Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3028: place of death

Could it be that he will mine here for the rest of his life until he dies?

Bai Ye's heart was beating wildly, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his pupils.

He can endure pain, he can face fear.

But he couldn't accept that he was mining here aimlessly day after day.

"My lord, what is the purpose of such mining year after year?" Bai Ye couldn't help asking.

"Bastard, is this what you asked? Listen, from today onwards, you have to pay me three tons of original ore every day. If you don't pay enough, you will be demerited once. Once you demerit ten times , I will follow the rules, put you in the place of death, let you live forever and suffer a lot, understand?"

The voice inside the flagpole came out again.

The place of death?

what is that place

Bai Ye's eyes showed confusion.

But when he discovered these four words, many people present visibly trembled.

It seemed to be hearing something extremely scary.

"What do you use to dig?" Bai Ye asked.

"Find out your own way."

"Okay, those **** who didn't complete the task today, go digging, those who haven't handed in before Zishi will be demerited!"

"get out!"

After the voice in the banner said this, it completely disappeared.

Bai Ye opened his mouth, but all the people in front of him left.

All walk numbly in their respective directions.

Bai Ye frowned, but still followed these people.

He didn't understand what the point of doing this was.

It is even more impossible to understand what is the place here, what are these people and the flag.

Everything seems so strange and confused!

So much so that Bai Ye couldn't tell whether this was reality or a dream.

"If you want to live, just do it! Don't think too much about other things, let alone try to leave here, you know?"

Just then, an emotionless female voice came.

Bai Ye looked back.

But he saw a somewhat unkempt woman in a sword suit walking not far from him.

The facial features of the woman are very delicate, and the black eyebrows are far away from the mountains, so beautiful and refined, it can be called stunning.

In fact, people who can come here, regardless of gender, have good appearance, and they will become numb after seeing too much.

However, the temperament of the woman is still quite unique, and there is a feeling that I feel pity.

"Who is the girl?" Bai Ye asked.

But the woman stopped talking, as if she didn't hear Bai Ye's voice.

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and said: "Next to Bai Ye, can you explain to me what's going on here?"

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But the woman still didn't speak, and walked forward for a few miles on the mountain road, then stopped, stretched out her hands, and dug towards the hard mountain.

"Dig the mountain with bare hands?"

Bai Ye was stunned.

This mountain is extraordinary!

The whole mountain is harder than crystal, and its material is so special, let alone bare hands, even a magical weapon cannot easily split it.

But the woman ignored it and tried her best to dig into the ground.

Fingers dug the cold ground and threw a little bit of stone chips, but the person refused to stop.

Not long after this, the woman's ten fingers were dripping with blood, which was horrible.

But the woman didn't seem to feel the pain and continued digging.

Bai Ye watched silently, without saying a word.

"If you don't dig anymore, it will be too late. Three tons per day is a lot. If you dig with bare hands, the time is very tight. Once you have recorded more than ten times, then what awaits you will be an endless nightmare!"

The woman spoke again, speaking hoarsely.

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