Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1307: Bandit Den

"What did you say?" Bai Ye stared at Xiaoqi, and said solemnly: "Can you help me solve the resource problem?"

"Little girl, we are short of a lot of things now, and there are many kinds of things, you seem to be just an ordinary saint, how can you solve it? Don't mess around here, go and play!" Trying to speak thickly Asked.

The others nodded silently.

Indeed, if the materials currently needed are placed in several clan forces, it is enough to make them breathless. This is an amount that the entire Guanglan area can't dig out. How can ordinary materials be dealt with?

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqi snorted, and said with disdain: "You love to believe it or not, you don't believe it or not! Since you doubt me, I don't want to say it! It will take care of you!"


Everyone was dumb.

"Don't be anxious to question. Since you can't do anything, don't refute others." Bai Ye turned her head and looked at Xiaoqi and said, "Xiaoqi, tell me what the **** is it, tell me!"

"Hmph, forget it, I'll be compassionate and tell you all!" Xiaoqi hummed: "I'll tell you, there is a place, but there is a large amount of cultivation resources, you can have whatever you want. It depends on whether you want to get it."

The words fell to the ground, and people breathed tightly.

Is there such a place?

Litu, Dui and the others hurriedly asked, "Where is that?"

"Good place." Xiaoqi smiled: "Have you ever heard of Qiyun Changle Mountain?"

"Qi Yun Changle Mountain?"

Everyone was at a loss.

The Yinghua sword next to him seemed to have thought of something, and he hurriedly shouted: "That is a force in the Lexin area! This is a sect on the surface, but in fact it is composed of people of the three religions and nine tiers. Doing the job of robbing the house! To put it harder, it is a bandit group."

"Bandits?" Everyone was stunned.

"Lexin area is the most prosperous area in the outer area of ​​Shengzhou. It is also the most populous place in these areas. Several big cities are full of people. There are everything for eating, drinking and playing. There are even many Lingshengzhou and Lingshenghai. Da Neng often goes there." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that the bandits on the Changle Mountain of Qi Yun can survive. They have blocked roads and robbed them all these years and have done evil. I don't know how many training resources they have looted. This place... is indeed rich." Ying Hua Jian glanced at Xiaoqi and said, "Little girl, do you mean you want our Long Jue to take this bandit den?"

"Can't it?" Xiaoqi smiled.

"Can a bandit's den solve our problem? The amount of this large array is very large." He tried to doubt it. .

"Huh! A soil bun!" Xiaoqi glanced at the map with disdain, and hummed: "You have never been to Qiyun Changle Mountain. When I was playing in the Lexin area, I sneaked in. What they have there , Let alone let you complete the next project of this big formation, or even build another one, that is more than enough!"


Everyone breathed tightly and felt incredible.

Bai Ye stared at Xiaoqi too, her eyes hot: "Really?"

Xiaoqi smiled and said: "Of course it is true, but I have seen it with my own eyes."

"However, Qiyun Changle Mountain is not something you can provoke casually." The Yinghua sword next to him said Shen: "Palace Master, Dragon Master, Hua Jian had been to the Lexin area before, and he knew it well, especially Qi Yunchang Leshan, when the disciples went, Qiyun Changleshan had just ransacked a large gate in Lexin area. This incident was so violent that many people in Lexin area complained about it, even some Openly played the banner of wanting to eradicate Qiyun Changle Mountain, and was still happy in the area of ​​peace, but later was suppressed by a big force, this matter will not be over, I think in the past, such things must be rare, Qi Yun Robber gangs like Changleshan can take root in the Lexin area, but it is not so easy to get rid of!"

"Suppression by the big forces?" Bai Ye frowned.

"Yes, that's the power behind Qiyun Changle Mountain! Changle Realm!!" Yinghuajian whispered.

"What was the Changle Realm?"

Many people looked at each other.

But several of them seemed to have noticed something, and their expressions suddenly changed: "Could it be that it is the Changle Realm in Lingsheng Prefecture?"


Bai Ye was also suddenly surprised. After all, he had been to Lingsheng State, so he was not unfamiliar with this name.

Changle Realm is an extremely large power in Lingsheng State. There are many masters in the power clan, and there are countless strong ones. Not only that, they are most daunted by their considerable financial resources. They have mastered several cultivation resources and produced abundant production. The hilltop plain, of course, if only relying on this, no one would think that Changle Realm could accumulate wealth. Now it seems that Changle Realm originally had Qiyun Changle Mountain, a cash cow.

Qi Yun Changle Mountain looted in the rich Lexin area, and Changle State supported them behind them to settle the trouble for them. After that, Qi Yun Changle Mountain became a tool for Changle State people to steal money.

"Dragon Lord!! How about let's do it!" Trying to wait for the excitement, said eagerly.

