Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2369: Fang Zhan

Although the dark dynasty is powerful and the power of the power is spread throughout the Lisheng state, it is ultimately a power, an organization composed of a group of people, and it cannot escape the common drawbacks of all organizations. That is its bottom. The members are just a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, and they are not high-quality. As long as they use a little trick, they can get everything out.

Although this elite has no place in the Dark Dynasty, he is just a small boss, but everything he knows has been said at this moment.

It turns out that these magic circles and these people are just an experiment of the Dark Dynasty.

The Dark Dynasty discovered the water of the Demon River in the early years, and analyzed the energy of the water of the Demon River. Combined with some ancient formations in the Dark Dynasty, it tried to inject the energy of the water of the Demon River into the human body in the form of ancient formations. Among them, a large number of super soldiers were then created in a very short time.

In fact, the kingdom of Ten Thousand Dynasties has not been taken seriously by the Dark Dynasty at all, because the Dark Dynasty has also set up two points in other places, and the scale and the energy of the water of the Devil River are much stronger than this.

Bai Ye knew that the Dark Dynasty had been preparing for the frontline battlefield.

I'm afraid that Shenji Palace is so embarrassed at the moment, which is also related to this matter.

Under the leadership of that elite, Bai Ye drove a short journey for a long time, and finally arrived in the mountain stream which was a section away from Wanchao State.

Surrounded by mountains, the sky is fluttering with pumice stones. Because of the scarce aura, it is not a blessed place, so few people come here. It is a very desolate place.

But at this time there are a large number of souls wearing black armor standing here.

They are all from the Dark Dynasty.

"Why are you so arrogant? Are you not afraid of being discovered by the Palace of Gods, and then killing you?" Bai Ye glanced at the tokens on the waist of those souls and asked in a deep voice.

"Not afraid." The elite shook his head.


"Because the above explanation is to try to create friction and contradiction with the people of the Shenji Palace, but we cannot take the initiative, that is to say, we must stimulate the people of the Shenji Palace, and let the people of the Shenji Palace be reasonable Kill us." The man said.

When Bai Ye heard it, his face became countless.

"It seems that the Dark Dynasty is planning to do something on the Palace of Shenji!" He murmured.

The dark dynasty did such a big show

Action, its purpose is to provoke the Palace of Shenji.

They want to attack the Palace of Shenji.

However, the Shenji Palace has been operating in Lishengzhou for so many years, and it is very popular. If it is rushed, it will only stimulate the other forces in Lishengzhou. Then they will step in and help Shenji Palace to deal with the dark dynasty. The situation of the dynasty is extremely disadvantageous.

Therefore, the dark dynasty's plan is to put itself in a position of management first, and then start with the divine machine palace.

As the saying goes, the teacher is unknown and cannot be a big thing. Even if the Dark Dynasty puts all its power on the bright side, it is still a force that many people fear or even hate. Their overall strength is no longer inferior to the Palace of Gods. What they have to do is Change the status of the Palace of Shenji in the Lishengzhou and its attitude in people's minds.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't feel that the Dark Dynasty's act of taking the living people to sacrifice to the formation and wanton slaughter could make the people of Li Shengzhou accept them.

It's just that the dark dynasty is not some idiot, this kind of thing cannot be accomplished in a day, the dark dynasty has to plan for decades at least.

"The water of the Demon River has actually been moved to the headquarters by the people of the Dark Dynasty. What you see now is only a part of the water of the Demon River. In order to maintain the strength of the magic circle of the Wan Dynasty, they will The part of the water leads to this. If the adults want to set up such a magic circle, they must seize the water of the magic river." The elite said tremblingly.

Bai Ye glanced at this mountain stream and saw that the defensive strength here was not strong, so he planned to take action.

But just when he was ready to do it...


There was a sound of breaking through the sky in the distance.

Bai Ye and the elite looked around, but saw that they were a group of souls with terrifying auras, headed by a man who wore luxurious robes and was at least at the level of Yujun.

As soon as this person appeared, all the Dark Dynasty people inside and outside the mountain stream fell to the ground and bowed to him with a pious expression.

"Meet your lord!"

The shout spread.

"Who is this person?" Bai Ye asked curiously.

"It's Master Fang Zhan! That's Master Fang Zhan!" The elite trembled all over, looking at the humanity in fear.

"Fang Zhan?" Bai Ye has never heard of this name, but from the terrifying aura emanating from this person, it can be judged that he is in the Dark King.

Facing inward is definitely not low.

"My lord, you have to be careful, don't act rashly, Master Fang Zhan is so powerful, if we reveal our identity, then we will definitely die..." The man turned his head and said tremblingly.

Bai Ye's complexion was condensed, and she nodded gently.

At this moment, that Fang Zhan jumped, jumped high in the sky, and shouted:

"I received a notice from above, demanding that all the separated waters of the Demon River be gathered immediately. The Wanchao Kingdom test is over. You have notified them to stop the attack and turn back. The rest Follow me to **** this magic river toward the main river! Did you hear me clearly?"

The sound was extremely deep and shocking, hitting people's hearts directly.

"Yes, my lord!"

People around shouted.

But Bai Ye couldn't help but startled.

"What did he say? He wants to take away the water from the Demon River? And **** it to the Main River?" Bai Ye stunned.

"My lord... well... it seems that Master Fang Zhan said so." The elite next to him shouted.

Bai Ye looked solemn, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he whispered: "Can you help me approach this person?"

" can this be good?"

The man was dumbfounded, and he didn't know what Bai Ye would do, but he didn't agree to this kind of thing, nor did he not agree.

"If you can promise me, then when I get rid of this jade monarch, I can give you everything on this jade monarch. If you don’t agree, then you can only choose to die here, and you can watch it yourself. Do it." Bai Ye said hoarsely. As he spoke, he had taken out the pills and put them into the man's mouth.

No matter how hard that person resists, he can't get rid of the pill that he has entered. He can only feel the pill being sent into his abdomen by Bai Ye's spirit power with his eyes wide open, and it quickly decomposes...

"That's Yujun, sir... You... how can you be the enemy?" The voice was shaking...

"You do it!" Bai Ye snorted coldly.

The man opened his mouth and had nothing to say. Knowing that he had no choice, he sighed and said hoarsely: "This is the end of the matter. I can only try my best, sir, come with me!"

After speaking, he walked out from the dark side and followed the road towards the mountain stream...

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