Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3000: The universe in everyone

If this continues, death will happen sooner or later.

Bai Ye looked indifferently, but didn't have the slightest fear.

He quietly looked at the corroded parts, suddenly raised his hand, and patted the corroded parts of his legs and torso.


The sound of flesh being torn apart came out.

Bai Ye's legs were all broken, and all the flesh and blood of the slapped part was stripped.

But at the moment of breaking, his remaining body moved directly, getting rid of the energy that encroached on him.

After getting rid of it, Bai Ye once again urged the heavenly soul, quickly healed the wounds, and recovered the physical body.

Under the influence of the powerful Heavenly Soul, his physical recovery was almost instantaneous.

"Useless work!"

The leader of the Dark Dynasty shook his head.

But I saw the energy around him gushing towards the white night again.

Bai Ye whirls his sword aura frantically, intending to push back this energy, but he can do nothing.

In the end, his body was swallowed by energy a little bit.

You can't escape at this time, because all the space in this world is covered by energy.

Bai Ye has nowhere to go.

In the end, Bai Ye was overwhelmed by energy, and all the energy began to gather in the body of the leader of the Dark Dynasty. After a while, all of them disappeared.

The leader of the Dark Dynasty stood on a peak again, facing the sky, standing with his eyes closed.

Bai Ye is not dead!

Bai Ye felt it.

The dark dynasty leader also knows.

Although he was corroded by energy, he was actually in the body of the leader of the Dark Dynasty.

With an existence like Bai Ye's realm, it is too difficult for ordinary swords to kill him, and the only way to completely destroy Bai Ye at the moment is only one way.

"Swallow! Digest!"

Now, the leader of the Dark Dynasty has finished devouring, as long as he digests him, then all of this can be over.

But this is not a simple process.

The dark dynasty leader raised his hand, and his arm overflowed with a mysterious and surprising light.

This light presents colorful colors, rushing to the sky, as if linked with it.

And his feet also gave birth to a halo, connected to the earth.

Afterwards, the colorful rays of light assimilated all the sky and the earth.

The sky became colorful.

The earth also turned into crystals, mysterious and unique.

And his body is more like a god, releasing shining brilliance.

This brilliance surpasses the sun, across countless planes, towards the universe

Sprinkle to the deepest part.

Countless creatures looked up and worshipped.

In their minds, this is the true god.

Countless peerless super beings on the top of the world could not help shivering when they saw this brilliance.

Nothing can stop this brilliance.

It is like a sharp sword, piercing through countless obstacles and reaching the nine heavens all the way...

At this moment, the white night had slowly opened his eyes.

He stood up straight, did not feel any discomfort in his body, looked around, and found that his body did not have any scars, and the place that had been eaten by corrosion was already intact.

How is this going?

Where am I?

Bai Ye muttered incomprehensibly, and looked up.

Only then found out that there was a silent airspace full of stars all around.

In front of this airspace, there was a huge golden halo.

The halo is vast and boundless, and extremely huge.

Bai Ye looked up and found that it was hundreds of millions of kilometers away from him. I'm afraid its size is as large as tens of millions of Nine Soul Continents.

"This is where?"

"Am I... dead?"

Bai Ye was puzzled.


At this time, there was a violent explosion in the depths of the universe.

It is deafening and makes the soul tremble.

Bai Ye breathed tightly and looked hurriedly.

It was discovered that a very strange expansion area appeared at the edge of the universe at a very far distance.


At this time, there was a loud noise on the other side.

White night busy looking.

Another area of ​​expansion.

This expansion area is no smaller than the huge golden halo in front of him.

Then there is the front and the back.

The four directions, southeast, northwest, began to expand.

However, they are not swelling outward, but swelling in the direction of White Night.

Rather than expanding, it is better to say that the universe in which the white night is located is constantly compressing.

The space is shrinking a little bit.

Bai Ye didn't know how far this universe would shrink in the end.

Perhaps, even his shelter will no longer exist.

But he couldn't understand.

What the **** is this place! What is the interpretation of this shrinking universe?

Bai Ye took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought quietly

stand up.

There was no sound from this compressed area, and a whole year passed.


There was a loud noise again.

The four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest began to compress again.

Bai Ye decided not to wait any more, and jumped forward, rushing towards the compressed spot, wanting to see what happened.

But... this distance is too far!

Even relying on his speed of almost surpassing light at this moment, it would be extremely long to reach the edge of the universe.

He walked for a full 31,000 years. During these 31,000 years, the universe was constantly compressing, and the scope of the entire universe was constantly shrinking.

But Bai Ye knew that he hadn't even reached half the distance.

After another 60,000 years, the white night finally approached the edge of the universe.

But he knew that if there was no compression of this universe to close the distance, without a time span of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, he would never be able to touch the edge of this universe.

The white night stopped at the edge of the compressed universe.

At this moment, he was 700 million kilometers away from the compressed edge.

He really couldn't get close.

Otherwise, the violent force in the compressed area will tear him apart completely.

That is the most primitive and purest power in the world. This power can easily regenerate everything and destroy everything.

However, Bai Ye didn't care about this power at the moment.

He stared blankly at the edge of the expanding and compressed universe, and the whole person was stunned.

But there is a huge golden curtain on the edge of the universe.

It connects all visible areas up, down, left, and right, like a wall in the world, blocking everything in front of you.

And on this curtain, there are tens of thousands of languages ​​and texts covering trillions of fonts.

They are like swimming fish, constantly colliding on this curtain.

Bai Ye stood in front of this curtain and observed it for a full year, and finally recognized a terrible fact!

"It turns out that this is the thinking of the leader of the Dark Dynasty!"

"I'm in the mind of the leader of the Dark Dynasty!"

Bai Ye murmured, his pupils widened.

It turns out that there is a universe in everyone's body!

The dark dynasty leader forced Bai Ye into his thinking universe, and then through continuous compression and squeezing, Bai Ye was completely digested.

The leader of the Dark Dynasty intends to completely assimilate Bai Ye, depriving him of everything, including... his thoughts!

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