Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3216: condemn

Chapter 3216

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing the stares of these Wushuang guards, the black spider couldn't help being furious, and immediately yelled.

All the unparalleled guards lowered their heads one after another.

The black spider snorted coldly, and said with a blank expression: "You don't have to worry about the matter of the Supreme Being. According to the information I got, the Supreme Being did participate in the incident of killing the people in Shenting. I think he should not return. coming!"

"It was you who used your father's relationship to frame Wushuang Supreme?"

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly interrupted Xuan Spider's words.

"Put your mother's **** on! Bai Ye, if you dare to spit out blood again, I will kill you right now!"

The black spider was furious, and immediately released all the momentum, suppressing it towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye retreated again and again, seemingly unable to bear the power of the black spider.

But he didn't panic at all, and said directly: "Xuan Zhu, no one knows better than the people in the Wushuang Temple whether the Supreme Lord Wushuang is innocent. The man of Shenting, he never gave anyone an order to kill Lord Shenting, but you say that he did participate in this incident, which proves that you are determined to wrong him!"

"Presumptuous! presumptuous!"

The black spider was furious, and immediately jumped up, wanting to kill Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye couldn't stop backing away, while shouting loudly.

"Are you still indifferent? Could it be that after he killed me, he slowly tortured and killed you all before you regretted it?"

As soon as these words came out, the Wushuang guards on the left and right trembled. Seeing the black spider rushing towards Bai Ye, everyone couldn't bear it any longer. Blocked the rushing black spider.

The black spider was startled, stopped immediately, and stared at these unparalleled guards with wide eyes.

"You... are you going to rebel? Let me spread out!"

"Master Xuanzhu, please calm down, please let Lord Bai Ye finish speaking!"

A unparalleled guard said coldly.

"What do you mean?"

The black spider asked angrily.

"We just want to know whether Lord Wushuang Supreme will come back!"

The Wushuangwei drank coldly.

As soon as this voice came out, sweat immediately overflowed from the face of the black spider.

He is the acting hall master of Shenting Airborne, relying on the backing of Shenting, domineering and killing wantonly in Wushuang Temple.

But in the entire Wushuang Temple, he is the only one from Shenting.

If he really wanted to do something, I'm afraid no one would help him.

"This person is here to confuse the crowd, bewitching and inciting you, if you believe him, you will be forever lost!"

The black spider shouted coldly.

"Then, Lord Xuanzhu, please answer us, why was Lord Wushuang Supreme convicted, and what evidence led to his conviction?"

The man asked again.

This time the black spider stopped talking.

What evidence? Just kidding, do Shenting people need evidence to convict?

But he certainly dare not say so.

Because at this moment, people's hearts have been incited by Bai Ye.

What he said now is superfluous.

"Don't be impatient, just wait for the result of the court's handling. I believe that the court will give you all justice, and give justice to the Supreme Supreme! As long as you don't be bewitched by this person and take him down obediently, then There is still room for redemption!"

The mysterious spider said in a deep voice.

"But you said just now that Supreme Lord Wushuang has been confirmed to be involved in the killing of Lord Shenting, so how can he come back?"

The Wushuangwei questioned again.

"This... I... I'm actually just hearsay, this matter has not been confirmed yet!"

"Then who did you listen to?"

The other party got to the bottom of it.

The black spider was speechless on the spot.

"Hearsay? I'm afraid it isn't? Xuanzhu, you have killed so many Wushuangwei here to satisfy your perverted bloodthirsty desire. Naturally, you can't tolerate Wushuang Supreme. Otherwise, once he returns, he will definitely fight you desperately. You are just an acting Hall Master, but you have turned the Wushuang Temple into a mess, it is a heinous crime!"

Bai Ye shook his head and smiled coldly: "As for the room for redemption you mentioned, I think it is impossible, everyone, if this person can involuntarily accuse others of killing others, do you still expect them to be tolerant to you? I After this incident, he will definitely find a reason to torture and kill you one by one. Look at the corpse hanging on the door. Although I don’t know what mistake he made and died, I believe in him. Sin doesn't deserve death!"

"Master Bai, he was forced to death by the black spider just because he overturned a dead body!"

Yiwushuangwei gritted his teeth and roared coldly: "He didn't deserve to die at all, he didn't deserve to die, but in order to satisfy his perverted bloodthirsty desire, the mysterious spider forcibly cut him into pieces..."

Obviously, this Wushuangwei knew the corpse hanging on the door.

"How can such a beast be the acting master of this Peerless Temple? Ladies and gentlemen, have you seen the wine and meat at the banquet today? It is clearly human flesh and blood. Xuanzhu asked his cook to use human flesh and blood to make wine and meat for us. What kind of outrage is this? How can you remain indifferent? I think that such a beast cannot be kept, why not kill him! To avenge the dead brothers?"

Bai Ye shouted loudly.

The voice fell to the ground, and the scene was suddenly silent.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Bai Ye in horror.

Even Bai Yan couldn't calm down at last, she stood up abruptly from the chair, stepped forward a few steps, and hesitated to speak to Bai Ye.

Obviously, Bai Ye's words have completely shattered their concepts, making it difficult for them to understand.

Kill the mysterious spider?

This is rebellion!

This person... actually wants to rebel?

Those Yu Zun couldn't stand it any longer, they stood up and drew their swords in unison.

"Bai Ye, you are so bold, you dare to murder the Lord Palace Master? You are so damned!"

"That's right, don't worry, my lord, with me waiting, I will never let this son hurt you at all!"

"My lord, please be safe and don't be impatient, we will destroy this traitor for you!"

Everyone shouted and glared at Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye sneered again and again: "None of you are from the Wushuang Temple, do you think you can stay out of the matter? It's ridiculous, let me tell you, this person is bloodthirsty, and the Wushuang Temple is definitely not enough to kill him. Once he kills the people from the Wushuang Temple The killing is almost done, and it will be your turn next, so don't try to stay out of it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed instantly, and they were all silent.

That's right, they have heard about the temper of the black spider, and it must be like this based on his urination.

"You don't have to worry, I, Mysterious Spider, have changed my past a long time ago. I guarantee that you will be fine, and you have made great contributions to eradicating the traitors. I will also apply for awards for you from the Divine Court! Each of you is a hero!"

The mysterious spider hastened to win people's hearts.

However, this doesn't seem to be working well...

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