Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1840: One punch

The scene was particularly quiet.

The atmosphere is also strange.

People stared wide and looked at the stadium incredibly.

Whether it is a person from the outer sect or a person from the Temple of God, no one can ease the spirit at this moment.

" could it be..."

Chen Huru wiped the blood off the corners of his mouth and wanted to stand up.

But when he was about to get up, he felt his body was about to be torn apart.

He looked down and found that all the bones in his chest had been shattered, not only that, but even the flesh of his body had been cracked every inch.

how is this possible?

Chen Huru's pupils tightened, and at one time he thought he was wrong.

Strictly speaking, his strength is not outstanding, at least in front of a genius like Shen Baiyi, he is actually slightly inferior.

But if Shen Baiyi is still standing here, Chen Huru believes that he can easily defeat him.

Just because... Whether it is Chen Huru or Huang Chongshan before, at this moment, he is not his original self.

They have a unique power increase!

A super boost almost equivalent to a forbidden technique!

There are two types of bans!

One is the unacceptable evil spiritism considered by those defenders.

The other is the extremely cruel spiritism that violates human ethics and is explicitly forbidden by the Shenji Palace.

The first type of forbidden technique is not strictly forbidden. The so-called evil is actually a violation of the traditional concept of the guardians. In this world where the weak and the strong, the souls don’t care about evil. Not evil.

The second type of forbidden spell is a spell that even many people who claim to be cruel cannot accept.

Once someone activates such spiritism, the Palace of Divine Machine will definitely step in.

At the moment, what Chen Huru and others have obtained is an increase in ancient power that is not weaker than the second forbidden technique!

In front of this ancient power, Chen Huru believed that even if the elders of the gods and temples came on stage to oppose them, he would have the confidence to defeat them one by one.


just now...

One of the most useless disciple of Soul Martial Hall in the Temple of Heaven...

Actually punched! Just beat yourself to pieces and almost died?

How is this possible?

Chen Huru was short of breath, a flash of fear in his eyes.

If I didn't get this increase in ancient power... Does that mean... I have been hammered by Bai Ye's punch just now?

Thinking of this, Chen Huru was in a cold sweat.


The spirit swordsman finally reacted, and he stood up abruptly and looked at the stage incredibly.

"What's going on?" Yimeng Changjun next to him was also taken aback.

"That white night... didn't it come from the Soul Martial Hall of the Shentian Temple?" Natian old woman asked in astonishment.

"The Soul Martial Hall was in charge of the former chief elder Eagle of the Shentian Temple in September, but this person has been helpless since that incident. He has fallen into disrepair, drinking all day and wasting his time, and the Soul Martial Hall under his knee has long been Abandoned, unable to obtain the elders to instruct the soul martial arts, the soul martial arts disciples flee, even if they are left, the cultivation base is difficult to increase by one point in a hundred years, such a department almost equivalent to being abandoned by the sect How could there be such a disciple?" Li Guyi stared at Bai Ye and said in a deep voice.

Gradually, the scene was boiling.

People on the side of the Temple of God also reacted.

But people did not cheer, did not yell, not many people even uttered.

Because... the battle is not over yet!

Before the battle was over, they dared not cheer anymore.

Because before Shen Baiyi is like this.


Chen Huru gritted his teeth and tried his best to take out a golden orb full of runes from the storage ring between his fingers.

The ball, the size of an egg, was slapped on the ground by Chen Huru once it was taken out.


Cracked eggs.

The golden fragments immediately flew up on their own, and revolved around Chen Huru frantically.

In an instant, a small whirlwind appeared around Chen Huru.

"No! That's a magic weapon of time!"

A disciple from the Temple of Heaven knew this thing, and immediately lost his voice.

"Junior Brother Bai, don't hesitate! Quick, kill him quickly!" Yue Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shouted.

This time is the best time to kill Chen Huru!


Bai Ye held his hands behind, standing quietly on the spot, watching Chen Huru quietly, his eyes were particularly calm, like Bibo, he didn't mean to move him at all!

"what happened?"

Everyone can't understand it anymore.

How can Bai Ye not cherish such a great opportunity?

At this time, as long as he punched again, he could completely block the magic weapon and completely defeat Chen Huru.

Many people were irritated and stomped by Bai Ye.

And Chen Huru was already laughing.

The magic weapon of time disappeared.

Looking at Chen Huru again, he had already returned to the way he was before the fist. There were no scars on his whole body, and his breath had returned to calm.

"Bai Ye, are you giving me a chance?" Chen Huru looked at Bai Ye with a smile.

"Don't count." Bai Ye said casually.

"Hehe, isn't it? Really arrogant!" Chen Huru's eyes were getting colder, and the sword in his hand was also tightly gripped. He stared at Bai Ye, with murderous intent splashing all over: "I admit, I was careless just now. , But I won’t have a second time! You could have won this game beautifully! But you lost because of your arrogance! White night, there is no regret medicine in the world to take, now... Up!"

After speaking, Chen Huru took a pose and prepared to counterattack.

But at the moment he just posed, the white night in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Chen Huru breathed tightly.

"I never gave you a chance!"

An indifferent voice sounded in front of Chen Huru.

Chen Huru hurried to find that Bai Ye had appeared in front of him at some point.

He raised his fist and slammed it down again.

This punch... there is no longer any hand left, the violent and fierce strength poured into the arm like a flood, and with the movements of the white night, it slammed on Chen Huru's body fiercely.

Boom! !

The moment the fist hits, a wave of power ripples instantly exploded, tearing the arena and splashing the barrier.

So Chen Huru's defenses all burst and disappeared, and his body exploded like a cannonball, and directly hit the barrier behind.


The thick and terrifying barrier burst to pieces on the spot.

Chen Huru's body couldn't withstand the terrible power of his body, and it burst directly.

The people on the entire field only saw the moment when the field barrier was broken, a blood-red orchid bloomed inexplicably.

As for Chen Huru...has was completely shaken into blood mist and disappeared into the air...

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