Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1288: Nine Souls Crisis

Bai Ye thought that Hua's funeral clothing would directly hold the wedding ceremony for him and Huan Shiying, but in the days that followed, Hua's funeral clothing did not move at all.

In the same way, Huan Shiying did not show any unusual behavior.

It seems that the two people have never mentioned the matter of getting married.

Everything seems to have not happened.

This made Bai Ye a little curious.

But Bai Ye didn't break it.

It's not that he doesn't like Huan Shiying, it's just that this kind of thing requires gradual progress, and... it is also very unfair to Huan Shiying herself.

Although Da Neng has countless wives and concubines, Bai Ye does not want to treat everyone he likes.

Since they didn't say anything, Bai Ye could only be silent.

After staying in the White House for another day, counting the time, there was not much time limit with the old man of Shenji.

"Tomorrow at dawn, leave."

With Bai Ye's mind in mind, the person sat cross-legged on the bed, adjusting his breath.

At this time.

Tuk tuk...

There was a slight knock on the door.

"come in."

White night called.

The door was opened quietly, and then a shadow came in.

That is Huan Shiying.

"Shiying?" Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

I saw Huan Shiying holding a jug of wine and walked to the table and put it down.

"Brother, can you come and have a drink with me?" Huan Shiying asked with a smile.

"I remember you didn't drink." Bai Ye got up and walked to the table.

"In the past, I didn't drink it, but for people with a high cultivation level, some ordinary wines are like water and tasteless."

"Then is this ordinary wine?"


"Then you still drink? Why not drink tea." Bai Ye shook his head.

Huan Shiying gave him an angry look, and said: "But I think that people like us drink alcohol no longer."

Bai Ye knew that this girl was worried, and didn't say anything, picked up the hip flask and poured a glass for her.

"Listen to my mother that you are leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes." Bai Ye sighed: "If the saint wants to enter the Nine Soul Continent or Shenwu Continent, he must seal his cultivation base and have a time limit. You can't stay here for too long. You should know the rules."

"I've heard it." Huan Shiying took a sip of herself.

Sure enough, as light as water.

Even if the spirit power was deliberately reduced.

"Brother... when will you be back next time?" Huan Shiying asked again.

"This...I don't know, come back when you have time." Bai Ye thought for a while.

"Now you are in Lishengzhou, we are in the Nine Souls Continent, and we are separated. Isn't it possible to reunite again? Can't you return to the Nine Souls to live forever?"

"It's not possible for the time being. If you really want to return to the Nine Souls, there is only one way."

"What method?" Huan Shiying asked hurriedly.

"Abolish the cultivation base by yourself, and you just need to waste it to the Emperor Realm." Bai Ye shrugged.

Huan Shiying was stunned and rolled her eyes: "If you say it, you don't say it."

Bai Ye smiled and looked at her.

She did not speak any more.

There was a strange silence in the room.

"Aren't you talking about getting married with me?" Finally, Bai Ye couldn't bear the depressed atmosphere and asked.

"I don't want to force you." Huan Shiying shook her head.

"This is not forced."

"I know, you do like me, but it's just the elder brother's liking for my sister. I can tell you this clearly." Huan Shiying's little mouth raised.

Bai Ye was silent.

In this sentence, Huan Shiying made no mistake.

But when she saw Huan Shiying turning the cup in her hand, the corner of her mouth was raised slightly, and she whispered, "Brother, why do you say that the souls practice crazy cultivation?"

Bai Ye thought for a moment, and then shook his head: "Some people are chasing eternal life, some are for supreme power, some are for fame and fortune, and there are still many people's ideas that I can't understand."

"What about you?" Huan Shiying asked suddenly.

"Me?" Bai Ye was stunned, and smiled bitterly: "My idea is very simple, as long as it can protect you, it will be enough."

"Really?" Huan Shi Ying looked at him pulsedly, and smiled swiftly: "Speaking of which, when the strength is high, the friendship between people will be weakened. Drinking will lose the taste, and there will be no feeling when touching water or fire. Is it true that those great powers are people who have no emotions and desires?"

"Of course not." Bai Ye shook his head: "The stronger the strength, the higher the horizon. They are pursuing more than just this, just say this wine, they are all pursuing saint-class wine, and all they want are priceless. My baby, an ordinary thing, naturally won't look at it anymore."

"What about you? Do you want those?"

"Me? Just take it easy." Bai Ye smiled: "If there is, there will be, if there is no... there will be no."

"So, you don't care about the strength of the people around you?" Huan Shiying asked suddenly.

"Are you worried that your strength is too weak, elder brother will no longer care about you?" Bai Ye looked at a sudden, touched Huan Shiying's small head, and said with a smile.

Huan Shiying's face stiffened, and she nodded silently.

"Haha, you think too much, even if I really step into the realm of the sky, you will always be my sister!" Bai Ye laughed.

"But I'm just your god-sister." Huan Shiying shook her head slightly, a trace of loss flashed in her eyes: "I don't have a surname Bai, and there is no blood from the Bai family in my body."

