Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2900: All give way

Such a sight really stunned Qing Yu, and it also made Bai Ye's head foggy.

What is this for?

"What happened?"

Qing Yu hurriedly grabbed a person running inside and hurriedly asked.

"Who are you?" The man looked at Bai Ye and Qingyu strangely.

"I'm from the Qing family, and I have important matters to see the Prime Minister!" Qing Yu said hurriedly.

"Qing family? Huh, why are you here?"

"How is the prime minister?"

"What about the prime minister, it has nothing to do with you! Leave quickly! Otherwise, I will call the guard in the palace!" The man said coldly, ignoring the two of them and ran directly inside.

"This..." Qing Yu was speechless.

"There should be something happening inside, and the hands of these people are either natural treasures or various magic weapons for healing and healing. If I guess should be the prime minister's injury! "Bai Ye looked at the people around him carefully and said hoarsely.

"What? What happened to the Prime Minister?" Qingyu's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly whispered, "The Prime Minister can't have any problems! Who is the Prime Minister, he is strong, and his body is amazing. A little bit of his injury will be easily healed, even if it is too serious , My Condor Clan must also devote all resources to treat him, he... can something happen?"

For the Qing family, the importance of the prime minister is beyond words.

Zhongmu was appreciated by the people on the general's side, and there was a gap with the Qing family, who could only depend on the prime minister.

If the prime minister had any shortcomings, then the Qing family really had no hope.

"Don't worry, things may not be as bad as you think! Wait!" Bai Ye said sideways.

Qing Yu didn't say a word, but the whole person trembled fiercely.

At this moment, the guard who had entered before suddenly ran out.

His face is very ugly, and his expression is pale and tight.

"What happened inside?" Bai Ye asked immediately.

However, he saw that the guard swept his eyes and whispered: "Two adults, please go back! It is inconvenient for the prime minister to meet the two today!"

"What?" Bai Ye was quite surprised.

Qingyu's pretty face became more and more ugly.

She vaguely guessed one or two.

"What happened?" Bai Ye Shen asked.

"I said, it is inconvenient to disclose this matter, please go back!" The guard said Shen.

"How about we go back."

Qing Yu was very anxious, and turned her head towards Bai Ye Road.

However, the next second, Bai Ye suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched the guard's neck with one hand, and lifted it directly.


The guard immediately deformed his neck, and it was difficult for people to breathe, struggling in pain, and looking at Bai Ye with horror in his eyes.

"My are you going to do?" the guard said tremblingly.

"Listen, tell me what happened inside! Why can't we see the prime minister today? If you don't answer me honestly, today is your death date!"

"I said, I said...sir...I...I tell you everything truthfully!"

The guard shouted tremblingly.

Bai Ye released her hand.

The guard coughed and trembled and said: "My lord... Cheng is very seriously injured. The royal doctor in the palace said that the prime minister may not be able to survive today!!"


Qing Yu was shocked.

Bai Ye's breathing couldn't help but tighten.

He didn't expect that the prime minister's injury would be so serious...

"How is this possible??"

Qing Yu stared at the guard blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

"Now the prime minister is vomiting blood inside! The heavenly soul is broken and the breath is unstable, I am afraid that it will not last long! Here is already planning to inform the patriarch!" The guard shivered.

When Qing Yu heard this, his head bounced, completely blank.

Bai Ye also condensed his eyes.

He glanced at the chaotic scene and said hoarsely: "In this way, your Hermes will take me in to see the prime minister!"

"What?" The guard was stunned, staring at Bai Ye in amazement: "My lord, you...what are you going to do?"

"I want to see how the prime minister's injury is and see if there is a way to stabilize the prime minister's injury!" Bai Ye said.

"My lord, don't be joking. There are so many imperial doctors in there. If they can stabilize, then they can be stable. If they can't stabilize, then it's no use for you to go in. Maybe you will get into trouble, my lord ...Do you know what I mean?" The guard said carefully looking at Bai Ye.

The meaning in his words is very simple.

If there is any accident to the prime minister, it is something that shakes the entire Shenying clan.

At that time, everyone on the scene will have to be responsible.

Bai Yeben had nothing to do with this matter. If he left, no one would say anything to him even if the prime minister died.

But if Bai Ye not only does not leave, but also walks inside.

Once the prime minister has some shortcomings, he will never get out of the relationship.

When that happens, everyone will point their spears at him.

Bai Ye cannot bear this responsibility.

"Bai...Qinglong! What he said makes sense, we...can't get in..." Qing Yu also felt that the guards were making sense, so he hurriedly looked towards Bai Ye.

However, Bai Ye shook his head again and again, and said hoarsely: "Qing Yu, this is an opportunity, why don't you take it well?"

"Opportunity?" Qing Yu was startled.

"Don't say more, take me there quickly." Bai Yechao guards.

"My lord, you..."

"What? Do you want me to repeat?" Bai Ye's eyes cold.

The guard trembled, how dare to refute? Busily said: "Yes, yes... Your lord... follow me, follow me..."

After speaking, they led Bai Ye and Qing Yu to walk inside.

Qing Yu was especially nervous, and the whole person was still a little trembling.

She looked into the hall of the genius doctor.

However, there are a large number of imperial doctors at the entrance of the hall.

The halo released by all kinds of bizarre magic weapons kept coming out of the door.

Obviously, this group of imperial doctors are desperately trying to save the prime minister.

However, the effect is minimal.

The faces of everyone were full of horror.

They are very nervous.

They even if something happens to the prime minister, what will happen to their gang of doctors.

"Quickly, no matter what means, let me use it, as long as it can save the prime minister, any means will be used!!" a soul screamed.

Everyone kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

"No... these pills have no effect on the prime minister's injury."

"These magic weapons... can't stop the prime minister's injuries... even seem to... have a counterproductive effect!"

"The prime minister vomited blood again!"

"His breath is too weak."

"What should I do now!"

People panicked and frantic.

Bai Ye walked directly into the hall.

These people also did not notice the white night.

But after seeing Bai Ye walk to the bed a few times, he glanced at a person on the bed who was covered in blood and had no breath.

When this was said, people all looked at him.

"Who is this?"

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