Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2986: This is not your world!

When this melodious stop word resounded, all those who were moving forward stopped.

One by one is like a statue, motionless.

It seems to be frozen.

Bai Ye didn't dare to move, or even raised his head.

Because of an invisible pressure rising on his head, he dared not raise his eyes.

"Enter the palace! Worship God!"

At this time, the shouting started again.

However, everyone remained motionless.

Until the third sound.

"Enter the palace! Worship God!"

People walked into this huge and magnificent star palace one by one.

Stepping into the palace, Bai Ye actually gave birth to a strange feeling like a world away.

It seemed that what I stepped into was not a magnificent palace, but an unprecedented world.

In this world, he could not feel the slightest bit of killing, not the slightest desire, and there was no joy and sorrow, no love and hatred, no yearning for the great road, no pursuit of strength in his heart.

Here, if I became a saint...

No desire, no desire, no interest in anything.

I no longer care about the common people, and no longer care about everything.

Just standing here by yourself is enough.

He walked forward slowly, with nothing but piety in his heart, without any thoughts of revenge or killing.

However, after a few steps, his heart suddenly hurt, and he suddenly came to his senses.

After regaining consciousness, Bai Ye gasped.

"What is this? Is it a mental illusion? No! This is a force ten thousand times stronger than a mental illusion!"

In the white night, the scalp is numb, and the heart beats wildly.

Because he was worried that the other party would use mental illusions or some kind of magic to control his consciousness or soul, Bai Ye deliberately used Li Huang Jianhuo to place a restriction on his heart last night.

If he loses his mind, the power of this Li Huang swordfire will immediately burn Bai Ye's heart and force him to recover.

Fortunately, there is this prohibition, otherwise, climbing by oneself would not really become such a godless and devout believer.

Bai Ye's heart had lingering fears, but he dared not raise his head, and still followed everyone inward.

However, as he walked, Bai Ye's pupils expanded countlessly.

But from the far distance, a figure that almost covered the sky appeared.

The figure was full of white light, sitting cross-legged on the earth, with the sky above its head, the body was huge as a sacred mountain, and its eyes were like the sun, moon and stars.

Looking from a distance, it is as shocking as the ancient **** of creation, shocking and terrifying.

in his

There are hundreds of millions of stars beside him.

These stars are all over his body, covering the entire sky. Every little star exudes a soft light.

After Bai Ye approached, I was shocked to discover that in every soft light, there was actually a person sitting cross-legged!

These hundreds of millions of little stars... are all people!

And everyone... can't see through the white night!

There is no doubt that these are terrifying powers!

But... how can there be so much power?

Bai Ye felt that her breathing was about to freeze.

Such a huge number, such a terrifying strength...Is this Wutian?

In front of this power, Li Shengzhou is so small and outrageous!

What else to fight?


With such a strength, even Bai Ye is desperate in his heart, how can he have the slightest resistance?

I'm afraid that the characters in the stars, if you just pull up a statue, they are all super existences that can compete with the level of Dragon Emperor.

Is this Wutian?

Bai Ye's brain was a little confused.

Unconsciously, everyone has come to Wutian.

Bai Ye looked up.

The so-called Wutian does not have a fixed appearance.

His face is very empty, his limbs are huge, wider than a mountain range, his long hair is like a galaxy, and his clothing is actually made of clouds, which is really amazing.

Bai Ye stood in front of him, like an ant at the feet of a giant!

This is no exaggeration at all.

In the white night at this moment, the tiny is just an ant! Not only him, but also the leaders of the surrounding legions from various places.

When everyone stood still, they all bowed to Wutian.

"Knock to my lord!"

"No sky is eternal!"



The pious voice seemed to resound throughout the planet.

Bai Ye also bite the bullet in his salute.

"Get up."

A voice struck the soul and consciousness suddenly.

No words can describe this voice.

Only knowing that after the sound came out, Bai Ye felt that all over her body seemed to be seen by the other party, and could not hide any secrets.

"Thanks my lord!"

The shouting started again, and people all stood up, but no one dared to look up at the immutable super existence. They could only look down at their toes, not daring to move, let alone making a sound.

Bai Ye lifted her head as hard as she could, wanting to see Wutian again.

But at this moment, the huge Wutian no longer speaks.

"It seems to have been calm for so long that the rats ran in! Are you here to add some fun to me?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the whole world looked up at Wutian.

The scene is boiling.


"who is it?"

"What? Does anyone dare to attack my lord?"

"Really eat the bear heart and leopard gall!"

The indifferent but cold voice kept coming out.

This is the voice from those in the stars.

As for those who come to worship, no matter what happens, they dare not say a word.

But Bai Ye was frightened.

A mouse came in?

what for?

Could it be.... I exposed myself?

His eyes widened, his body trembled slightly, his soul was trembling, and his inner spirit had long since lost his fighting spirit, but the only perseverance in his will drove him to touch the dead dragon sword pinned to his waist.

But at this moment, a magnificent voice spread throughout the planet.

"Wu Tian! This world is not controlled by you! Ten thousand living beings should not be controlled by you either!!"

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

Bai Ye's scalp tingling even more!


Who on earth?

Dare to challenge Wutian here? ?

He looked around, but couldn't trace the source of the sound.

Until then.

Rumbling rumbling...

The sky suddenly shook.

Afterwards, an unparalleled supernatural power swayed from heaven and earth.

Bai Ye felt the supernatural power of space, and his heart tightened.

For some reason, he had a familiar feeling.

It seems that I have encountered this spatial force somewhere!

However, a large number of huge and dark space doors appeared in the sky, covering half of the sky. These space doors were large and small, with a distance of 10,000 meters, and the small one was enough to pass through.

Look at Bai Ye dumbfounded.

With so many doors of space released in an instant, how terrible can it be done?

At this time, a large number of figures appeared in the space gate, rushing out like a flood, standing here.

Bai Ye looked dumbfounded on the spot.

"This is... from the Dark Dynasty?"

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