Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1593: Emperor Wanshi (3)

A woman in red has never seen such a weird sight.

What kind of light is that?

What is that formation?

What power is that?

Rao is that she is from the headquarters and has never seen such a terrible circle.

The body of the white night shrouded in golden light trembled slightly, and then...

The wound on his chest healed quickly, the light filled the scars and spread to his limbs, his hands and feet began to grow skin and bones, which healed quickly.

His disappearing spirit power also rose.

His broken vitality also grew again.

His heavenly soul has slowly condensed and recovered.

Everything is updated like Vientiane!

The red-clothed woman's eyes trembled in autumn, and the person rushed away instantly, intending to erase it before the white night recovered.


As soon as she approached, a divine force blocked it like a barrier.

The red-clothed woman bombarded wildly, and her spirit power was like a scourge, but she could never crush it.

This pure power is like a barrier of heaven, cannot be torn!

As a last resort, the red-clothed woman used the power of truth again, and she pointed to Bai Ye and kept drinking.




However... it all didn't work!

More than a dozen mantra tricks in succession can't be applied to Bai Ye.

He was baptized by golden light as if there was nothing to do, and he was not affected at all.

When the golden light disappeared, Bai Ye had already stood up again.

As for his body, his recovery was as good as before, with no damage at all.

The red-clothed woman's face tightened, her eyes staring coldly at all of this. After a while, she seemed to realize something and gritted her teeth and said: "The art of time?"

"I thought you couldn't recognize it."

Bai Ye picked up the Abandoned God Sword that fell on the ground and said blankly.

"I used this time technique before I was about to tear your heavenly soul to pieces, to turn back the time on my own side and return to before being injured?" The woman in red closed her eyes and said solemnly: "You don't Perhaps with such a magical technique, what magic weapon did you use? Or do you have any unique artifacts? Tell me, what is going on?"

"I'm not so stupid to tell my enemies about my secrets! Or do you think I would be so stupid to do this?" Bai Ye asked back.

"Hmph, don't you say it, it will only make you more painful and uncomfortable. Do you think that relying on time back to make yourself safe and sound can get rid of all this? I want to kill you, but it will still be a finger!" The woman's silver teeth clenched, and the man rushed again.

The killing intent was revealed.

At this moment, the space was completely moved.

Under the power of the woman, Bai Ye, who was originally a full kilometer away from the woman, was pulled to her in an instant.

Bai Ye's eyebrows tightened, but he also acted.

He directly ignored the woman's palm that was enough to penetrate his body, and once again pierced the Divine Sword towards the ground.

Huh! !

The Abandoned God Sword was completely submerged into the ground, and the violent Abandoned God Sword's power burst out from the sword like a flame.

At the same time, the terrifying formation on the sky also reappeared with strange light, but this time it was not shrouded in Bai Ye's body, but directly hit on the strength of the Abandoned God's Sword.


The bare hands of the woman in red hit Bai Ye's chest fiercely.

Bai Ye was beaten through his chest again.

He trembled fiercely, vomiting blood constantly in his mouth, and even pieces of meat were spit out.

However, he still has no fear, his eyes are extremely firm, and his eyes are full of fierceness.

"You are afraid to kill me because you are afraid of killing me. If so, you will never be able to defeat me." Bai Ye raised his head, staring at her coldly.

"But I can make you better than death!" The red-dressed woman snarled, intending to urge the move again.

"Birth is better than death? It's a pity, you can't do it." Bai Ye shook his head: " have already lost."


The red woman frowned.

Seeing Bai Ye's sullen face suddenly, people let out a stern scream: "Emperor Wanshi!!!"

As soon as the roar fell, bursts of magnificent roars appeared on the sky.

The sound shook the sky, shaking the gods and demons!

The woman in red only felt that her soul was shocked by this sound.

Her heart was beating and she looked anxiously.

But watch the four golden lightnings descend from the sky, surrounding the Abandoned God Sword and hitting directly below.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The lightning fell, exploding a circle of earth-shattering destructive air patterns.

The face of the woman in red changed drastically, and she immediately retreated.

When she distanced herself from Bai Ye, she fixed her eyes.

However, around Bai Ye, the dust gradually fell, and the turbulent space was stabilized.

Everything is the same as before.

But beside his body, four towering and tall sacred figures appeared.

These four figures are all made of gold, like statues, motionless.

All four were wearing armors, one holding a sword, one holding a knife, one holding a gun, and one holding a halberd.

They all closed their eyes, and they couldn't see the slightest anger on their bodies, but after they appeared, the aura of terror completely suppressed the aura of the woman in red.

An unprecedented sacred and supreme aura surging between heaven and earth.

The red-clothed woman was extremely pale in shock, and she couldn't help shaking.

These four guys... are they human?

However, they are obviously not at all angry.

Agency person?

Impossible, how can such a shocking power be the height that an agency can reach?

"what is this??"

The woman in red shouted sternly.

"Something enough to destroy you."

Bai Ye held the Abandoned God Sword, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and shouted ferociously, "Kill her!"

When the voice fell to the ground, the statue holding the long sword directly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


There was a crisp sound.

A blue circular aperture erupted from his fingertips and quickly spread to the entire space.

At that moment, everything in the space was refined.

Wind, fallen leaves, soul power, dust... all were frozen.

The woman in red was also greatly affected.

She found that her figure was already difficult to move.

It seemed that something invisible was suppressing her madly.

"This is time standing still!"

Her heart beats wildly.

An organist... actually understands the technique of time stillness?

And the energy of this time art is too pure, right?

How is this possible?

However, the next second, the statue holding the long knife raised his left hand and grabbed it forward.


The area on the side of the woman in red was suddenly shattered, as if being pulled out by an invisible big hand, and even the person was pulled over with space...

"Go away!"

The red-dressed woman tried her best to resist, and the people frantically urged her to resist, but to no avail.

"It's useless."

Bai Ye said blankly: "What you are facing... are the four emperors!"

When these words fell to the ground, the red-clothed woman's pupils shrank, and then her face was as gray as she looked at Bai Ye and muttered:

"What are you talking about? Wanshi...Emperor?"


The woman with the space area was heavily shocked by the statue of the knife in the center of the four statues.

Four pairs of tightly closed eyes slowly opened...

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