Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1359: court death

Boom! ! ! ! !

A loud noise came from Lingshenghai.

Just watch a huge wave formed by thunder and lightning bloom in the center of Lingsheng Sea, hitting all directions.

Where the thunder and lightning waves pass, everything is destroyed and everything is annihilated.

The soul-seer saints of Lingshenghai rushed out like crazy, a large number of islands were smashed to pieces, the sky was gloomy, and the sun and the moon were dark.

The entire Spirit Sacred Sea... seems to be in the doomsday.

The rumbling thunderstorm irritated all creatures in the Quartet.

This continued for about ten breaths before the thunderstorm ended.

When the terrifying thunder and lightning disappeared, the Fangtian formation above his head also disappeared.

But Bai Ye and the woman were already in a panic at the moment, and both were seriously injured.

The woman is okay, the clothes are still intact, but there are a lot of bruises on her body, and her entire body was shattered by life. Although the heavenly soul was not injured, she was forced to be paralyzed, making it difficult for her to move.

Bai Ye is very miserable.

His whole body was scorched black, his hair stood up, and his power was gone. The whole figure seemed to be fished out of coal. The darkness did not slip away, and the whole body was even more angry.

However, Bai Ye still hugged the woman tightly and refused to let go, as if both hands had completely froze.

The woman's willow eyebrows were erected, and she turned her head slightly to look at the white night.

"In order to pass on, you are willing to take your life? Too stupid, this is your choice?? A greedy person like you should die without a place to die."

Bai Ye couldn't open his eyes anymore, and a head was unceremoniously resting on the woman's incense shoulder.

If it weren't for the woman to be immobile, I'm afraid this action would have shattered his head.

The killing intent in the woman's eyes was extremely obvious, but the numbness of her whole body made her unable to move.

"I just... just want to find a way to resurrect... to resurrect my master..." Bai Ye said weakly, and his breathing became difficult.

"Resurrect your master?" The woman stunned, then whirled and hummed: "Don't lie to me, do people still talk about love? For the sake of cultivation, for the method, the souls are all treachery, the so-called mentorship, Family love, it's just a passing moment, only supreme spiritism is everything forever!"

" the eternal way you want to pursue?" Bai Ye asked weakly.

"Of course." The woman said Shen.

Bai Ye keeps silent.

The woman turned her head again, looking at the head on Xiang's shoulders, and said coldly: "Take a good breath, enjoy it, and after half a scent of incense, you will fall into endless pain! I will torture you well and let you die Is extremely painful, as punishment for your blasphemy!"

Although the woman can't move, she still has extra energy. As long as the paralysis passes, she can deal with Bai Ye at will.

Bai Ye did not speak, still lying on his stomach.

But at this moment, several figures flew over from a distance.

The woman frowned slightly and looked up.

Those are five people.

Four men and one woman.

Walking in the forefront was a man in a cloak. He couldn't see his appearance and had a particularly delicate breath. Next to him was a very **** woman.

The woman was holding a scimitar in her hand, and she glanced over here with a smile.

"Finally... Yan..." Bai Ye raised his head hard and said weakly.

"White night, long time no see!"

Finally Yan raised his head and looked at him quietly, his voice particularly indifferent.

Bai Ye couldn't think of anything, this guy will finally appear at this moment...

"I didn't expect that the dignified Lord of Dragon Jue would end up like this... Tsk tsk tsk, it is really good fortune!" The Raksha girl covered her lips and smiled, her eyes full of playfulness.

Bai Ye didn't speak, and took a deep breath.

The woman swept her eyes and waited for others, coldly snorted: "When I came, I found you ants, because you have already hid to the edge of the Holy Sea, I did not kill you, I did not expect you to actually Still have the courage to come over? Why? Do you think your life is not long enough? All kneel down!"

However, no one knelt down.

"It is enough to see that the inheritance of this Heaven-shading Peak is extremely difficult to allow a powerful person of this level to come to the Spirit Sacred Sea in person. Although the younger generation will surely forge a mortal enemy like Senior, who doesn't want to climb to the sky in one step?

Jun Yan said indifferently, and with his hand pulled out a quiet and cold sword from his waist, the vague eyes under the cloak were full of fierce light: "Senior now fights with Bai Ye and loses both. This is a rare opportunity for Jun Yan. Opportunity, how can I not seize this opportunity? Please forgive me, today, I will eventually rise up!!"

The voice fell to the ground, and finally he walked step by step holding the sword.

The woman stared at the sword in Jun Yan's hand for a moment, and Qiu's eyes condensed: "The Prison Sword?"

"After today, I will have a dead dragon, abandon a god, and gouge the prison! Li Shengzhou will usher in my age!"

The moment the sound fell to the ground, he finally stepped a little, and the man rushed out instantly, and the prison sword pierced directly.

A force that extinguished all phenomena rushed out from the sword, hollowed out the void, shattered the space, and instantly wrapped Bai Ye and the woman.

