Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3276: Never give up

Chapter 3276 Never give up

Bai Yan instantly understood Bai Ye's intention, and finally knew Bai Ye's plan.

She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped in the end.

Liu Yang didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately led people out of the Wushuang Temple and headed towards the divine court.

After running like this for a long time, he finally arrived at the court of God.

At this moment, Shenting is still in a highly tense atmosphere.

After all, the story of Hui Yuanshan had spread.

Shenting has been silent for so many years, why did such a bad thing happen?

Although Xuan San was arrested, Xuan San refused to plead guilty, and kept emphasizing that Bai Ye was responsible.

But the gods didn't believe it at all.

Judging from all signs, this has nothing to do with Bai Ye.

What's more, who is Bai Ye?

How could a mere member of the Peerless Temple have the guts to get involved in the court of God?

Xuan San is having a hard time right now.


When Liu Yang arrived at Shenting, the guard at the gate stopped him immediately.

Liu Yang trembled violently.

"What are you doing?"

With a shout, a long sword rested on Liu Yang's neck.

Liu Yang finally came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "My lords, something serious has happened, my subordinate is a member of the Wushuang Temple, something very serious has happened, I want to see Lord Shenhou, please hurry up I'm going to meet Lord Shenhou!"

Liu Yang yelled tremblingly, his expression didn't seem to be faking.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, especially astonished.

"Go and report to Lord Shenhou, you guys, follow me to take him to the main hall."


Soon, Liu Yang was brought to the main hall.

After a while, Shenhou came to the main hall accompanied by a group of master court masters.

"What the **** are you doing at the Peerless Temple?"

Shenhou was a little annoyed, walked into the main hall angrily, glanced at Liu Yang and shouted.

But I saw Liu Yang kneeling on the ground, kowtowing and crying, "Sir, Lord Shenhou, the people from the Lingting Court suddenly descended on Longzhao Mountain, and attacked Longzhao Mountain without explanation, taking away all the energy soil of Longzhao Mountain When Palace Master Bai learned about this, he immediately sent someone to intercept him, but he was severely injured by the people from the Lingting Court, and he almost died!"

When the voice came out, everyone was shocked.

"What? Spirit Court?"

"Plundered the energy soil?"

The masters present were stunned, their eyes widened.

Shenhou was also stupid, he never thought that things would turn out like this...

"How did this happen? Why did the people from the Lingting Court appear in Dragon Claw Mountain? And they dare to attack the energy soil? Don't they know what the energy soil means?"

Shenhou took three steps and two steps, rushed to Liu Yang, grabbed his collar and growled.

Liu Yang was trembling, wanting to cry but no tears.

"Master Shenhou, I don't know..."

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"My subordinates are telling the truth, how dare you lie to Lord Shenhou? Now our Palace Master Bai is seriously injured and dying, please ask God to give medicine to save our Lord Bai..."

Liu Yang wept bitterly.


Shenhou pushed Liu Yang away, furious, thought for a moment, and shouted loudly: "Come on!"

"The subordinates are here!"

All the masters clasped their fists together and shouted.

"Organize people immediately, follow me to the Temple of Peerless, hurry up!"


As the shouts fell, a large number of powerful people in the main court rushed out of the divine court, and under the leadership of Shenhou, they headed towards the Wushuang Temple.

In less than half a day, the Marquis of the Gods arrived at the Wushuang Temple.

A terrifying and powerful aura instantly enveloped the entire temple.

The Wushuang guards in the temple all knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

Shenhou looked around, but saw that the temple was in dilapidated condition, and the people were scattered, looking down and out.

Not only that, but there are also a lot of corpses and blood scattered around the scene, which looks very miserable.

"These... are all made by people from the Lingting Court?"

Shenhou said coldly.

"Master Bai tried his best to snipe at the people of the Lingting Court, but the people of the Lingting Court are too powerful. Our Wushuang guards of the Wushuang Temple fought to the death, but they were still able to stop them, so there were heavy casualties..."

Liu Yang wiped his tears and said.

"Wu Shuang Temple has already experienced setbacks, and it is really difficult to encounter this again..."

"I'm afraid that the people in the temple haven't had a good day during this time."


Sighs came and went.

Shenhou said nothing, and fell straight to the ground.

When they walked towards the main hall, the main hall was already full of people from the temple.

But there was a woman in white kneeling outside the main hall.

Shenhou glanced at the woman in white, frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Sir, Lord Shenhou, Bai Yan, my subordinate, is the Emperor of Dragon Claw Mountain."

Bai Yan lowered her head and said hoarsely.

"White smoke?"

Shenhou seemed to realize something, and snorted coldly, "Are you from the Bai family in Qianshan City?"

"Yes, God."

Bai Yan knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Bai Yan begs for sins, the energy soil of Dragon Claw Mountain was looted, it is Bai Yan's dereliction of duty, and I ask God to give me death!"

"As Yuzun, you failed to protect the energy soil, which is naturally your negligence. However, this Marquis is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. If the spirit court takes action, it is impossible for you to protect it."

Shenhou snorted coldly: "Just kneel here, your punishment will be discussed later."

After the words fell, Shenhou stepped into the main hall.

When the people in the main hall saw the people from the divine court coming, they all backed away and knelt on the ground.

"Greetings to God!"

The shouts were like waves.

Shenhou didn't say anything, but only set his eyes on the bench above the main hall.

There lay a man covered in blood.

It was Bai Ye.

He closed his eyes, breathed hard from his mouth, and looked like he was dying, so miserable.

"Master Shenhou, save our palace master!"

"Hallmaster's injury can't heal at all, he's about to die!"

"Hallmaster's blood is about to be shed!"

Several people in the temple were extremely miserable, kowtowing frantically and begging.

Shenhou walked over with a gloomy expression, stood by the bench and looked at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye opened his eyes with difficulty this time, as if he wanted to move, but was stopped by Shenhou.

"Please...Please forgive me...Bai Ye...can't get up and salute..."

"You are already like this, don't worry about those etiquette!"

Shenhou said in a deep voice, then winked at the person next to him.

The others immediately stepped forward, urging the power of the soul to cover Bai Ye's whole body.

After a little inspection, the man's face changed drastically.

"Sir, Lord Shenhou, what Bai Ye suffered was a sword wound!"

"Sword wound?"

"Yes, and it's not an ordinary sword wound. If my subordinates estimate it well, this is the sword wound caused by the Lingyang Divine Sword!"

"Lingyang Divine Sword?"

All Shenting people's faces changed.

"Can't go wrong..."

Shenhou said hoarsely: "I also felt a familiar energy in the wound on Bai Ye's body, it really is the Lingyang Divine Sword!"

"That must be what Lingting did!"

"Lingting really deserves to die!"

"He actually reached out to us!"

"This matter must not be let go!"

"Yes, never give up!"

The masters of the gods were extremely furious and roared one after another.

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