Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2539: Rebellion

With the order of Jun Jiang Suijun, the souls rushed towards the white night one after another, and various general trends descended on him.


Drink at night.

"Ye Bai, what else do you want to say?" Jiang Suijun sighed.

Bai Ye shook his head and said lightly: "Master Jiang, you are too impatient! Are you so anxious to get rid of me?"

As soon as these words fell, Jiang Suijun's face changed suddenly, but he quickly recovered, and said in a condensed voice: "Ye Bai, what are you talking about? Why should I get rid of you? Now you want to hurt me! You want The wicked complain first?"

"Master Jiang, let's not talk secretly. The masked person who wanted to kill me just now was sent by you? You just wanted to get rid of me, and then find Iron Gourd and Venerable Zhang, and **** them back. Those magic weapons, in this way, these magic weapons are unowned, aren't they?"

When Jiang Suijun heard that there was a thick killing intent in his pupils, but he did not say a word, only hummed secretly: "These are just your guesses, they are not true!"

"So what's your plan now? You plan to use the donkey on the **** to push the boat along the river, and find an unnecessary reason to continue killing me?" Bai Ye asked back.

"I have to investigate this matter clearly. If you really want to harm me, how can I forgive you? Now the Dark Dynasty is already launching a full-scale attack on me. I am the frontline deputy commander! If anything happens to me, the frontline The army is bound to collapse. In short, you have a big suspicion. If you come, take him down for me immediately and let me take a slow trial!" Jiang Suijun shouted.


The people around shouted, they wanted to take Bai Ye.

When Bai Ye looked cold, he wanted to do it.

He is no longer interested in following Jiang Sui Jun Xu and Wei Snake anymore.

This Lord Jiang Sui has already sent someone to assassinate him, and his nature is the same as that of Tie Hulu, Zhang Zun and others. If this is the case, there is no need to be merciful!

But at this moment, a soul man hurried in.

"My lord, it's not good!! Something happened!" The soul screamed in shock.

Everyone's eyes all turned towards his.

"What's going on?" Jiang Suijun frowned and asked in a serious manner.

"My lord, the line of defense has been breached!" The Soul Man shouted.


Everyone in the hall changed their colors.

"This... how is it possible? How can the line of defense break through? At least our line of defense can be extended

After more than a month, why is it broken now? "Jiang Suijun stepped forward, grabbed the collar of the soul man, and roared angrily.

"'s Iron Gourd and Venerable Zhang!" The soulman said with a sad face: "They opened the barrier of defense and let the people of the Dark Dynasty come in..."

Jiang Suijun breathed tightly.

"Iron Calabash and Venerable Zhang went into hiding after wounding Lord Wang Hen. Our people couldn't find them at all. After the Dark Dynasty people attacked, they suddenly appeared at the entrance of the southwest corner of the barrier. We even fought against our people. We were all unprepared. We were successfully attacked by him. The southwest corner was controlled by his people. Then the barrier there was opened. Sir, we have died a lot of brothers, we... we should now What to do..." the soulman said with a sad face.

Everyone looked ugly, staring at the soul man in a daze.

"How could this be..."

Jiang Suijun was also stupid.

He couldn't expect that Iron Gourd and Venerable Zhang would actually do such a thing.

"Jian Sui Jun, Iron Calabash and Venerable Zhang are not fools, can they not see that you are also conscious of my magic weapons? Since they decided to attack Wang Hen, they must have thought of a way out. In fact, you should have been right a long time ago. Reinforcement on the front line to strengthen defenses, but you didn’t. Instead, you tried to get rid of me. You ignored the overall situation for personal gain and for some petty gains. It’s stupid! The Rebels have your command, then It is destined to lose." Bai Ye shook his head.

" you dare to teach me?" Jun Jiang Sui was anxious, and immediately furious, he wanted to shoot Bai Ye to kill him!

Bang bang bang...

At this time, there were several violent loud noises outside.

Everyone looked out the door together.

But he smelled the violent and strong blood coming from far away from the door...

Obviously, the battle has started!

"You have time to spend with me here. Why don't you figure out how to deal with the immediate crisis." Bai Ye shook his head.

"Ye Bai, you wait for me! Sooner or later I will find you to settle the account!"

Jiang Suijun cursed angrily, and didn't bother to pay attention to this little Jin Dynasty, flicked his sleeves, and led people out of the chamber.

The assembled drums have sounded.

The whole rebel camp was boiling.

The souls of the dawn border gathered one after another and drove towards the front


Xixuan Mingzhou is the last territory of the Liming Borderland. If even here is lost, then they can only go to extinction.

For the final homeland, all the souls of the Dawn Borderland are going to succeed, attacking and killing the Dark Dynasty people.

No one flinched, no one was afraid to die.

The war is on the verge of breaking out, and it is particularly tragic.

Bai Ye moved forward in the direction of the crowd's impact, but did not rush into the battle, but waited quietly.

Now that even the camp is broken, those who want to come to the top should be unable to sit still, right?

Maybe it won’t be long before you can get in touch with those great abilities...

Standing on the top of a building, he looked around, and the black crowd came here like a tide.

The rebellious forces in the Dawn Frontier did not have the slightest fear, and they all rushed forward like crazy.

The two forces collided with each other, splashing countless blood.

The war will always be tragic.

Fighting will always have one party die.

Bai Ye had seen too many such scenes from the Nine Soul Continent to Li Shengzhou.

The strong rebels were dispatched.

The same goes for Liu Shun and Zi Hong.

Although each of them was wounded, it was impossible for them to sit still and die when it came to life and death.

In this juncture, anyone who can fight must stand up!

Everyone will go out, and they will not fear death.

If they lose even here, then they have nowhere to go.

The fierce knife light kept flashing.

The sky full of sword shadows mixed with stumps and broken arms.

The terrifying soul magic wants to break through the sky and tear the earth apart.

The entire battlefield is like a huge void meat grinder, tearing everything to pieces...

However, after fighting for a while, everyone could not help but give birth to despair.

"No, there are too many people in the dark dynasty. We just kill it like this. We can't kill it anyway. We're going to lose!" a soul person cried out.

"What should I do? How about... escape?"

I don't know who said such a sentence, and everyone around him trembled.


Yeah... a battle is impossible... but if you escape... where can you go?

All the faces of everyone present are helpless...

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