Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2557: betray?

Bai Ye's words seemed to be the declaration of death.

Jiang Suijun's eyes were desperate, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground heavily.

"Big...sir! No, the subordinates are loyal to the rebels. In order to save the Dawn Frontier, they are desperately fighting with the Dark Dynasty people, begging adults to spare the younger ones. As long as the adults are willing to spare the younger ones, the adults do. The little ones are willing to do whatever they want! I beg the adults to show favor!!"

Jun Jiang Sui kept begging for mercy.

However, the young man ignored him, grabbed Jiang Suijun, and dragged him towards Bai Ye.


But no matter how he called, it had no effect.

"Master Ye, if you want to kill this person, please do it, this person is at your disposal!" the young man said solemnly.

Hearing the sound, Bai Ye frowned.

Why are these people so happy suddenly?

Are they trying to win over themselves?

That's not right!

I was thinking about returning to the Lishen State, and didn't care about the dispute between the Dawn Borderland and the Dark Dynasty at all. Didn't they feel that it was unnecessary to win them over?

Is it too wasteful to kill a Jiang Suijun?

Moreover, with their level of power, they should be able to see that they are only in the Jin Dynasty, relying on only magic weapons, why should they flatter themselves so?

Bai Ye felt something was wrong, and people secretly became wary.

Of course, he didn't hesitate at all. When Jiang Suijun was thrown in front of him, he directly raised his hand to condense the virtual sword, and severely cut it at Jiang Suijun.

If the other party wants to kill himself, then kill it!

Why bother?

However, he just raised the sword...

"Go to hell!!"

Suddenly, Jiang Suijun, who was clinging to his body, was suddenly not afraid, and the whole person madly hugged Bai Ye, and covered all the soul power of his body on Bai Ye's body, actually intending to imprison him.

"not good!"

Bai Ye's face changed transiently, and her head suddenly looked up.

But watch a hand slap him viciously!

That is the hand of the boy!


Bai Ye was caught off guard, took a palm on the spot on the chest, flew out and fell to the ground.

, The palm strength from his body divided the earth on his body into five pieces, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth before he got up.

Such a shocking change shocked everyone in all directions! !

Zihong and the scholar were all dumbfounded.

"Hahahahaha... Silly boy, do you really think that the supreme might believe you as an outsider? We are just acting for you! Hahahahaha!" Jiang Suijun let out a arrogant laugh.

"You are too simple to believe in others so easily. How did you live until now?" The boy also squinted and looked at Bai Ye Road.

The others were also smiling, and seemed to have known that all this was just a young man's scheme.

Bai Ye clutched his chest and stood up. He stared at the young man, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said hoarsely: "I should have thought that it is impossible for me to gain your trust in such a short period of time, and it is impossible for you to kill in public. Jun Jiang Sui! Because you still don't think I can replace Jun Jiang Sui! are also looking at my magic weapon, right?"

"You are self-aware, but it's a pity that you understand all this now. It's too late. You are our enemy. Today, no matter what, we have to destroy you! Of course, if you know your interest and surrender to us, we are Can save your life!" The red-haired man stepped forward and said calmly.

Hearing the sound, Bai Ye sighed heavily, her eyes filled with helplessness.

"I actually came here for no other purpose. I just want to ask if there is a way for you to leave the Dawn Border and return to the Lishen State. However, you are aggressive and don't want to say it. You want to kill me... If so, then I can only kill you all!"

Bai Ye shook his head repeatedly.

As soon as the words fell, roars of laughter broke out again.


"Our supreme power has already arrived, how dare you say to kill us all?"

"I'm so ridiculous! I have never seen such a guy who knows the height of the sky!"

"Have you seen clearly what you are facing? Do you think that if you let Master Shiyan suffer a little bit, you can be all these powerful opponents?"

"If five adults join forces, you guys might not even have room to fight back!"

"It's ridiculous!"

Everyone laughed and laughed.

"My lord, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him quickly!"

Jun Jiang Sui said grimly.

"The dark dynasty will invade at any time, we can't delay too much time on this person, do it quickly, and grab him!" The red-haired man stepped forward and said blankly.

The words fell to the ground, and the four people around also stepped forward.

The five supreme powers are planning to shoot at the same time!

The souls from all directions shuddered and backed away.

If the supreme might make a move, then it will not be the turn of these inferior souls to join in the fun. Everyone will retreat as far as they can go. If they are affected by the power of the soul and lose their lives, it will be more than the gain!

"Master Ye!"

The purple-red complexion was ugly, and he screamed for the past, but was held back by the scholar.


The scholar said Shen.

"Brother scholar, Master Ye is innocent, he shouldn't be treated like this!" Zi Hong said with her eyes.

"We all know that he is innocent, but now it’s not the innocent and who deserves it, but the five mighties who want to kill him. We can’t do anything now! We must go! Otherwise, we will only lose our lives. This!" The scholar said Shen.

"But let's go...Where can we go?" a soul person next to him suddenly said.

As soon as these words fell, the scholar fell silent.

Yes, where else can everyone go?

Leaving the rebels?

That is obviously impossible. Walking out of here is the territory occupied by the Dark Dynasty. If they are caught by the Dark Dynasty people, they will definitely die.

But don't go... I'm afraid there will be more trouble.

At this moment, a sneer came.

"Heh, you beasts, do you still want to escape? You don't have to kneel and kowtow to me! Otherwise, I will take your skin off!"

As soon as the words fell, people shook and looked at the sound source.

The person who spoke was surprisingly Jun Sui!

He stepped forward with a sneer on his face, and when he came, there were many souls surrounded by him!

"Jian Suijun, what are you doing?" The scholar asked with an ugly face.

"Why do you want to ask?" Jiang Suijun sneered: "You are the sinners of my dawn border when you collude with spies and betray my rebels. Now I order you to kneel and surrender at a constant speed, otherwise, all will be killed! "

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