off, his face was scratched!

How embarrassed?

All the people in the Qing family were dumbfounded.

And Qingdao Zhensheng finally understood why this sage dared to pursue him!

His sword! !

That is not an ordinary sword! ! !

"Kill him...Hurry!! Kill him!!" The blood-stained True Sage Qingdao roared sternly.

Only then did the Qing family's powerhouses recover, and one by one, they filed in, killing towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were blood, but at this moment he seemed to have infinite power, carrying the Abandoned God Sword towards those people.

Regardless of whether the opponent is Great Sage or Extreme Sage, the arrogant power of Abandoned Divine Sword will tear it apart.

At the hilt of the sword, the dark breath stretched out like tentacles, wrapped around Bai Ye’s wrist, spreading all the time, like a mouth of an abyss, swallowing half of his arm, his arm was completely connected to the Abandoned God Sword One.

At the same time, the sword body of Abandoned God Sword exploded with a hundred feet long sword aura.

White night sword dance.

Sword Qi cuts the sky and the earth, sweeping across all directions.


The two great sages who rushed first were directly beheaded, and the sword aura caused all the void to be distorted.

The remaining Qing family was shocked and immediately dispersed and besieged.

"Quiet God Fist!" A newcomer Extreme Sage shouted angrily, blasted with a punch, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the world was angry!

Bai Ye's backhand is another sword, tearing all the sacred power in front of him, cutting away all the void, and the stern sword light wants to swallow the sun and the moon, unstoppable!

That extremely holy can't dodge, fall!

"Tianqing Divine Art!"

Another Extreme Sage rushed forward, performing the exercises, braving flames all over his body, like a small sun, melting everything around, hitting hard.

Bai Ye is still a sword.

But this extremely sage regarded death as home, and the moment the sword light touched, the body immediately exploded, and the surging destructive power was swallowed at him like a huge tengu.

Woo! ! ! ! !

Bai Ye was swallowed.

Qing Dao Zhensheng, who had lost his arms, opened his eyes brightly and stepped his feet toward the ground.

Boom! ! ! !

The earth quaked.

His person rushed to Jiuxiao, Xuan'er quickly fell again, and all the power of the true sage in his body rushed out of his body, and arranged nine huge Sanskrit scripts around him! Then told Spin, and smashed towards Bai Ye.

"Dead! Fight! Break! Eat! Swallow! Sting! Kill! Fight! Kill!"

"Nine captures the sky!"

"Nine steps on the earth!"

"There is me in Qingtian, Daoyu Universe! Ten Thousand Ways of Divine Art! Fighting and Destroying Reincarnation!!! Fighting!!!"

The true sage of Qingdao roared frantically, his whole body sacred power suddenly rose, and then turned into an unprecedented surging power, swallowing it down towards the white night!






The earth sank madly, then opened...Blast! ! !

An unprecedented Great Rift Valley takes shape instantly!

Everything in a hundred miles away is wiped out, and even the ants can't survive!

The Yinghua sword in the distance just got up and saw this scene. He was shocked and hurriedly urged the magic weapon to dodge. But as soon as he ran away, he was shocked by a fierce force. He fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

The Qing family master who besieged White Night was completely swallowed by this move and died tragically on the spot!

Endless destructive power fills the world! !

What a terrifying trick this is!

Yijian Temple and Mantian City were shaken like a small boat in a storm, shaking wildly.

The sky in this area dimmed.

The ground in this area swayed wildly.

Countless people, countless animals, all looked up!

But on the far plain, a huge cross halo rose up into the sky, sinking into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, five terrifying air waves rushed.

At this moment, all people in a radius of a radius are immersed in the end times...

The Yijian Tiangong powerhouses running wildly stopped one after another, and everyone looked at the place where the cross halo erupted in amazement, with only fear in their eyes.

"Be careful!!"

"All defense!!"

The elders shouted anxiously.

The disciples all fell from the air, offering strength to defend.

However, several shock waves hit, and immediately shattered most of the disciples' body protection holy power, and some of them vomited blood and were shocked.

So tough!

What kind of power is needed to create such a terrifying power?

Everyone was horrified and looked into the distance with dumbfounded eyes.

"This is the power of the true sage!! It must be the power of the true sage of Qingdao!!!" Gongsun Mujiao said silently.

"Could it be that Brother Bai..." Yao Heng whispered.

"How could this be... Brother Bai..."

"No!! No way, how could Brother Bai die?"

"But he is facing a true saint this time!!" Zhao Zhao Shen said.

Qingtian and others were silent.

At this time.

A figure suddenly jumped up and rushed forward desperately against the power of the true sage.

It's Tie Wanqing! !

"Wanqing!!" Gongsun Mujiao shouted: "Come back to defend, don't be impulsive!"

But Tie Wanqing ignored her, gritting her teeth and slamming forward firmly.

However, how can the true saint power be so easy to bear? Before the person moved a few hundred meters forward, the body shook and faltered.

"Wan Qing!"

"Sister Tie!"

People shout away.

But the power of the true sage in front has not yet dispersed, so rich, no one dare to pass!


A swift flash of light came and threw it at the back of Tie Wanqing.

Gongsun Mujiao's eyes were quick, and he immediately caught Tie Wanqing, who was almost exhausted.

I saw that the man raised his arm again, and his arm immediately released a majestic force to resist the power of the true saint from afar.

"Palace Master!!"

When people saw the man, they shouted excitedly.

"Don't be impulsive! Stay here, I'll go and see!" The Lord of the Heavenly Palace said lightly.

Everyone nodded after hearing the sound.

At the moment, only the Lord of Heaven can approach!

After all, although True Saint and Extreme Saint are only one class behind, the difference in strength... is really terrifying! Unless the pinnacle extreme sage, the ordinary extreme sage can't resist the power of the true sage at all!

But at this moment...

Clang! ! ! !

A pitch-black sword light swept up from the plain suddenly, like a sword that opened the sky, and instantly passed through the huge cross halo.

Then, this sword danced three swords!

One sword! Cut across the mountains!

One sword! Cleave the sea!

The last sword shattered the entire plain...

Ru Yuezun sword stopped advancing.

People stared blankly.

But watching the sword light suddenly disappeared.

Afterwards, a suffocating breath filled the space between heaven and earth...


(Today's third update)

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