Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1504: Golden Horn of War


Jin Tianhong was dumbfounded.

Huang Yao was also stunned.

Qi Ming was even more stunned, thinking that he was wrong.

Liu Congxin's mouth was so huge that he couldn't even feel the pain in his back. His whole body was completely lost, and he was lying on the ground for a long time without being able to live.

That's General Shenhou!

Actually... was beaten into a hornet's nest by a person who transformed into a fairyland?

How is this going?

General Shenhou is dead?

Was killed by a fairyland man?

Everyone's brains became mad, and their hearts were jumping out of their throats. I am afraid that no one can accept such a sight.

"Patriarch, it seems that our decision is correct. With this person, my Liu family is enough to contend with the general mansion. Our Liu family is about to rise." An elderly Liu family knelt on the ground excitedly, tears in his eyes, and shouted loudly. .

"Big Brother Bai is amazing!!"

Liu Yuanyue and others shouted with joy.

Liu Congxin looked at Bai Ye quietly, and became nervous in his heart.

He was both delighted and somewhat worried.

He was delighted that Bai Ye's strength exceeded his expectations, but what he was worried about was that from beginning to end, Bai Ye did not agree to enter Liu's house.

If Bai Ye returns, isn't everything the Liu Family has done in vain?

But compared to his thoughts, the leaders of those families already sighed and shouted helplessly.

If they had a chance, they would be like the Liu family.

In the current turbulent Cangtian Cliff, being able to win a great power, no matter which force it is, it is very remarkable.


Just when everyone was shocked by the scene in front of him, the Shenhou general who was pierced into a hornet's nest by the sword gas suddenly moved again.

"not dead?"

Everyone was shocked.

Upon seeing this in the white night, his face changed transiently.

The shattered body of General Shenhou was covered with a thick soul power again.

All the spirit power is like a layer of light yarn, covering his body, and quickly heal the broken flesh.

Celestial soul shift, heart shift?

Bai Ye breathed tightly, and hurriedly looked at his head.

That is the most complete place in his body.

But there was a halo rippled there, and the halo quickly moved towards the torso.

That is the soul of heaven.

In that electric light and flint, the general Shenhou actually forcibly moved his heavenly soul and heart to his brain, crushed his forehead, and occupied the magpie's nest, avoiding this shocking blow.

What a terrible method this is!

Bai Ye immediately got up and rushed towards General Shenhou with the Abandoned God Sword.

The stern blade once again slashed to the Jinhou general's neck.

But at this critical moment, a mysterious space force suddenly enveloped Shenhou General and Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's face was stunned, and just after he came back to his senses, he realized that he was forcibly teleported three meters backward by this spatial force, and directly cut into the air by discarding the gods' sword power. The general Shenhou had already stood at the gate of the general mansion.

Taking a closer look, it was the master of Shenhou General's Mansion who made the shot.

"Protect the general!" the officer said coldly.


All the soldiers rushed over and surrounded the Shenhou general.

"Can you keep it?"

Bai Ye's face was savage, and she stepped forward.

The sergeant immediately used his spirit skills again, mobilizing a large amount of space power towards the white night cage.

But the white night sky is a sword.


The terrifying sword aura was like the crescent moon of a flying shuttle, blasting towards the Shenhou general over there.

Several soldiers rushed up and raised their shields to resist.

But this Crescent Sword Qi was the Dragon Sword Qi, and everything it passed was destroyed and rotten. Whether it was a person or a shield, it was all cut in half.


The sergeant's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly pushed away the Shenhou general who was still healing his wounds, and dodged sideways.

boom! !

The terrible sword energy directly tore the gate in half.

Although General Shenhou escaped a catastrophe, the soldiers who sheltered the General Shenhou here were dead and wounded.

This is the power of the sword of this person in the fairyland?

People have scalp numb, which is incredible.


It sounded like the roar of a furious beast.

Bai Ye looked sideways.

The general Shenhou over there seemed to have recovered.

The holes in his body had healed seven or eighty-eight, and the breath of the whole body was also rippling.

He no longer keeps his hands, and throws a backhand.

A golden horn appeared in his hand.

"No! It's the Golden Horn of War! Bai Ye, be careful!" Liu Congxin yelled over there.

Golden Horn of War?

Bai Ye was taken aback.

Just watching General Shenhou blew the golden horn suddenly, a deep and melodious voice bloomed.

In an instant, the bodies of all the armored men in all directions trembled inexplicably, and then all their armors turned golden, and their auras churned wildly, and then immediately abandoned the opponent in front of him and rushed madly towards the white night.

The masters of the Liu family took advantage of the momentum and slashed at them frantically.

clang! clang! clang! clang...

There was a crisp sound.

All their swords were blocked, and they couldn't cut half a point...

Under the power of the golden horn of this war, their armor was too hard.

"No! Can't stop it!"

The master of the Yiliu family fell silent.

Just watch the soldiers all recoil and come together, blocking the white night strictly.


The soldiers shouted vigorously.

All swords come.

"Kill? By you?"

Bai Ye snorted coldly, lifting the sword and cutting across.


The stern sword force of the dead dragon erupted from the Abandoned God Sword once again, cutting it like a sickle.

Puff! Puff! Puff...

The bodies of the hundreds of soldiers in the General Mansion in front of them were cut to pieces on the spot.


Not long after these people fell to the ground, the Shenhou general over there blew the golden horn again, and a voice came, and the messy corpse lying on the ground squirmed quickly. After only a few breaths, they quickly healed. Those who died The soldiers stood up again and continued to attack Bai Ye.

The people around were shocked.

Seeing this, Bai Ye finally understood why Liu Congxin's reaction was so violent.

With this horn, these soldiers are equivalent to immortal incarnations...

The people hacked like crazy, all kinds of knives, guns and swords hit Bai Ye's body severely.

But... their flesh is invincible, how can Bai Ye's flesh be an ordinary flesh?

Bai Ye showed hideous eyes, moved his fingers again, and the sword spirit of the dead dragon was sacrificed again, but it was covering him like armor.

Countless soldiers around him attacked and killed, but they couldn't break half of his body.

General Shenhou looked startled.

At this time, Bai Ye raised his sword again.

But this time he didn't use the Dragon Sword Qi, but with his palm, forced the power of the Abandoned God Sword to life.

Huh! ! ! ! ! !

The violent and pitch-black Abandoned God Sword was as powerful as a terrifying black wave, covering the armor in front of him with Bai Ye's actions.


The sword power surged, and the soldiers uttered miserable screams, and each body was directly annihilated in the dark sword power.

The general's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly blew the golden horn.

But it didn't work.

Abandoning God's sword power is already devouring all the bodies of these armored soldiers, no matter what they use, it is impossible to resurrect!


(Five tomorrow)

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