Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1579: Confrontation (1)


Cang Tian Ya Jun looked at Bai Ye quite unexpectedly. He obviously did not expect this person to be so arrogant and dare to challenge him!

"Interesting!" Cang Tian Yajun showed a faint smile and said: "Although I am just a ray of spirit body, it will not last long, and there is not much power, but... you succeeded in making me feel angry, and Long-lost fighting spirit! Young man, although you are arrogant and ignorant, but...I admire you!"

"In this world where the weak and the overwhelmingly powerful, reason, compassion, and affection have long become a decadent past. People always use the kindness and reason of others to create flaws, break them, and gain their own benefits. , But I don’t know that since the beginning of heaven and earth, evil has always existed, and when has it been overwhelmed? You test my humanity with a wooden pile array, so that Cang Tianya can choose a leader who can lead it to the top, but I don’t know if there is no despicableness If there is no brutal strength, Cangtianya will never be able to gain a foothold in this cruel world. True justice is achieved by means more evil than evil. You are older than me and have more experience than me. It's really sad that I haven't seen this through, and I'm still immersed in a boring ideal!"

As Bai Ye spoke lightly, people walked towards Cangtian Yajun step by step.

Hearing these words, Cang Tian Ya Jun was stunned, and people looked at Bai Ye in a daze.

"A more evil means than evil to achieve the light..." Cangtian Cliff murmured. After a long time, he nodded slightly: "Very interesting insights, but a person's deep-rooted concept will not be changed by others' words. Otherwise, don’t everyone’s minds in this world have to be unified? No matter how reasonable your words are, it will be difficult to destroy my beliefs."

"I don't intend to use a few words to change your mind, I just want to fulfill my concept!"

When the voice of the white night fell, people had already approached Lord Cangtianya.

The fighting spirit burst.

Killing intent.

Soul power rushes like a scourge!

The dark Abandoned God Sword has been smashed past!

Words are the most useless thing, standing in such a cruel world, but always thinking of using words to influence the enemy, such a person will only die extremely miserable.

Bai Ye understood this truth, so when he determined that the other party was the enemy, his murderous intention had already risen.

The thick and fierce sword energy turned into a huge net at the moment the sword fell, as if to cover everything in front of it.

But the moment the sword fell, Cang Tian Yajun's figure suddenly disappeared.

Then, the whole space trembled frantically.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked around, but saw a lot of dazzling halos appearing in all directions.

Those are all strange and huge eyes, like a bright moon, huge and mysterious, they stare at the white night as if they are looking at ants.

Bai Ye's face changed slightly, and he waved his sword.


A huge prison hand rushed out of the ground under his feet, and immediately held him firmly.

Tweeted! ! Tweeted! ! Tweeted! ! Tweeted! ! Tweeted...

At the moment when the prison hands enveloped the white night, a vast and powerful force shot out from those huge eyes.

These powers blasted heavily on the prison hand. Although the prison hand could not be shredded, the venting power above was shaking the prison hand madly.

How terrifying the scene!

"Is this the power of the big array?"

Bai Ye, who was surrounded by prison hands, asked coldly.


The voice of Lord Cang Tian Ya: "Although my spirit body cannot fully unlock the power of this great formation, I only need to urge a little bit to deal with you, young man, I will give you a chance. If you can crack me With these forces, I will give you the complete control of the entire big formation, and see if you have this capability!"

"If I can break this formation, then I have the final say in the control of this formation! Do you still need your consent?"

Bai Ye said with awe-inspiring eyes, and suddenly pinched his fingers.

The prison hand that wrapped him exploded in an instant, and a large number of terrifying force patterns splashed outward.

Those are the power of the Abandoned God Sword, they are like a layer of ripples, pushing to the outside, all the forces around Bai Ye are retreated.

White night re-emerged and pointed the tactics, offering death dragon sword energy.

The golden sword aura revolved frantically around him, but did not attack.

And at this time, the big formation changed again.

The huge eyes that filled the sky like the sun and the moon moved away. After a moment of effort, all the eyes were arranged into an array of stars, and all the eyes became golden yellow, and even half of the sky was rendered by them.

The infinite strength began to agitate.

That power is too strong to describe in words.

It seems to be the most primitive power of the sky, the most powerful heaven and earth power.

This power rose crazily, and only five breaths before and after, reached the peak, and then...


Countless golden lightning flew out of those huge eyes and rushed towards the white night.

But on the way down, they suddenly gathered together and turned into a golden thunder dragon, carrying the power of reversing the cycle of reincarnation and destroying the universe, and pressing against the white night.

The golden thunder dragon is extremely charming, and its power is vented to the sky, like a scourge of beasts, spreading around with a force of destruction.

The invincible power shook the world!


The void on the white night side burst, the ground was instantly destroyed, and the endless pressure almost made people unable to resist any thoughts!

How terrible!

This has transcended ordinary souls' cognition of the concept of power!

The spirit body believes that this power is sufficient to deal with this person.

"My will can't be wrong. If a despicable person takes over the cliff, it will only drag the cliff and all my wealth into shattering and destruction. I can't tolerate all my hard work disappearing! So, you can't get involved. they!"

The spirit body murmured, the firmness in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

But at this moment, Bai Ye's expression tightened, and he suddenly stabs the Abandoned God Sword towards the ground.

"Reverse Liangyi Sword Formation!"


All the sword aura of the dead dragon that revolved around it instantly, like an arrow shot out, rushed towards the thunder dragon that crashed and fell, and a wonderful energy began to spread.

The arrow immersed in the Thunder Dragon, the speed of the Thunder Dragon's falling unexpectedly decreased crazily, and its halo and form were changing.

At the moment when it was about to bombard the white night, Thunder Dragon suddenly volleyed and slammed into the huge eyes on the sky.


In the dark, there was a surprised voice from Cang Tian Yajun's spiritual body...

However, he saw the Thunder Dragon flying back the same way, turning into countless slender lightning bolts when approaching the giant eye, and crashing into the giant eye.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!咚....

In an instant, all the giant eyes were closed.

The scene looks very weird...


(Mom’s injury is almost healed now, the procedures are going through these two days, so the update time will be later, the second update and the third update will be updated at around 1 o'clock, of course, this will not be counted as today’s update. Today's update is still from 5 to 8 o'clock, Lao Huo actually wants to fix the update time, but many things in life are not controlled by Lao Huo, please forgive me.)

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