Boom! ! ! !

This is a powerful sword power equivalent to space power!

This sword power can already be compared with the divine sword power! !

Bai Ye's squinted eyes widened.

He believes that the final sword... also belongs to the twelve soldiers.

This blow frantically tore the bodies of Bai Ye and the woman, but watching the bodies of the two glow at the same time.

One black and one red, the halo skyrocketed.

And the power of the attacking jailbreaking sword was directly shaken away.


Raksha girls were all taken aback.

Finally Yan also condensed his eyes.

People looked anxiously, only to find that Bai Ye and the woman's body were abnormal.

A large number of devil bones rushed out of Bai Ye's back, completely wrapped him, and pierced the woman's shoulders.

And the woman's body rushed out a huge flame phantom, which swallowed the white night and dispelled all the sword power around.

"What is this?" Raksha Girl said in horror.

"The technique of sheltering the body!" He finally said indifferently: "When they are about to die, the power in their bodies will involuntarily burst out, and the host will withstand the deadly attack."

"There is such a spell?" asked a soul person next to him in shock.

"Such spirit skills are not something that ordinary people can practice. This is only a very high-level spirit book that can be taught." He finally said calmly.

"Really.... I really don't know how Bai Ye obtained such a method..." The Luo Sha female was a little bit emotional. She knew the strength of Bai Ye's opportunity, but it was not surprising.

"How many attacks can this method resist?" another person asked.

Finally Yan glanced at the two of them, and said indifferently: "It must be once for Bai Ye, but this woman...I don't know!"

"Now what?"


Finally, he drank low, and the man once again rushed with the prison sword.

"Okay, then I will help Senior Brother Junyan win this heaven-defying chance today!"

The others immediately drew their swords and rushed, their eyes condensed.

But the Raksha girl hid on the side, her eyes jealous, and did not make a move.

Whoosh! !

Swipe the prison sword again.

The power to scavenge everything is pouring and pouring, like a scourge, sweeping over, as if nothing in the world can be blocked.

But just as this power swept over, the huge flame suddenly transformed into a human form, grabbed it in the air, deducted a sword of flame and slammed it toward the ground.


This sword was like a barrier of fire, which actually blocked everyone's attacks.


People are shocked.

"A group of ants want to hurt the owner? It's ridiculous! The owner is standing here, and your sword may not be able to hurt the owner!" The woman snorted coldly.


Finally drink it.

The crowd immediately dispersed and attacked again.

But finally, Yan finally threw the prison chiseling sword.

The stern sword actually lingered among the people.

The huge flame has no idea which way to block.

"You can parry our tricks, can you parry the power of the Hell Sword?"

Finally yelled, suddenly shouting: "Kill!"

Everyone immediately chopped over, and the Hell Sword also made a look like it wanted to chop.

The flame was tempted and slashed down with the huge flame sword.

"Crap..." Bai Ye said weakly.

The woman's face was cold: "I was paralyzed, and I became slow to control the flame, but I was hit by his trick!"

Just watching Jun Yan suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it, the prison chisel sword that danced around the flames suddenly flew and flew directly into Jun Yan's hands.


Finally Yan's face is cold, and he chops the prison sword again!

The terrifying sword power instantly penetrated the flame, and once again swallowed it towards Bai Ye and the woman.

This sword eclipsed heaven and earth.

Lost the magical power of asylum...The two of them couldn't resist this blow anyway.

The Raksha girl's eyes were burning.

The others were also extremely excited.

However, just at this critical moment...


A strange gate suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ye and the woman.

The Prison Sword slammed into the gate, but it was lost in sight.

"The door of space? Not good!" Finally, Yan was taken aback, suddenly thinking of something, his face changed a lot, and people rushed away.

"I didn't want to use this trick, but there is no way, you forced me! If I can recover, I will kill you!"

The woman said coldly, and whirled at Bai Ye behind her: "Boy... just push me hard if you don't want to die..."

There was a strange light in Bai Ye's eyes, and the man tried his last bit of strength to push the woman.

In an instant, the bodies of the woman and Bai Ye fell directly into the space door.

"Stop them!"

Finally yelled.

But it's too late...

The two fell into the door and disappeared instantly.

The space door was also trembling and twisting, and after a while, it actually exploded directly.


The explosion shook the sky.

Finally stunned, he hurriedly launched a magic weapon to resist, and a seven-sided shield appeared in front of him.

But those souls didn't have such ability. People were instantly penetrated by the power of the bursting space, and one by one immediately turned into pieces of meat, falling into the dried up spiritual holy sea.

Seeing this scene, the Raksha girl was glad that she did not go up.

"They ran away?"

Raksha girl asked carefully.

"I seem to have seen this spell..." Jun Yan said coldly: "If I guess right, their so-called escape... is no different from looking for death!"

When the Raksha girl heard the sound, she was shocked...

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