Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 1854: Negotiate terms

Bai Ye's violent method thoroughly stimulated everyone present, and people stared in a daze, their faces stiff, and the sound was too slow for a long time.

Who could have imagined that...the people who came from the Taoist Phenomenon would be killed in this way...

"Senior Brother Mo Xuan!"

Countless disciples of Daoshengxiang View all stood up, all staring in horror.

Everyone from the surrounding sects gasped in fright, all of them frightened.

The temple of God is also stunned.

The shock of Bai Ye's defeat of Yue Hongming has not dissipated, but now... it is another sword that has killed the seeds from Daoshengxiang Temple... and it is a direct spike...

Is this too exaggerated?

This guy from the Soul Martial Hall... is it a monster?

Everyone's brains stopped thinking, completely unable to understand what was happening before them.

"White Night Victory!!!"

At this time, Yun Qingye yelled out with a voice that was almost screaming.

This voice vented all Yun Qingye's suffocation, helplessness, and anger.

He didn't like White Night very much before, but now... the more he looks at this arrogant boy, the more pleasing he is...

With Yun Qingye's shout, everyone on the scene trembled. After a brief silence, the stadium exploded in an instant.

"Has it started?"

"It's... it's over..."

"This is too fast, right?"

"What happened just now?"

Countless voices converged into countless question marks.

The people in the Temple of God did not cheer.

They just looked at each other dumbly.

"Won again?"

"Just after the battle with Yue Hongming, he killed Mo Xuan of Dao Sheng Xiang Guan?"

"How long has it been?"

"Is it a bit too fast?"

The joy and excitement from before has not yet been digested, but now that it comes again, many people can't fully recover.

However, this sword can be regarded as a complete shock to all the people of the outer sect.

The insight that the master was stunned on the spot.

Yimeng Changjun's face was also unnatural, staring at Bai Ye with a thoughtful look.

"His swordsmanship is extremely violent, domineering, and desperate... He doesn't seem to care about his injuries, and every time he shoots a sword, there is a sense of immortality. This person...should fight often and experience it often. The existence of life and death..." The spirit swordsman stared at Bai Ye for a while. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and asked the person beside him: "Which department is he from?"

"Back... back to the head, it's... Soul Martial Hall..." the voice of the person next to him was a little dry.

The words fell, and the group fell silent.

They had almost heard of the three words Soul Wutang.

There is no other reason, because the former chief elder Eagle September of the Temple of Heaven... is now in this Soul Martial Hall!

Although Ying Jiuyue was the elder of the Soul Martial Hall in name, his current situation had already been passed on.

Everyone knows that the well-known chief elder of the Shentian Temple is now indifferent. It is impossible for him to teach his disciples, and it is impossible for the Soul Martial Hall to produce outstanding talents.

Generally, the people who can be assigned to the Soul Martial Hall are lucky guys who have worshipped into the Heavenly Hall of God by chance.

They are not very talented and not strong. They only came in because of temporary luck. Usually these people cannot keep up with the teaching progress of other elders. Those elders are unwilling to accept these dull disciples, so they will be sent to Soul Martial Arts. Delivered.

But who could have imagined that such a terrifying existence actually appeared in the Soul Martial Hall, which is the least favored...

This white night...what is going on?

All powerful and powerful people fell silent.

The atmosphere at the scene was very strange, and no one dared to be on stage anymore.

Bai Ye slashed Mo Xuan, turned and walked towards the Lord of the Heavenly Palace.

"Hall Master, I have already killed Yue Hongming, and also won two rounds for the Temple of God, and I also ask the Lord to fulfill my promise and teach me the Great Thousand Spell Breaking Curse!" Bai Ye said seriously.

The eyes of the people gathered to him.

Qin Jiyue on the seat made her face anxious.

But the Lord of the Gods Temple nodded and said: "Everyone is in full view, as the master of a temple, how can you break your promise? This great curse! This temple will teach you!"

When the voice fell, the Lord of the Gods Heaven Hall raised his hand and stretched out a finger to dance in the air.

Whoosh whoosh...

Pieces of golden yellow but only the size of rice grains immediately appeared with his fingers, and in a short time, he danced a word of 1,831, following him with a light wave.


All the words gathered together, turned into a golden streamer, and rammed straight into Bai Ye's body.

Like a miracle, the people who watched kept exclaiming.

Bai Ye trembled all over, and a lot of golden fonts appeared in his mind at this moment.

These... are the formulas for Daqian to break the spell.

"Thank you Palace Master!"

Bai Ye reported sorry, with a faint smile on his face.

Although he didn't have a good impression of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, he couldn't even hate the Lord of the Heavens.

With Daqian Breaking Magic Curse, it can be regarded as an explanation for the Shenji Palace!

"You deserve it." The Lord of the Temple of God nodded.

Bai Ye nodded slightly and wanted to step down.

But at this moment, the Lord of the Temple of God spoke again.

"White Night, don't you want to fight anymore?"

"A meaningless fight is a waste of time for me!"