"Then Qiyun Changle Mountain is not a good bird. Since they are doing this kind of robbery, we don't have to be soft and ransack them!"

"Yes! Our Guanglan area master is like a cloud, let alone washing Qiyun Changle Mountain, even if the Lexin area is shot down, it's easy!"

Everyone shouted, gearing up one by one, fighting high.

Since the unification of the Guanglan area, these people have not gone to war, so these people are naturally uncomfortable.

When there was no unity before, everyone left the sect and met a well-matched opponent to compete. Now everyone walks on the road to say hello. If they are to compete, they have to go to the duel, otherwise it will break Long Jue’s rules. Many people are stunned.

Moreover, Changle Mountain is a group of robbers, and they will not hesitate when they start their hands. They can even be said to be for the people and eradicate cancer.

"Don't be impulsive."

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and said lightly: "Qi Yun Changleshan can eat this bowl of rice in the Lexin area for so long and it's okay. It can be seen that the Changle Realm behind them is not simple. Otherwise, why don't the other forces in the Lingsheng State take action? Is it our turn?"

"Then Dragon Lord, isn't this way?"

One person asked.

"If you don't move Qiyun Changle Mountain, then we are afraid it will be difficult to complete these magic circles."

Trying to make a bitter expression.

"It's OK, but it's not comprehensive enough." Bai Ye thought about it next.

"Indeed, we need to make a series of plans. If we really want to move Changle Mountain, we have to do it quietly, at least not to let the people of Changle State know, otherwise it will be troublesome to attract people from Changle State." Yinghua Jian said solemnly.

"Plan?" Bai Ye was stunned, then shook his head: "Hua Jian, the plan is definitely to be formulated, but I didn't say that it would target Changle Mountain."

"Not against Changle Mountain?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Then who are you targeting?" Yinghuajian asked in a daze.

The Ruyue Zunjian next to him also looked at him strangely.

Seeing that Bai Ye thought about it for a moment, he said indifferently: "Since you want to do it, then wash the Changle Realm together!"

This word fell to the ground, everyone was stunned.

People stared at the white night, no one said anything for a long time...

Ru Yuezun Jian was also taken aback.

No one expected Bai Ye to have such a big appetite.

"Baiye, are you crazy?" Xiaoqi next to him was stunned: "With your Dragon Jue, these crooked melons and jujubes? It's okay for you to be a mastermind in the Outer Territory of the Holy State. It's no problem to go to Lingsheng State. Don't overpower yourself!!!"

Although Xiaoqi's words are hard to hear, everyone feels right.

"Dragon Lord, please think twice."

"Don't be impulsive. We have many people, but we may not be strong."

"Don't mess around."

People have persuaded.

"You just listen to me, don't worry, I won't let you die!" Bai Ye turned and walked towards Long Jue's station, and said lightly: "Besides, if you pass on, immediately stop all the layout of the big formation, The materials of the Great Array are all concentrated on the Heaven Punishment Array. I don’t care if you reduce it or you will be. You must complete the Heaven Punishment Array in advance for me, as long as this Array can be used! It doesn’t matter how simple it is. ."

After hearing the sound, everyone was surprised.

But no one refuted Bai Ye and clasped their fists.

"Yes, Dragon Lord!"

Back to the station, Bai Ye patrolled.

Yan Qiuyue handled everything in order, and Nalan Xiling was also helping, everything seemed to be formal.

The only problem is insufficient resources.

Long Jue was frugal on food and clothing, and the pills he took for his cultivation were all substandard. Some people even complained that the speed of cultivation was much slower than before Yitong.

Therefore, there are some small disputes and fights everywhere, and Long Jue's law enforcement team can be said to be very busy.

"Do you really have the confidence to deal with Changle Realm?" Xiaoqi and Ji Di followed and asked.

"Are you afraid I can't deal with it?" Bai Ye asked back.

"of course."

"You don't need to worry about this, but about sending you back... it may take a while." Bai Ye said.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! I don't matter!" Xiaoqi smiled and shook her head quickly: "You can do your job first, as long as you promise me a little bit!"


"When you go to Changle Realm, just take me with you!!"

"you want to go??"

"Of course, if you don't take me, it would be boring!"

"Alright!" Bai Ye lost his thoughts and nodded: "When the time comes, you will be by my side. I have to make sure you are safe, otherwise you Zhenwu Temple will have to trouble me!"

"Hehe, definitely!"

Xiaoqi smiled.

With the Baiye order, the entire Guanglan area boiled again.

All the power was concentrated on the Heaven Punishment Array.

People worked overtime to rush to work, all kinds of resources and materials were sent to this place, and all kinds of spirit craftsmen who were proficient in the magic circle also came.

Sure enough, there were so many people and powerful, and within ten days, the Heaven Punishment Array was finally completed.

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