Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2568: I will kill you first!

This statement can be said to regard this war as the last battle in the Dawn Border.

After this battle... this is no longer the Dawn Border! It's a territory of the Dark Dynasty...

The so-called homeland will no longer exist!

Everyone's eyes were blood red, and everyone was in pain.

But now, they can only fight to the death!

"Everyone listens! All retreat to the entrance of the bridge!" Shiyan cried out with tears in his eyes.

When this word fell, the rebels on the battlefield were all dumbfounded.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Shiyan and the others in astonishment, everyone's expressions were dull, silly, and dumbfounded. .

"That's it... Give up?"

"Dawn Border... really hopeless?"

"Why is this... why..."

"It looks like we all have to die here today..."

Countless people are in despair and suffering.

Even the supreme and mighty chose to give up, and their spirits are already in low morale at this moment.

For a time, many people in the Rebel Army lost resistance and were all immersed in the sound of Shiyan.

The Dark Dynasty people slaughtered wildly, giving the rebels no room to breathe.

In a short while, the rebels were slaughtered frantically, and people continued to fall.

"Everyone cheer up!!"

At this time, a high-pitched shout came.

People all looked at the source of the sound, only to realize that a group of scholars had killed them.

One by one, they tried their best to rush forward.

However, even if it was them, they were not the opponents of those long sword souls. When they rushed here, the team had suffered heavy casualties long ago, and Liu Shun could hardly stand still.

"Scholar?" someone exclaimed.

But seeing the scholar’s ​​righteous words, he shouted: "Although I will wait for Dawn Frontier to be his opponent of the dark dynasty, we will never give in, and we will never admit defeat. Since we are going to die, then we should drag a few backs and die together. Fight with them! Even if we fight to the last pawn, we must fight! Even if we have nothing to fight back, we must fight! Let the people of the Dark Dynasty see our will! Let them see our courage, Let them pay the price for invading our frontier at dawn! Fight!!"

The scholar shouted, his voice let out his soul.

This sound spread directly throughout the battlefield.

Everyone was inspired!

"Yes, anyway, it's a death anyway, why should I make the dark dynasty feel better? Even if I die, I still have to bite these dogs. The mother's thing will come down!!"

"I fight with them!"

"Welcome to Huangquan Road, come with me!"



The roar spread, all the souls were mad, their eyes were red, and they were furious.

"End with them!"

I don't know which soul person roared, and directly ignited the heaven soul, and rushed towards the crowd of the dark dynasty.

boom! !

The soul of the soul exploded on the spot, and the terrifying aura of destruction tore to the surroundings, and instantly swallowed more than a dozen Dark Dynasty people, and died on the spot, and the surrounding Dark Dynasty people trembled and were affected by the impact. His flesh and blood were torn apart and he was seriously injured.

This scene appeared, like a start for the rebels.

People trembled and hurriedly followed suit.

It's a death anyway, why not be more heroic?

Everyone rushed out, all ignited the heavenly souls, and crashed into the crowd.






Countless explosions spread.

Just look at the tearing destruction that continues to wreak havoc.

The dark dynasty people were swallowed by the power of self-detonation one by one, and the terrifying self-detonation of the soul-man directly exploded the sky and the dark, and the flesh and blood flew across the board.

Such a scene greatly inspired all the volunteers.

Everyone fought like crazy.

Those who are still fighting continue to fight, those who lose their power and are seriously injured, will do their last bit of strength and die with the people of the Dark Dynasty...

In such a desperate way of fighting by the Rebels, the Dark Dynasty people suffered heavy losses, and the battlefield situation seems to have changed...


Upon seeing this, the scholar was overjoyed.

At this moment, an angry sound rang out.

"Jian Sui Jun! Where are you going?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scholar and others hurriedly looked there.

However, he saw that Jun Jiang Suijun led a group of people to retreat continuously, running towards a place not surrounded by the Dark Dynasty.

After hearing the voice, Jiang Suijun's body couldn't help but tremble, and the person frowned secretly, looked at the speaker, and said coldly: "Where is this lord going? Can you ask me? I order you to give it immediately. I rushed forward and quickly repelled the Dark Dynasty people! Quick!"

After hearing the sound, everyone gritted their teeth in anger.

"Jian Sui Jun, are you still showing up with us at this time? All the supreme powers rushed up and desperately, you are good! You actually hide behind? Are you planning to escape?"


Jiang Suijun immediately flushed, his whole body trembled with anger, and he shouted: "Why would this lord want to escape? This lord is just...just going to open the space tunnel at the bridge entrance and send the seeds of my dawn border Get out of here!"

"There will be someone else taking responsibility for this matter, you don't need to worry about Lord Jiang Suijun! The front line is tight now, Lord Jiang Suijun is here! Stabilize the military spirit!" said the scholar calmly.

