Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2507: ambush

I saw circles of green light flashing on Bai Ye and Na Yujun's body.

These are the richest and purest breath of life.

They crazily wrapped Yujun, coiling around his heavenly soul and heart...

Slowly, Yujun's pale complexion recovered a little rosy, and the heart that had stopped beating also began to beat weakly again.

"Yes! I have!"

"Big Brother is alive!"

Everyone was excited and excited.

The faces of Zi Hong and Wang Hen were also full of smiles.

But Bai Ye did not stop, but continued to urge the law.

After about a hundred breaths of effort, Bai Ye stopped, but was panting, and the whole person seemed to collapse.

"My lord, are you okay?"

The crowd gathered around.

"It's okay, it's okay... I'll just take a rest." Bai Ye forced a smile.

In fact, he didn't consume too much power, but he wanted to conform to the appearance of Emperor Jin Dynasty, deliberately pretending to look like this.

"Just fine!"

"My lord, thanks to you this time!"

People are grateful.

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head.

"Speaking of adults, we still don't know your name." Wang Hen asked with a fist.

"Me? My name is... Ye Bai!" Bai Ye smiled.

If you let them know that they are White Night, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, after all, not many people can resist the temptation of Hongbing.

"It turned out to be Master Ye!"

Wang Hen is still arrogant.

Everyone is grateful again.

White night is busy to stop.

"Well, you guys, let's leave here as soon as possible. I think the movement of our fight just now has attracted the attention of the Dark Dynasty people. If you don't leave here, I'm afraid there will be trouble." Bai Ye said.

"Okay, let's leave this right away!"

"set off!"

Wang Hen waved.

The team starts again.

The short-bearded man and the armored man were surrounded by several souls, leading the way.

Bai Ye followed the crowd, watching the surroundings secretly.

According to the description of the armor man, to leave Yuezhou from here, at the current speed, it would take at least one day.

They knew how many guards there were on the road, how many spies, and how many enchantment traps.

They dare not be honest, because once something goes wrong, Wang Hen and others will behead the two at the first time. The two souls are imprisoned, and they are like ordinary people, without the ability to resist. These people will kill. They, they will only be divided by five horses in an instant.

The two walked forward trembling.

The team moved forward in silence.

I met other souls on the road, there were men in armor and men with short beards, and they could easily dismiss them.

At this time, a figure suddenly approached Bai Ye.

I was still observing the surrounding white night for a moment, and looked sideways, only to find that purple red was following me at some point.

"Is there anything?" Bai Yedan asked.

But seeing Zi Hong lowered her head, it seemed that she was thinking about something. After a while, she mustered up the courage and said in a low voice: "Master Ye, Zi Hong has been offended before, so please help me."

Feelings are here to apologize?

Bai Ye smiled and said.

Zihong whispered her pink lips, and then took out a Horcrux like an exquisite tower from the storage ring, and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Master Ye, this is a little bit of my heart. It's an apologize to you. Please accept it." Purple Hong handed Linglong Tower to it.

"No, no, it's just a small matter, don't be so polite!" Bai Ye quickly refused.

"Master Ye, if you refuse to accept it, Zihong will be upset!" Zihong insisted.

Bai Ye looked at her firm eyes, hesitated, and finally sighed helplessly, shook his head and said: "No matter, since you are so persistent, then all right, I will accept it!"

Only then did Zi Hong smile.

"Master Ye, this treasure is called Zhenshan Pagoda. Although this treasure is not as good as your precious treasures, it is also a very good magic weapon. It can suppress all existence under the Emperor Tianjun. You are only a Jin Dynasty. Existence, after all, loses to those great abilities, and meets people above the emperor of the world, you can only rely on magic weapons, this thing may also save your life." Zi Hong said.

"Thank you." Bai Ye smiled.

Zihong nodded.

Suddenly, the team stopped.

Bai Ye and Zi Hong looked forward.

But on the road ahead, a huge fortress appeared, which spread out like a spider web, covering the left and right sky.

The cobweb stretches endlessly, like a sky wall, separating this side from that...

"This is the first barrier!" The armored man said hoarsely.

Everyone's expressions became serious immediately.

Because this road is the only way to leave Yuezhou, the dark dynasty has set a checkpoint here, and it can only pass through here.

"We have a clearance certificate, but you shouldn't have one. Let's negotiate with them first and find a way to let you pass!" The armor male said.

"No." Wang Hen here directly refused, and said coldly: "You two can't leave us within five steps, otherwise we will kill them!"

"Then how to pass?" The short-bearded man gritted his teeth.

"This is what you should think of for us!" Wang Hen said blankly.

The two looked at each other, with angry winks in their eyes.

" find a way to intercept and kill some souls who come and go around here, and **** their clearance certificate!" The armored man said in a deep voice.

"This method is good!"

"Then we will lie in wait here!"

Everyone agreed and immediately laid ambush on this avenue, waiting for the souls of the Dark Dynasty to come.

Of course, these people will not attack the existence of those terrifying auras, since they are going to move the Dark Dynasty people, naturally they should first find the targets under those inferior positions.

This will not be noticeable.

Soon, a goal was approached.

A team of thirty people, all in black armor.

Although I can't see clearly how the soul realm is, judging from their breath, their strength does not seem to be strong.

Can deal with it!

Wang Hen was overjoyed.

This is exactly what he expected.

Now the people on my side are injured, and I really want to fight, I'm afraid there will be more casualties.

And this group of people didn't appear to be too powerful in terms of equipment or breath.

"Everyone, get ready!" Wang Hen dipped.

The people set up the soul of the sky and sacrificed the Horcrux.

Zihong winked at the armored man.

The armored man looked embarrassed, but he walked out of the dark and shouted at the souls: "Brothers, can you come here? I'm a little busy and want to ask you brothers..."

Those souls were very confused, and immediately flew over.

"Who are you from? Which military camp? What's the matter?" one of the souls asked.

"In Xia Mashan, it is from the Huoziying camp, brothers, I found a treasure in the ground here. I want to take it out but I can't. Please come and help!" The armor man laughed.

"A baby?"

Everyone was stunned, and they walked over without precautions.

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