Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1538: Sword comes

Liu Congxin couldn't feel the slightest movement of soul power in Bai Ye's body.

After the start of this trick, he didn't even mobilize the dead dragon heaven soul in his body!


This is naked play!

At this juncture, does this person still have the mind and courage to play with himself?

Without the operation of soul power, he is completely fancy!

Asshole stuff!

Liu Cong was furious.

"Even if my daughter threatens me with her life today, I won't let you go! Bai Ye, heaven and earth, no one can save you!"

Liu Congxin snarled in a low voice, spreading his arms to the left and right, and then slammed his five fingers into palms towards the center.


There was a crisp sound, only to see a huge transparent aperture appeared around the entire broken Liu Mansion.

These are all the power of space!

They are like a mouthful of blood, one by one traps that cannibalize people without spitting out bones, approaching the white night little by little.

All the things that touched the power of this space, no matter what they were, all disappeared into mist.

I am afraid that any existence below the Immortal Venerable will become smoke if it touches it.

too horrible!

The Liu family outside was trembling.

But Bai Ye was particularly quiet and didn't care. Even at this moment, he was like a bird in a cage, he was motionless.

He continued to hold his fingertips, and continued to do his own way.

When Liu Congxin saw this, his face was slightly condensed, and he felt a little bad.

He had been in contact with Bai Ye for a period of time, and he knew a little bit about this person.

He doesn't think this person is a whisperer, let alone an idiot!

It's just that this move he launched, what does it mean?


Just when Liu Congxin's face was confused.

Whoosh whoosh...

A lot of sound of breaking through the sky suddenly came here.

Liu Congxin was stunned, and hurriedly turned his head, but saw countless terrifying golden small swords flying towards the sky above the sky.

Every small sword stirs the most terrifying divine power, as if to tear the sky and cut the world!


Liu Congxin's face changed drastically, and he didn't know where these little swords came from.

"Open the barrier!"

He yelled bitterly.

The people outside the Liu Mansion trembled suddenly and immediately released the barrier.

Huh! !

A total of more than 30 powerful enchantments rose up.

In an instant, the entire Liu Mansion was flooded with colorful halo inside and outside.


When the golden little sword slammed into it, all the more than thirty barriers were pierced by the little sword.

Their defense is completely useless.

In front of these little swords, one by one was like paper.

"This is impossible! The enchantment I set up by myself... how could it be penetrated?"

Liu Congxin was shocked, and hurriedly took a step backward to evade.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter....

All the flying swords stabbed to the ground, Liu Congxin glanced at the broken ground in horror, his scalp trembled.

If he slowed down so much, he might already be a hornet's nest, right?

These enchantments were all arranged by him using the Seven Sage Glazed Glass Beads, and they were thick enough to be the strongest of Heaven Cliff. But... now they are all torn apart!

Liu Cong's heart trembled.

He stared at a golden flying sword, until the flying sword disappeared, he did not recover.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and his face was already showing a thick pale color.

"Impossible... this is... the power of the Dead Dragon Sword!! This is the power of the Dead Dragon Sword... this is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!" Liu Congxin continued to mutter with cold sweat all over his body. Then, he roared out in the end: "Why? Are you not using the power of the heavenly soul? Why do you suddenly burst out such an amazing sword power of the dead dragon? You...what the **** is going on with you?"

"It's very simple!" Bai Ye said: "Because I don't really seal the Dead Dragon Sword, everything you see is just an illusion. Actually, the Dead Dragon Sword was only nurtured by me, not by me. Seal, I want to summon it, and its power will be used by me! Liu Congxin, you want to kill me while I don’t have a dead dragon sword, but you don’t know what you see is not what you think , Now, you have lost! No matter how strong the Seven Sage Glazed Glass Orbs are, they are not as strong as the Dead Dragon Sword!"

"You..." Liu Congxin's eyes were huge, and his body trembled with popularity. Finally, he roared out: "Even so, you won't be my opponent! The Seven Sage Glass Beads are invincible. I am invincible! You...give me to death!"

He didn't believe it.

He would never admit it.

He managed all of this painstakingly, vowing to take the entire Heaven Cliff in his hands, but today, he has miscalculated this step.

The Death Dragon Sword is still there, it has not been sealed, and its power can still be used by people.

If so, then there is no need for the Seven Sage Glazed Glass Beads to exist.

The Horcrux that inhabits the second will never become the strongest fetish.

Liu Congxin's eyes were cracking, his heart beating frantically, and his whole person was like crazy, constantly hissing and roaring, and the killing intent swept over him.

"In that case, I will razor your Liu family today!!"

Bai Ye opened his eyes, killing intent in his eyes: "The sword is coming!!!"

Boom! ! !

A violent roar suddenly sounded from within the Cangtian Peak.

The roar of this blow is like the most ancient Hong Zhong, making the deepest and most melodious sound! Hit everyone's heart....

All the people in Cangtianya were shocked and hurriedly looked up.

But seeing the golden light on the Cangtian Peak, a divine power was vented, and then a thousand-meter-high sky-supporting giant sword flew into the air, and then fiercely suppressed the Liu family.


Liu Congxin was dumbfounded, as if he had lost his soul, looking stupidly at the giant sword moving here.

That is the Dragon Sword!

It is higher than the mountain and longer than the sea.

When moving, it was like a sacred mountain moving, and there was a roaring sound in the sky, and all the voids where it passed by collapsed, and no place was intact.

What a magnificent sight.

The Excalibur is majestic and magnificent.

The souls near Cangtian Peak all crawled on the ground, one by one, they kowtowed in terror.

In the face of this absolute power, they didn't even have the courage to stand.


Liu Congxin came back to his senses, shaking violently, and rushing towards Bai Ye like crazy.

The power of the Seven Sacred Glass Beads broke out again.

But this force is not yet approaching, an unparalleled force of suppression fell from the sky...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!咚.....

An unparalleled force of suppression fell from the sky.

The power of the Seven Sage Glass Beads was torn apart.

Everything in the Liu family instantly turned into smoke.

Liu Congxin was shocked and climbed on the ground, unable to move.

The vast divine sword, floating in the air, gently rotating.

At this moment, the entire Cangtian Cliff trembled on its sword...

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