"Scholar! You traitors of the rebel army, spies of the dark dynasty! It's your blessing that this lord hasn't put you on the spot to rectify the Fa, when is it your turn to be here? Come on!" Jun Jiang yelled loudly. : "Take me the scholar, Zi Hong, Liu Shun and other spies from the dark dynasty, and rectify the law on the spot!"

His voice is not small.

But... no one moved around.

"What are you guys doing in a daze? Take them for me!" Jiang Suijun said with wide eyes, sweeping towards the people around him, and said eagerly.

"My lord, it's this time. Do you still frame the scholars as traitors?" The person next to him seemed to be unable to stand Jiang Suijun's face anymore, and immediately gritted his teeth.

"You...what do you mean?" Jiang Suijun was anxious.

"If the scholar is a traitor! He has escaped long ago! How could he return to the battlefield? And his inspiring words just now prove that he is not a traitor! Jiang Suijun, are you really a fool? Can't tell the loyalty? "Another person said.

"Yes! The scholar is all about my Dawn Border. If it weren't for him, our rebel army would have been over long ago. How could we survive until now? But you framed them and wanted them to die! They could have escaped, even Surrender to the dark dynasty! But they did not, and they are now leading his people to the battlefield! Spilling my head and blood for my dawn border! This kind of person, you still have the face to frame him as a spy? Jiang Suijun, your conscience Eaten by a dog?"

"Yes! No one is blind here! What you did just now is obviously to escape!"

"Jian Sui Jun, you are too much!"

"Are you really thinking about Dawn Frontier?"

"I really want to talk about spies! It's not a scholar! It's you!"


The people around him yelled and shouted at Jiang Suijun. Everyone was filled with indignation.

For a while, Jun Jiang Sui became the target of the public, and countless voices scolded him and hated him.

Jiang Suijun's face was pale, his eyes were startled and angry, and he looked at everyone inconceivably.

" actually... dare to oppose me?" Jiang Suijun asked extremely angrily.

"Jian Sui Jun, it's this time, you still put on a high posture? Do you think you can live? Everyone will die here today, no one is noble than anyone else!" Liu Shun roared.


Jun Jiang Sui was completely irritated, and the man roared, he couldn't help it anymore, he jumped directly and rushed towards him.

"I will kill you first!"

The voice fell, and Jun Jiang raised his hand with a wave, fiercely killing Liu Shun!

Liu Shun's face changed transiently and immediately raised his hand to resist.

Seeing this, the scholar and Zi Hong and others immediately tried to block.

But when they came in fighting together, they were all injured, and they weren't Jiang Suijun's opponents. How could they stop him?

Liu Shun was directly slapped by Jiang Suijun and flew out, and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, making it difficult to get up.

"Jian Sui Jun, you are so cruel!"

"Asshole! Can't let him go!"

"Such a traitor, you should kill it soon!"


People from the surrounding rebels rushed up, wanting to take action on Jun Jiang Sui!

"Good! Good! Good! Since you all want to kill me! Then I will kill you and take your heads to surrender to the Dark Dynasty! You say it is a dead end, but it may not be necessary in my opinion! I want to live and kill everyone Immortal!"

Jiang Suijun's eyes were full of ferocious eyes, and he simply turned his mind and shot directly at these people.

Everyone was caught off guard, how could it be its opponent? One by one was beaten by surprise, with countless casualties.

"Jian Sui Jun!"

The scholars suddenly blushed, and without any scruples, they rushed up with a roar, fighting desperately.

The two sides are not fighting each other, you come and I go, and the battle is fierce.

But here is the battlefield. People from the Dark Dynasty are launching attacks anytime and anywhere. They don't care about the conflicts within the rebels, but anyone who is useless in the armor of the Dark Dynasty will be regarded as an enemy and slashed frantically.

Jiang Suijun was alone, just dodge, without any worries, while the scholar was very passive.

They had to separate a group of people to deal with the murdered Dark Dynasty people, while another part rushed to deal with Jiang Suijun.

However, after the division of the staff, there is no way to Jiang Suijun.

Bang bang bang...

Seeing that Lord Jiang Sui cast out thousands of palm shadows and went directly to the front cover, everyone was caught off guard and all were shaken out.

Zi Hong couldn't resist it either, and she stumbled on the ground, vomiting blood, and her face was pale.

"Scholar, you have been against me, I will kill you first today!" Jiang Suijun growled and slapped the scholar's head directly.

The scholar was about to raise his hand, only to realize that his arms were broken and he could not defend at all. He could only lie on the ground and stare at the banging palm.

However, just at this critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed from the side and stood in front of the scholar.

That is purple!

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