"If you continue to fight, this temple can give you unlimited benefits! Including allowing you to enter the forbidden area to read the ancestral inheritance!" The **** of the heavenly hall said lightly.

Many seeds in the Temple of God heard the sound, all breathing tightly.

Yue Xiaoxiao, Qin Zhusha and others looked at the white night together.

There is envy in my happy eyes...

However...Under the gaze of everyone, Bai Ye actually shook his head directly, faintly vomiting: "Sorry, the lord, Bai Ye is not interested."

When this word fell, everyone was in an uproar.

The Lord of God Temple was also quite surprised.

But Bing Yunyan's face was unnatural.

After all, she knows that Bai Ye has long been able to enter and exit the forbidden area freely, how can he care about this?

"Are you not interested in the ancestral inheritance of my God Temple?"

"Before I entered the Temple of God, I had traveled to Lishengzhou, gained countless opportunities, and discovered countless Dongfu tombs. I have enough inheritance. What I lack now is not inheritance, but can help me. Means to solve puzzles."

"Do you want to worship the main hall as a teacher? Let the main hall help you out?"

"Hall Master, I have only been in the Temple of God for three or two years. After three or two years, I will leave the Temple of God. What can you do for me in such a short time?" Bai Ye asked.

"I can make you an official disciple of my God Temple." The Lord of God Temple said calmly.

However... Bai Ye didn't say a word, didn't say good, and didn't refuse.

Many elders frowned secretly.

Bai Ye's behavior is so arrogant.

It's just... people are relieved when they think that his backing is the Palace of Shenji.

It is impossible for the Shentian Temple to fight the Shenji Palace, as long as Bai Ye does not do too much, the Lord of the Shentian Temple cannot kill him.

The Lord of the Temple of God is silent, and I don't know how long it has passed, but Bai Ye speaks.

"Hall Master, it's not like this!"


The Lord of the Temple of God looked at him.

However, Bai Ye calmly said: "You and the elders are not allowed to participate in the battle of the group, so we can only let those of us who are disciples fight. It's not that you are incapable. Bai Ye still admires your strength. So, it’s not necessary to become a formal disciple... Bai Ye only hopes that you can promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" asked the Lord of the Temple of God.

The battle between the sects must not be defeated, otherwise, the Heavenly Palace of the Supreme Gods will be in chaos, and the ancient soul tactics inherited from the ancestors will also be difficult to keep. As the master of the temple, he will naturally not allow this to happen.

Therefore, as long as it is not an excessive request, he will not refuse.

The people all looked at the white night, waiting for his words.

But he saw him raising his head, looking at the Lord of God's Temple, and said in a deep voice: "I hope that one day when I ask you to take action, you can't refuse! And come to me unconditionally, and kill for me anyone who dares to hinder me People! No matter when, no matter what you are doing, do you... promise?"

As soon as these words fell, all the people in the Temple of God were shocked.

"Asshole, Bai Ye, who do you consider our palace lord? Are you a thug?" A grumpy elder couldn't bear it, and immediately stood up and shouted.

Zhang Shenwu couldn't sit still anymore. He frowned and looked at Bai Ye, and said in a deep voice, "Bai Ye, it's not big or small, no rules! What kind of identity is the Hall Master, how can you follow your orders?"

"Yes, Bai Ye, your request is too much!"

"Are you taking advantage of the fire?"

"We are fighting for the sect, how can you do this?"

Many people began to criticize and criticize.

However, at this moment, the indifferent voice of the Lord of God's Temple came.

"This temple can promise you!"

As soon as these words fell, the sound of the scene stopped abruptly.

Countless people stared at the Lord of God's Temple with dumbfounded eyes.

"Hall Master, this..." Zhang Shenwu, Wen Xiaoxuan and others still wanted to speak.

But at this moment, the Lord of God Temple raised his hand and motioned them not to make a noise.

People looked ugly, but they all didn't say anything in tacit understanding.

But the Lord of God's Temple said calmly: "Bai Ye, this temple has never been easy to make shots for others. If you really want to do this, you have to show some skills!"

"What does the hall master mean?"

"If you can defeat these foreign sects by your own strength and let them leave, this temple can be at your request. If you can't, you can change your request." The **** of the temple said calmly.

As soon as these words fell, Zhang Shenwu and others' eyes lit up.

Everyone also understands that the Lord of God's Temple is going to retreat in the midst of the night!

If the lord of the gods and temples rejected Bai Ye on the face, the eyes of the gods and the lord of the gods would be greatly reduced, and people would think that he was too good-faced, but if he agreed, it would make people feel too frivolous. With the power of Bai Ye, in this way, the influence on the sect is very bad.

Whether it is rejection or acceptance, it is not the best choice. And only let Bai Ye give up on his own initiative is the best solution.

"Hall master deserves to be the hall master." Wen Xiaoxuan smiled.

"Yeah, this guy should know his weight by now!" Zhang Shenwu let out a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face.

Many people nodded secretly, waiting for Bai Ye's answer.

However, the next second, a voice came.

"it is good!"

The people all looked at the source of the sound together, instantly dumbfounded.

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