"This..." Bai Ye was a little dumb.

But at this moment, Huan Shiying got up suddenly, put her arms around Bai Ye's neck, and pressed her whole body.

Suddenly, an intoxicating fragrance came to the nose.

Bai Ye was struck by lightning all over.

I saw Huan Shiying red cheeks, looking at the white night.

"Shiying, you..."

"Brother, don't talk." Huan Shiying pursed her lips and whispered: "Brother, you are going to leave, just let me be willful, okay? If you don't like it, just push me away... "

Bai Ye stared at her blankly, her brain a little confused.

Huan Shiying closed her eyes slightly, and her mouth was directly printed.

She seemed to want to get into Bai Ye's arms.

Bai Ye was completely at a loss.

But after all, he still couldn't bear to reject his sister.

If it is such a push, I am afraid it will completely hurt Huan Shiying's heart.

Bai Ye sighed, and hugged Huan Shiying.

Huan Shiying's delicate body trembled, her bright eyes suddenly opened, looking at Bai Ye's face, some tears overflowed from her eyes.


She hugged Bai Ye tightly and sobbed softly.

"Don't worry, although you are not my sister, I will not hand you over to any man." Bai Ye smiled faintly.

Huan Shiying nodded gently, and finally a natural smile appeared on her face. The tears in the corners of her eyes could no longer stop, and she slid down her face.

But at this moment, Bai Ye frowned slightly and looked towards the door.

"Shiying, get up, someone."

Huan Shiying was stunned, her cheeks flushed, and she hurriedly got up.

However, Bai Ye shouted at the door: "Come in, don't hide outside the door."

There was a panic of footsteps outside the door.

Two figures staggered in.

At first glance, it was Hua Fangyi and Bai Xiaorou.

"Oh, auntie, I have already said that my brother is so strong, we will definitely be discovered by him if we eavesdrop on it." Bai Xiaorou said helplessly.

"Haha,'s okay, I just came to see my son..." Huazhuangyi laughed and said, not feeling embarrassed at all.

"Mother!" Huan Shiying's cheeks were red, how could she not know the thoughts of Hua Fangyi.

Bai Ye has a headache.

But... it's not just these two people outside.

He followed the window and glanced at the corner of the corridor, full of helplessness and exhaustion.

"Okay, okay, let's all go out, don't disturb them, Ye'er, you have to go, just have a good talk with Shiying." Hua Zhuangyi smiled and immediately pulled Bai Xiaorou out.

In this way, how could Huan Shiying stay here?

Huan Shiying glanced at Hua's funeral attire with no anger, and was already fidgeting.

Bai Ye also felt embarrassed.

But at this moment, an aura of terror suddenly spread throughout Los Angeles.

Bai Ye's face became stiff, and he suddenly got up from the chair.


"Yes... there is power!! There is power!!"

"I can't breathe anymore!!"

The White House instantly boiled, and countless screams and horrified screams sounded.

The entire Los Angeles city is also boiling.

Countless souls were shocked, one by one crawling on the ground, shivering.

This is the vastness that many people have not felt in their entire lives!

"This...what's going on?" Huan Shiying said with a pale face, her breath being pressured by this terrifying aura, she couldn't maintain it.

"Don't be afraid!!"

Bai Ye said in a deep voice, and immediately drank, "Who is it? Report your name!!"

The voice was magnificent and spread throughout Los Angeles.

The next second, an old voice came out.

"Dragon Lord is not surprised. I am the old man of the Shenji Palace!"

"The old man of the magic machine?" Bai Ye was stunned, stepping a little, and people appeared at the door of the White House like a teleport.

In front of the gate, an old man wearing simple chicken skin and crane hair was standing straight with his hands behind his back.

The old man dressed in ordinary clothes, but his breath was unfathomable and he could not see through his strength at all.

There is no doubt that this old man of the divine machine does not have a seal of strength.

How could the old man of magic appear here?

Is it going to take me away?

But I did not exceed the prescribed time!

Bai Ye was puzzled, and vigilance flashed in his eyes: "I have seen Senior. Although I don't know what happened to Senior, please remove the general trend. My family cannot bear Senior's momentum. If Senior continues to do this, I am afraid they will be in danger."

"I came in hastily, and the momentum was too late, so I was disturbed." The old man of Shenji said lightly, whirled and waved, the momentum that enveloped Los Angeles instantly disappeared.

The entire Los Angeles people felt that the mountain that was pressing on them suddenly disappeared.

The people in the White House were panicked upon seeing this.

Who is this old man? Just a little momentum to make people like this?

"I don't know what the seniors are doing here?" Bai Ye Shen asked.

"There is one thing, I want the Dragon Lord to help! This matter is related to the safety of the Nine Souls. As the Lord of the Nine Souls, the Dragon Lord should be obliged." The old man Shenji said lightly.

"Nine souls are in danger?" Bai Ye was stunned.

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