Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3053: escape

Qi He chased and killed him for a full hour before stopping.

It's not that he doesn't want to chase anymore, it's that these people's escape directions are different, and their positions can be caught by smell before, but after such a long time, their smells have disappeared, and think about it again. Tracking is already very difficult.

"Looks like we have to report this to the superiors, and we need to arrest these bastards!"

"Hmph, a group of stubborn ants who don't know their fate, you think you can ascend to heaven after escaping from the mine? You really don't know what it means!"

"Here, one must obey fate! Anyone who dares to challenge the majesty of fate will be doomed forever, and will never be reborn!"

Qi He murmured ferociously, then turned around abruptly, intending to return to his territory first.

However, just after he took action??????????????? Not long after, a strange message was captured by his thinking.

Qi He trembled all over, his face changed greatly.

"not good!"

He suddenly pushed his speed to the limit, and sprinted towards the territory like crazy.

But with the effort of half a stick of incense, he has already arrived in the domain.

However, the entire mine territory is deserted.

All the dozens of miners under his command disappeared without a trace.

Not only that, but the flagpole erected in the center of the mine was also broken.

Another section of the flagpole was missing.

"how so?"

"Bastard! Where have you all gone? Come back! Get back!"

Qi He roared angrily, looking around, trying to catch the remaining breath in the air.

But at this moment, a shocking scene came into his sight.

Qi He couldn't believe his eyes, and hurriedly rushed up.

I saw a figure covered in blood lying under a big rock not far away.

It was none other than Hou Yu!

At this moment, Hou Yu had already died, his power of spirit and soul had been taken away, and his whole body was covered in blood, making him hideous and terrifying.

Qi He's eyes widened, and he froze in place as if struck by lightning, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Hou Yu is a mighty flagpole!

However, today, he was killed here, and was killed by a group of ants who just came up from the Nine Heavens!

Looking at the entire Nine Heavens, nothing like this has ever happened.

Qi He could not help but tremble all over. He finally realized that things had gone far beyond his control.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately carried Hou Yu's body on his shoulders, and fled towards the distance.

"We must report to the adults immediately!"

"Something happened! Something happened!"


A mountain stream.


Bai Ye fell heavily on the ground, panting heavily.

This time, he didn't have any strength to run.

"They shouldn't be able to find us, Bai Ye, let's rest here for a while!"

The Nine Girls glanced at the road when they came, and exhaled.

"We must recover as soon as possible, and absorb the power of the soul that we have taken away. Otherwise, we will not even have a chance to fight back."

???????????????? Bai Ye said hoarsely.

After taking a nap for a while, he sat up cross-legged with his body propped up, adjusting his breath and meditating.

Nine Girls nodded, put down the two flagpoles they had seized, then went inside, took out some pills from inside, and handed them to Bai Ye.

"Eat quickly, you should be able to recover faster after eating these."


Bai Ye swallowed the pill into his stomach.

The moment the elixir entered his stomach, he felt a scalding heat in the divine soul composed of heavenly souls in his body, and then surging and astonishing energy surged out, and his divine soul power inexplicably got a huge increase.

"Good Dan

! "

Bai Ye opened his eyes and let out a cry of surprise.

"These two flagpoles have accumulated hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of soul energy products of Hou Yu and Qi He. If they can absorb them all, people like Hou Yu and Qi He will not be a concern at all."

Nine girls said with a smile.

"One by one, we absorb them."

Bai Ye said.


The Nine Girls were not polite, but after thinking about it for a while, they still opened their mouths and said: "But we need to find a hiding place right now, which can support us to absorb the power of the soul!"

"Hiding place? Can't it work here?"

"Of course not!"

Jiu Nu shook her head: "You killed Hou Yu, once Qi He finds out after he comes back, he will definitely report to the higher authorities, this kind of thing is unusual, it will definitely cause an uproar, and there will be countless people who will come to arrest us If we can't find a perfect hiding place, we won't have time to absorb this power!" "And... the power of the soul in this flagpole is too huge. With your and my cultivation, we will have to kill them!" It will take at least a hundred thousand years to absorb all of them!"

"One hundred thousand years?"

Bai Ye was taken aback.

"Otherwise? If they can be absorbed so quickly, how can Hou Yu and Qi He accumulate so much? It is because of the difficulty of absorbing that they have accumulated so much!"

"What is the technique of absorption?"

"There are no fixed skills, the best skills are comprehension and patience!"

"Savvy is easy to talk about, but what does patience mean?"

"Absorbing the power of the soul will cause intense pain in the soul. No one can bear the tearing feeling from the soul. Even if it is as strong as Hou Yu and Qi He, the amount absorbed at one time will not dare to be too large. If your If the endurance is strong enough, the absorption time can be greatly shortened, ????????????? But I think it is better not to force yourself too much. Once it is too much, it will have a certain impact on the spirit and soul. hurt."

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Jiunu shook her head and said.

"I see..."

Bai Ye nodded.

"Bai Ye, this area is not a mine area, and it is not covered by the power of those flagpoles. I think the wanted team above will focus on searching here later, we must leave immediately!"

The Nine Girls said solemnly.

"Do you have any good places to go?"

Bai Ye asked.

Jiunu thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "Actually, I am not very familiar with Jiutianshang. Although I have been here for thousands of years, I am the same as you. As soon as I arrived at Jiutianshang, I was assigned to the mine. , My understanding of Nine Heavens comes only from their word of mouth.”


"I heard that there is a city in the southwest, how about... let's go there first?"


"It is said that it is a place where some nine-day monks gather. These nine-day monks are not under the jurisdiction of any party and can practice freely above the nine days."

"If we take these two things with us, do you think they will **** them?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.


The nine girls were dumb.

But seeing Bai Ye pondering for a while, he suddenly asked: "Whose territory is next to the mine where Qihe is?"

Jiu Nu was stunned: "Bai Ye, why are you asking this?"

"Have you ever heard the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest!"

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